Vigorous Steve YouTube ?

Does anyone know why?
It's back on now.

Probably he said something that wa against there rules.
It's informative to listen to what he has to say but in all honesty he's not a doctor, he is also paid for.
Another channel which caters to the new gen is Dr. James (atleaat he's a doctor) he lives a lavish lifestyle charges 500 hour for cycle planning and other information.

Just my 2 cents
He answered when he was back
He has no idea why, nobody said anything to him at all or gave him feedback but he suspects it was after his "wada approved" drug stack.

so thank freaking god!! He's got a good new anabolic roundtable up talking about best peptides. This man is our jesus H christ of the anabolics world.
He’s pushing the culture to be more accepting, society needs more honest educated people like him