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When suspending sarms, a common theme I have seen is using DMSO at 1% of the total mixture. Mainly due to the fact that it’s highly soluble (even allowing the ability to create highly concentrated formulas). But this raises a few questions in mind.


1. How important is the use of DMSO in suspensions due to it’s capabilities of breaching the BBB, and does this cause your chems to become more bio-available?

2. How much of a concern is cytotoxicity with the use of DMSO being administered orally?

Cytotoxicity is the quality of being toxic to cells. Examples of toxic agents are an immune cell or some types of venom, e.g. from the puff adder (Bitis arietans) or brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa).”


Most individuals have cited that as long as you stay under %1 DMSO there should be minimal to no cytotoxic elements. But once you reach 1% or greater, cell behavior has been reported.



“Our study highlights the capability of DMSO to induce changes in cellular processes in both cardiac and hepatic cells, but more severely, induce alterations in miRNA and epigenetic landscape in the 3D maturing cardiac model. The changes in cellular processes can have consequences for conclusions drawn from cell assays and therefore also in any application of these findings (e.g. false negative drug toxicity conclusions). Furthermore, the extreme changes in miRNA and alterations in the epigenetic landscape may pose a threat, especially for assisted reproductive technology. Genome-wide hypermethylation induced by global deregulation of methylation mechanisms, especially when it affects genes important in development, may have negative consequences directly, later in life or possibly in later generations.

Overall, use of DMSO should be avoided where possible. However, for the time being, DMSO is indispensable within biotechnological applications. In these cases, the effects that DMSO may have should be considered and the concentration should be kept as low as possible, because even at low concentrations DMSO is not inert.”


Smooth-brain in need of big wrinkle-brain knowledge over here.

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