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Blast and Cruise ( for those that don’t know )


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When you blast and cruise, you do not come off steroids. 

That’s right, people who blast and cruise run steroids year-round. When you cruise, you run a moderate dosage of testosterone as a base to put you in the high-end range of testosterone levels.

Most people take roughly 100-200mg of Testosterone Enanthate a week during a cruise. If somebody uses anything other than Testosterone during a cruise, it is often not really considered a cruise

A blast is when you run multiple compounds at the same time to put on a lot of size. Most people will only do 1 or 2 blasts per year in order to minimize risk. A Blast usually puts your body under a lot of stress because you are running multiple anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) for several months.

Once the blast is finished, the user returns back to cruising dose until they are ready for their next blast. This way, they can let their liver enzymes, lipids, and other functions return back to normal. The testosterone dosage during the cruise helps them maintain the muscle mass they gained during the blast

The reason why some users decide to blast and cruise is mainly to avoid the hormonal rollercoaster of the post cycle therapy (PCT). A normal cycle of let’s say 16 weeks is often followed by a PCT with something such as Clomid or Nolvadex.

These drugs are used to help restore the bodies natural testosterone production but they can cause quite the negative effect

For some people it’s just not worth it, they do not want to go through the struggle of recovering and bouncing back – both mentally and physically.

When blasting and cruising, natural testosterone production is no longer an issue because you are using 100-200mg of Testosterone every week. This basically replaces your natural hormones


Of course, there’s multiple compounds and dosages to run but we will give you a good idea of a blast and cruise cycle.  A simple blast and cruise cycle would look something like this:

Weeks 1-8 – Testosterone Enanthate 150mg/week

These 8 weeks would be considered as your ‘’cruise’’. Followed by:

Weeks 1-14 – Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/week
Weeks 1-14 Deca Durabolin 400mg/week
Weeks 1-4 –  Dianabol 50mg/day 

Some people might switch the Dianabol up for something like Superdrol. Its all about your personal preference. After these 10 weeks are done, you switch back to the 8 Weeks of Testosterone at 150mgs a week.

You’ll also find bodybuilders that add Trenbolone and Winstrol into their blast. It all comes down to your personal goals.

Some users might even use SARMs during their cruise, mainly because they aren’t as suppressive as steroids. Most popular SARMs that are used during a cruise are Cardarine and Ostarine. Once these 8 weeks of cruising have passed you can start a new blast (if you want to, obviously).

Personally, I would make sure to get blood taken every now and then to check lipids and other organ functions. Also, keep in mind that this is a commitment, you will have to inject every weekto maintain high-end hormone levels.


Once you want to come off your blast and cruise cycle, it can be very difficult to recover. It will also depend on how long you have been blasting and cruising. The longer you do so, the harder it will be to fully recover. On various forums, you will find multiple strong protocols to help recover from blasting and cruising.

However, there have been instances where users did not fully recover from blasting and cruising. Please keep this in mind when considering the blast and cruise protocol.

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