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AAS and Mental Health


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Here is a topic that although effects all of us, we hardly, if ever discuss. 

It is something to be well aware of prior to going down the rabbit hole of gear use. 

Most women I have come across to have serious mental health issues only made it worse when taking higher doses of certain AAS. Sadly, because there is not much information out there for women and steroid use that improper dosing generally ends up happening, and that is where problems will start to arise. Mind you, everybody is chemically different so just because Suzy was okay to take 20mg Anavar doesnt mean Polly will react the same. And trying to put boundaries onto what makes a proper dosage is kind of silly when you think about it. We can have general bench marks, but dosing for YOU and how you react is the utmost importance.

So what does this have to do with mental health? Get to the point right?

Some women it will greatly depend on, and things to consider would be;
 1. What their mental health concern is (bipolar, anxiety, depression, etc)
2. What type of AAS is she using and why?
3. What are her goals? Long term goals
4. What is her mental health past
5. Have you taken any birth control or forms of hormones since puberty onwards?
6. Have you had any recent bad episodes/changes to behaviour

I have always used the analogy for women (and for men, really) let's say "if you were an asshole before starting gear, guess what? You are going to be a huge asshole on", it doesn't so much change your personality but it CAN make your personality come out greater. So if you already have depression? Well, depending on what you are taking, and how much,... it can make your depression worse. CAN. And that is all based on a person to person trial. Only you will know if your behaviour is changing (or those around you), if your reaction or behaviours are getting worse and worse you need to consider what and how much you are taking.

Anadrol ladies? Just don't. Not a great idea. The stronger the steroid and male hormone can really do some crazy bad side effects for women. And this is coming from an experienced user. The best method if you are suffering from mental health issues is to constantly evaluate your mental well being. Use the taper on method for any steroid, using the smallest amount possible for the desired result. When it comes to dosing, please feel free to look around the forum we have each AAS for women specifically with women talking about their cycles and what works for them. The best is t always start low, monitor your mental health and be aware! 

Please feel free to share your experiences, thoughts, questions. We are all here to HELP one another! 


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