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Have an injury? Look here first!


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Hello all,

I am your board Physical Therapist, and i've contributed over the many years to helping with best advice and principles given for injury prevention, rehabilitation, facilitation, and referrals onwards to anyone who is in need of help or direction.  Should you have an injury (as most of us do at some point) or a question about a potential injury, I kindly ask you that you create a new topic with some information in mind, stated below, that would help me help you as best as I can!

1) Nature of injury

  • How did it happen? Was there a mechanism of injury or was it progressive onset?  How long has this been going on for?

2) Describe your symptoms

  • Constant? Comes and goes? Sharp/dull/ache/burning?  Does it refer down your arms/legs?  

3) Past history?

  • Any relevant history of previous injury to that area? Familial history?

4) What makes it worse? What makes it better?

  • Moving arm up over head? twisting?  Washing your hair?  Or how about adding ice and heat/hot tub makes it better? 

5) Scans already done/in progress?

  • Have you had an xray/ultrasound/MRI already done?  How long ago?  Do you have a copy of the report you could upload a pic so it can be read and understood and properly educated on?

6) Goals?

  • Back to same lifting? Specific sport or hobby? Maybe you want to play guitar again and can't or play with your kids?

7) Medications?

  • Current medications taking for this, or general health (heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc).  Knowing your cycle, if on, helps as well and for how long.


Armed with this general  information, it's much "easier" to help formulate a physical suggestive diagnosis and help guide you towards recovery.  Kepe in mind, this does not replace visiting your local Physical Therapist and/or Medical Doctor, and if you need proper help with potential medication or other more extensive work done in a clinic you should ALWAYS do that.  With that, let's all be happy and healthy and injury free!

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On 8/23/2018 at 9:50 PM, Bcmass said:

What can I do for Q.L muscle that will not release? God does that ever make moving brutal

Hey Bcmass, 

I'm not a physio, but I am studying Athletic therapy and can somewhat chime in. Are you exerting a lot of pressure without first focusing on relaxing? Taking deep diaphragmatic breaths are key to getting the muscle in a more relaxed state which should release the muscle itself. There are a few stretches you could do and firm pressure points to target. But if you can't relax and take deep breaths the muscle won't release. 

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On September 4, 2018 at 6:42 AM, ImpulsEE said:

Hey Bcmass, 

I'm not a physio, but I am studying Athletic therapy and can somewhat chime in. Are you exerting a lot of pressure without first focusing on relaxing? Taking deep diaphragmatic breaths are key to getting the muscle in a more relaxed state which should release the muscle itself. There are a few stretches you could do and firm pressure points to target. But if you can't relax and take deep breaths the muscle won't release. 

Great advice there. My female PT insists that I take 10 deep breaths when bending the knee (as you know I had  TKR early July). We also work on the trigger points and use dry needling. All these techniques help achieving better results.

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