you are right to a point alot of what she is loosing is water weight at this point. The victoza does work and once the water weight is off the weight loss becomes less dramatic and you are looking at 2-3 pounds a week on avg. the issue for some is they need that drug to curb appetite and control cravings that the reason for the Victoza. It works almost the same way as metformin but is a better choice. the 1st two weeks are insane because of the nausia and headaches but she is now at the tail end and is finding it more easier to eat. Her Dr is closely watching this and will be checking blood sugar levels through out this we are thing she will be on it for 1 -3 months, then doses are slowly dialled back and she goes back to normal. This medication is not used lightly by her DR but her body took a beating the last few years and this seems to be helping Big time,. But yes EAZY you are right and we are all over it