So been slacking on posting updates. Just got busy getting back into swing of things, catching up on things at work that I ignored during prep etc.
Sitting now at around 255lbs, and have been for the last couple weeks (if not more). Just started a cruise this week, which I will continue until at least the New Year. Post show, ran a bunch of stuff, trying to take advantage of a rebound. Did Test Prop daily at 50mg, MENT at 25mgs daily, then for about 4 weeks added 50mg NPP daily. Also for about 3 weeks tried IGF-LR3 at 50mcg pre workout. Was also doing 3IU gh, split into 1.5iu morning and 1.5iu pre bed. All BT supplements.
Diet has been 'ok'. Stuck to a main clean off season diet, but added tons of extra sugary carbs. I'm like a crack head when it comes to sugar. But I have it under control now
Overall not bad, condition could be better but pretty good considering I'm up 20lbs and was eating junk every night. It was my first time doing MENT and noticed a lot fuller look. Like it. With the IGF, I got crazy pumps. Not sure if it's just the extra food but at times they were ridiculous. For example, did a light warm up on a bike for 15 minutes before doing legs. Nothing crazy, like on level 5 to 7 out of 20. Got off and went to do lying leg curls, and couldn't do them because my quads felt like they were going to rip off, like they were contracting so hard, with so much blood from the bike, I couldn't bend my leg. Had to take an extra 15 to 20 minutes, to relax, and stretch them out before proceeding with my workout.
So now the plan is around 200mg Test E per week, and GH 2iu pre bed. Ride this out for a bit and try to hang on to everything (hopefully continue to grow). Diet will be perfect now, since I can't rely on extra supps as a crutch.
Pic of current condition attached, taken a couple days ago.