Crossfit games - recent loss


Aug 15, 2018
The recent tragic death at the CrossFit Games has sent shockwaves through many in the fitness community.

Now, while it's true that many in our bodybuilding world have often poked fun at CrossFit for its unconventional and sometimes chaotic approach, this event serves as a sobering reminder that any loss of life in the pursuit of sport is deeply tragic.

Regardless of the differences in our training philosophies, we must acknowledge the dedication and passion that athletes from all disciplines bring to their craft. This incident is a stark reminder that the risks we take in pushing our bodies to the limit are very real, and that safety should always be a priority in any form of training.

Our thoughts go out to the athlete’s family, friends, and the entire CrossFit community during this difficult time.

Rest in peace, Lazar Dukic, many of us will raise a protein shake to you.
Crossfit may be a circus at times, but this is a tragedy and a huge oversight in their safety practices, I hope his family gets a large settlement for their loss, it wont bring him back, but it may teach the organizers to have better protocols, practices, and transparency in their planning
This is unfortunate news.

Maybe this will be the final eye opener for Crossfit to get their shit in gear for putting safety first. As an organization, they claim safety, but I've seen it first hand maaaaaaaaany trainers who don't give AF about safety - it's just get that WOD in and push. So many women hurting themselves. There's just no regulation.

There are many trainers who are educated, who value the importance of what CrossFit can do for a person. I respect that. But there are many bad apples.

RIP Lazar - an unfortunate martyr.
This is unfortunate news.

Maybe this will be the final eye opener for Crossfit to get their shit in gear for putting safety first. As an organization, they claim safety, but I've seen it first hand maaaaaaaaany trainers who don't give AF about safety - it's just get that WOD in and push. So many women hurting themselves. There's just no regulation.

There are many trainers who are educated, who value the importance of what CrossFit can do for a person. I respect that. But there are many bad apples.

RIP Lazar - an unfortunate martyr.
agreed, lets hope this loss, helps open some eyes.