Got on B6 + Ashwaganda, I can feel its working for sure, I had some gyno from it and its slowly starting to get away!
Also, for my update, I started 2 weeks ago on 500mg of Test E per week, pinning monday morning and thursday morning.
Started the cycle at roughly 190 pounds, right now I'm at 200 pounds. Calorie intake per day is about 3k, trying to eat as clean as I can.
My only problem is pinning. I've only pinned the upper outer quadrant of the glutes alternating from the right glute to the left one because I've seen a lot of people saying that pinning delts or quads is somewhat more painful than the glutes. But oh boy, I've had some fucking painful PIP on my last injection monday. The swelling started going up on my tailbone and right now I cant even sit or sleep on it. Today was my chest/shoulders/triceps day and oh boy was it painful just lying on the bench. I'm thinking about trying ventro glute this thursday, or hell even quads because I cant stand the pain right now. For your information, I am pinning with a 23gauge 1 1/2 inch.
I'll upload some pictures of my progress soon. Cheers!