My bodytech log

Thursday November 19 2020

Arrive 1027

Start 1040

Finish 1205

Leave 1210

Decline bench

  1. 135x30
  2. 225x9
  3. 225x6
  4. 245x2 ache
  5. 245x had to stop right ache

Atlantis Standing laterals

  1. 90x19
  2. 90x20
  3. 105x15
  4. 105x19
  5. 105x17

Db curl

  1. 40x10 ache in right bicep
  2. 45x10 still aching
  3. 45x10

Tricep press down bar attachment

  1. 60x16
  2. 60x18
  3. 70x17
  4. 85x6
  5. 85x8

Atlantis incline plated machine independent handles

  1. 45x16
  2. 45x14 perpendicular handles
  3. 45x16 flat position 2
  4. 45x14 ache in right

Atlantis Decline plated machine independent handles

  1. 45x19
  2. 45x16 + 9 perpendicular
  3. 55x17
  4. 65x19 limit due to pain

Prime incline press

  1. 25x19 middle range perpendicular
  2. 50x19 middle + bottom range perpendicular
  3. 50x9 middle + bottom range perpendicular
  4. 50x9+3 middle + end range

Unfortunately pain in right all the way through really handicapping me...

Atlantis cable incline bench staked weight

  1. 60x15
  2. 60x16
  3. 60x20

Pannatta standing multi fly

  1. 35x30 chest flies
  2. 50x31 chest flies
  3. 60x27 a bit pushing it gotta be careful
  4. 60x30
  5. 60x16 burnt

Amazing machine

Atlantis rear and lateral set

  1. 75x21
  2. 90x12
  3. 90x12
I know i haven't posted in days, but I have been keeping a log, it's just working during the day and working out during the night with personal life has been really hard. Damn COVID.

I am down to 255.5lbs as of yesterday morning which is great, also making progress in terms of feel during lifting, how i look, strength/endurance, it's getting easier going and doing. I am not aiming for all out strength (which is my norm) but just trying to train more with a BB mindset whether solo days or with my friend when we train together. Overall good times, minus the COVID crap

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Keep on it man. Really enjoys your updates and your log is always pretty damn detailed. 

Don't let the Covid shi* get you down. 

Man I had a rough time, kinda depressed and progress stalled too, also one of my phones died so I lost alot of logs, but I have new logs, been a rough little while sorry for no updates...

I've been away for a while... stopped logging as gyms got locked out... and just as I was just gearing up back into things... oh well we're in this all together.

On the other hand I did start home workouts, this time around I won't just lay around and work and binge on netflix...

I do a push/pull bodyweight routine.. very basic... my push press system I purchased last time during lockdown and this time around I purchased a pullup station (leg raises, etc... too).

We will survive 🙂

This is what I bought, it's sure as hell hard to pull yourself up for reps at 265lbs lol but according to the wife my back is pumped after each session, that makes me feel a bit better.


The handle grips are so tiny for my hands its a joke but I'm managing... and the vinyl is thin and crap but i paid 200 bux.... so who can complain, plus now its unavailable to purchase. Also now when I checked the price jumped to 350 bux, so supply and demand. I knew it was a wise choice to get right at start of lockdown before people start buying gym stuff out

Also the push press system board is wicked, I can't lie, at this bodyweight it's actually pretty effective for chest workouts, I'm happy to say that each session has slightly have me improved.

The only thing I'm not really able to train are legs 😞

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Squat and donkey calf raise your wife my man. Split squats with your new bench setup.

Anything to get a solid pump to at least keep them from shrinking. 

Well I've been sick since start of Feb with COVID... its bad... so dont let anyone tell you its just like the flu... i also ahvent taken shots in nearly two weeks now i think... i contacted bodytech for clomid bottles.. so waiting on his response... as i may try to wean off for the first time. I feel like i'll be sick for a whole month anyway...

And getting off completely after over a decade of being on will be traumatizing. I am not looking forward to this... reason again IVF... I don't know how my body will react... my body just went to shit from COVID anyway...

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That's a rough go man. Covid is a bitch for sure. My sister had it and was basically bed ridden for a week and will be living with reduced lung capacity for some time.  So ya, all the people that talk shit about Covid being fake can suck a di...

Wish you the best of luck on your fertility run, I feel ya there. As you know I went through that. Came off, took almost 6 months to get her knocked up, then lost it 12 weeks later.  1 year later, came off again again, this time took 5 months and we just hit 8 weeks with a bun in the oven.  Its rough, but worth it. 

Good luck man, and dont worry, muscle memory is there so when you do go back on you will blow up. 

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Thank you brother.

Well first two weeks were depressing, but my mood stabilized. Taking 50mg-100mg every day. Aromasin one to two times a week.

Second week training and a bit better now. Def lower volume. More than ever before training with a mind over matter notion, giving it my all and yet still performing so badly from both an aesthetic and number performance perspective.

I am logging and might paste in here but alas.

Wanted to thank BodyTech for the times they hooked me up, they've been good to me. I hope to be sponsored again in the future.

For now I am getting ipamorelin and mod-grf from them to help me go through this. And I got clomid and aromasin from them.

Well I am managing but my body has gone to shit.

I've started regaining some strength but I definitely look horrible. I am sitting in 250s and got love handles like wtf lol... badly... it's quite discouraging and depressing. I also still have zero sex drive but my mood has improved, my energy is okay... I push through the workouts but recovery is mediocre and growth I think not going to really happen much... endurance is kinda there but its weird....

It's been a while now, so I think soon I'll get myself tested for sperm count and test/estradiol/lh/fsh levels... see how things are

Also I stopped peptides as the BT rep hasn't been responding... he said he went on vacation early march and now nothing... emailed a few times... was hoping to at least run ipamorelin and modgrf as it helped alot with sleep and recovery... even pumps especially being with low test and nothing else.

I'm avoiding all stims even caffeine pills.

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My body has gone to even more shit... and I did a sperm count and it was 0...

I just did bloodwork last week and this is what I got back:

Glucose Random (ref range: 3.6-7.7) - 4.5 mmol/L - NORMAL
Ferritin (ref range: 254-453) - 698 ug/L - HIGH
ALP (ref range: 40-129) - 64 U/L - NORMAL
ALT (ref range: <46) - 42 U/L - NORMAL

TSH (ref range: 0.35 - 5.00) - 5.52 mIU/L - HIGH
Testosterone Total (ref range: 7.6-31.4) - 0.5 nmol/L - LOW
Estradiol (ref range: <159) - <30pmol/L - NORMAL
Prolactin (ref range: <18) - 19ug/L - HIGH
LH (ref range: 1.3-9.6) - 1.2 IU/L - LOW
FSH (ref range: 1-16) - 3IU/L - NORMAL LOW

Been on 100mg, then 50mg then recently 25mg of clomid, a few times a week half a pill of aromasin.

No I did not use HCG, and I will try to do HCG.

I need to order HCG and Clomid... and my BT rep vanished in February so I haven't been able to even order anything

I feel like garbage, got so fucking fat I'm practically obese... and somehow i still carry some muscle... but feel weak as shit compared to my usual, only thing getting me going is my mind over matter mentality, I was shocked by my blood work. My fucking total testosterone is lower than a woman's which range in the 0.3 nmol/L to 2.4nmol/L fucking range.

I've now been off HRT 5 months... didn't come close to a needle...

I also read and found out tonight something I never knew, clomid lowers GH and IGF1 levels, great and wonderful.

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Are these results after being off for 5 months with clomid therapy?

Your physique will bounce back in a hurry once you get on it again but focus on getting your wife knocked up for now. 

Did the fertility clinic not give you anything other than the clomid?  I’m surprised that with your numbers they did not script you HCG. 

1g of IP6 a day should help with the ferritin I believe. 

Why is my ferritin so elevated? What is IP6?

Ya 5 months I didn't touch nothing... I also did not get it prescribed they just told me to fucking wait it out. I just had a call with m endocrinologist the other day and she was like yeah stop taking clomid from your bodybuilder friends and just hold on tight. WTF Basically told me go back to my fertility specialist and ask him for HCG. He didn't prescribe me shit, just was like oh okay you are on clomid and freaked out i was taking 100mg and even 50mg, he was like even 25mg is high. 🙄

I dosed 100mg, 50mg then 25mg (split in half) until I ran out.

I need @BodyTechPharma to hook me up...

I was reading an article which had a study on guys doing HCG 10,000 twice a week, then i think it was 1000 or 2000 eod with 50mg clomid for 3 months alongside some eod shots of HMG and they got up to 5mill...ish... guys who did gear for years and then got off. So I wanna try it.

Just not sure I'll be able to afford HMG dosing like that....

I am feeling like garbage... either way i'm in the shitter, my balls didn't really hang or anything... I have ZERO libido... generally feeling meh just got used to it

I've been taking morning and night a dose of:

  • COQ10 100mg
  • Vit B complex (morning only)
  • Vit E 400iu
  • Omegar 3 throughout the day
  • Carnitine
  • Vitamin D 5000iu when it was colder, now I get plenty of sun so I stopped
  • Vit C 3g
  • Melatonin and Magnesium
  • Ashwaganda (prebed night only)

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This is the page I was reading last night and I found out Clomid actually lowers IGF1 and GH didn't know that before.

In it there is a link to a peer journal about HCG use with HMG and exogenous testosterone use

I swear I am so angry because like 15+ years ago when I was first placed on HCG then on Test, I had  to fight with doctors to get blood work, to get sent to specialists and to get prescribed things. I am just like sitting around twiddling my fingers is what they are asking me to do. Every single time I gotta read and take things into my own hands...

I need HCG and clomid again asap and will try to follow these protocols... while the doctors can waste my time in delays to get shit done for me...

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Your supplement protocol is good. Q10 and carnitine for sure. 

Dave Palumbo has a pretty aggressive protocol that many have had success with. But $$$ with the HMG:

2000mcg HCG EOD, 75mcg HMG EOD, 50mg clomid EOD all for 3 months. 

I had success with:

50mg clomid ED for 2 weeks then 10mg ED for the balance with 1000mcg of HCG EOD for 2 weeks then 500mcg HCG for the balance.  No TRT. And yes I rebounded hard and basically lost a years worth of progress. Also took just over 3 months for me. 

I would also chill my balls with a cold shower now and then but I doubt that did anything. Loose boxers. 

Need to get your balls working as you also need test for fertility, ironic I know as TRT is there to replace low test. 

Keep trying to train and get your cardio in if you can. 

@MrGains hey want to continue the discussion here.

I briefly read about what you said, some dudes do TRT and HCG + HMG, I guess to replace LH and FSH at the same time?

Just tell me what you think it may be like and if there are any videos and articles I can read more upon it

My aim right now is to get some HCG and Clomid and try that, then continue from there, I am just scared cuz last time i was on test + HCG i got 0 sperm... that was in the very beginning...

I’ll look for information for you tonight in my down time.

I know many men that have had great results (actually I don’t know any guys this hasn’t worked for) that use 2500 hcg one day, 75 hmg the next day. You’ll want to keep trt in as some of the test will stimulate your testes and keep your libido and hormones normal. Coming off trt for pregnancy is not the best idea. This protocol is expensive, but it definitely works. Body tech carries hcg and hmg at a good price.

I’ll try to find you videos and literature on the protocol as soon as I can.