Offseason log

In the DC training only 2 exercises per muscle per work out and change that second day wkout -go back to 1st wkout on 3rd workout day is recommended.Mon=Chest-Incline DB + BP--Fri=Hammersmith +Pec Dek--Wed the next week=Mondays wkout.Much more tolerable than 3 my humble opinion Most steroid enhanced workouts do not need to be any more intense than without-perhaps an extra rep or set only.The drug takes care of the "extra growth" from Test levels not degrading after a wkout as normal/androgen receptors are enhanced//IGF enhanced /protein synthesis is triggered longer than the 36 hrs of normal/cortisol is reduced so less muscle catabolism--etc-so I say go gently[relatively speaking] into the process and let the roi9ds do their work.?️‍♀️No offence meant at all-just a thought.

Interesting. I did full body workouts from about June to the end of October. My avatar pic was at the end of that cycle and workout format. I'm not training one body part per workout, once a week, and I've noticed a different. My body is responding well to the added stimuli of each BP during those workouts,  as the week progresses, they feel flatter. 

I never used to like full body workouts, but I can see their benefit in properly managed micro-cycles. 

You definitely added some good mass there bro. I love dc training, but yeah it wears you out. I find 2 months on it and the take a reset period for another 2 months of just regular training works well. No one can do dc year round, if you can then you’re a machine but a reset period is where it’s st with this style for sure.

In the DC training only 2 exercises per muscle per work out and change that second day wkout -go back to 1st wkout on 3rd workout day is recommended.Mon=Chest-Incline DB + BP--Fri=Hammersmith +Pec Dek--Wed the next week=Mondays wkout.Much more tolerable than 3 my humble opinion Most steroid enhanced workouts do not need to be any more intense than without-perhaps an extra rep or set only.The drug takes care of the "extra growth" from Test levels not degrading after a wkout as normal/androgen receptors are enhanced//IGF enhanced /protein synthesis is triggered longer than the 36 hrs of normal/cortisol is reduced so less muscle catabolism--etc-so I say go gently[relatively speaking] into the process and let the roi9ds do their work.?️‍♀️No offence meant at all-just a thought.
What you're describing is not DC training then. DC's criteria is strictly structured as written in my first post, and as described in many articles. To do anything else is just not the same program. There's a reason why warnings were given doing it, because CNS overload forces growth to occur, yet it's only sustained for so long. 

DC is intense,workouts like these would work perfect with slin type of protocol. Would keep your body going and healing quicker

Looking like you are progressing well, keep up the hard work. Since you are dropping DC, are you lowering compounds as well or still keeping them high? What are you going to run?

I am not misreading. 

Read my first post. Read my table chart. Three A workouts, three B workouts

A1 b1 A2

B2 a3 b3

Rotate back the next week. If you fail to raise the bar for the following rotation workout a1 to a1 you swap out the exercise for a new one. Always progress, always beating the log. 

I am not misreading. 

Read my first post. Read my table chart. Three A workouts, three B workouts

A1 b1 A2

B2 a3 b3

Rotate back the next week. If you fail to raise the bar for the following rotation workout a1 to a1 you swap out the exercise for a new one. Always progress, always beating the log. 
LOL-your body/your Life/your choice-i wish you well-I just thought clarifying would help you not burn out-I apologize for interfering.