In the DC training only 2 exercises per muscle per work out and change that second day wkout -go back to 1st wkout on 3rd workout day is recommended.Mon=Chest-Incline DB + BP--Fri=Hammersmith +Pec Dek--Wed the next week=Mondays wkout.Much more tolerable than 3 my humble opinion Most steroid enhanced workouts do not need to be any more intense than without-perhaps an extra rep or set only.The drug takes care of the "extra growth" from Test levels not degrading after a wkout as normal/androgen receptors are enhanced//IGF enhanced /protein synthesis is triggered longer than the 36 hrs of normal/cortisol is reduced so less muscle catabolism--etc-so I say go gently[relatively speaking] into the process and let the roi9ds do their work.?️No offence meant at all-just a thought.