PL and wife fall 2020 training log

How do you find your BP on those doses man? Any issues with E2 on 800mg test?

Looking forward to seeing you cut up. Hope your wife is still crushing it also. 

How do you find your BP on those doses man? Any issues with E2 on 800mg test?

Looking forward to seeing you cut up. Hope your wife is still crushing it also. 
As long as I keep up my cardio I feel my BP is fine.  My heart rate is the consistent up though, with resting around 100 bpm while on the stims.  I'm hoping with the cardio it'll lower.

I do not tend to get estrogenic sides on 800 test.  I get a bit of acne at the beginning as hormones shift, but then everything seems ok.  I've grown out of tren anxiety, insomnia, and sweats.  If i upped to 1000 mg test though I get sides and it sucks.  But at least with the masteron it mitigates much of that anyway, but I do have adex, asin, and nolva if needed for test based sides.

My weight went up by almost 5 lbs with a sushi cheat on saturday with the wife (early mothers day supper).  Damn stuff makes me so thirsty and then i retain a ton of water.  Training is going well at home with my rack, and i'm able to train everything to get the good stim needed.  I was 231 on sunday and today i'm 229.6, so by this saturday i'm aiming for under 226, which will mark 15 lbs gone in a month.

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15lbs in a month...wild. Cant wait to see what you are looking like in a month or so. You definitely know how to dial it in from your comp pics. 

This morning i'm hovering at 227.4.  Not where I want to be.  I think I ate a few items the last few days a bit more in calorie content than I thought and the deficit isnt' where I wanted it to be.  
Training has been much improved with my home gym rack.  Able to get in pretty much what I need to to stim.  Tonight will be arms and a half hour of cardio on my spin bike.  I'm able to keep my HR consistent b/w 130-140 bpm.
Today I stared my T3 at 50 mcg a day.  I was going to over a week ago but wanted to hold against it so i wasn't on it as long.  So today marks the 50 mcg a day amount for a a few days, then up to 75 mcg for a few days, followed by 100 mcg for at least a month.  Clen has restarted for another two weeks and i'm up to 75 mcg a day for a few more days before going up a max 100 mcg a day dosage.

Test is up to 900 mg now as the t400 and tnt combo brings it up to that amount.  No sides yet.  Masteron is good and smooth and helpful and still have my AI's ready to roll.

I will say i've been having FANTASTIC sleeps on account of the CJC and IPA.  There's no doubt for error i'm extremely rested now and getting good full sleep.

Dosage is 100 mcg CJC with 100 mcg IPA in morning 30 mins before breakfast on wake.  100 mcg cjc with 200 mcg IPA at night before bed.  I find that knocks me out pretty quick.

So woke up at 227.2. Not happy. I busted my ass off yesterday with my arm workout and 25 mins of cardio on my spin bike. Heart rate up to 170 BPM throughout. 

Every bit of diet was tight. Deficit was there. Training was adequate (can always go harder than last time). My only guess is the gear is influencing the numbers in water retention or muscle. 

Results are noticeable but not what I was expecting after a month. Hopefully month two progress is more in line with my expectations.



Today I woke up at 224.2 lbs! So I've broken through my little plateau. 
I feel leaner for sure. PEDs are turning on real nice. Adding in the T3 has helped with the loss as well as cutting out my last meal of the day as I guess my intake was just too high. 
Training is going well at home, did a shoulder workout last night as well as 25 mins of spin. Will likely be bumping up to 30 mins in the next week. 

The T3 has got my HR up to 100 bpm at rest though. Can definitely feel it. It's strong. Adding in the clen mid way through the day still at 50 MCG as this time around anything more and I'm shaky. By the time I get home from work I can burn off the shakes and feel better afterwards.  No cramping yet either but typically this would happen for me at higher dosages. 

So I'm doing ok! 

Damn man, 3lbs in less than a week. Dirty. Your going to achieve in a couple months what I have been trying to do coming up on almost 1.5 years lol. 

Just sliding under 224 lbs today. Results are really starting to show now. Though I really just don't have a great spot for photo taking and lighting. 

One more day of clen at 50 MCG and then A week off. Going to up my t3 to 100 MCG on Monday. 



Good morning 
Weight down to 222.8 this morning. Last few days i've held onto water and was up to 228 at one point, but the last day and a half it dropped off. I'm definitely noticing a bit of my metabolism slowing. I can't eat the 2700-3000 cals a day anymore at 240 lbs unless i'm doing 45-60 mins of cardio and i'm not at the point where I want ot suffer that much. So now on low feed days i'm getting at 1800, but yesterday I was at 2300, and it seems to be working well.

New pics this weekend showing hopefully some good improvement and deeper ab cuts. 10 more full pounds of fat should do me nicely for the summer and then it's holding onto it.

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218.8 lbs this morning makes it 22 lbs down in 7 weeks!! Starting to make very visual changes but i'm flatter than the earth 

Going to do a full day carb up tomorrow instead of one meal to see if I can fill out more. I only want to get to 210 and don't want to rush too much faster, so I expect to be there by July at the current rate. Maintenance will be fun this summer 









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So update.  The last week and a bit i've dropped down to 209.6  So 31.5 lbs down.  I'm going to probably stop at 205. We'll see how I look at that point.  As for how I look, I will say i'm not as happy as I'd expected to be.  The lockdowns have really fucked my physique up.  Training at home has been doing wonders, but it's just not the same.  When I was 209 lbs in 2018 doing my show prep I was significantly leaner than I was now.  I was 199.6 with weigh in and stepped on stage around 205.  So yea even if I lost another 10 lbs of fat I still wouldn't be in the same shape, attributing to the msk loss that the last year and a bit has done to me.  

That being said, i'm actually feeling significantly better; less snoring, more mobility, more feeling healthy.  Reducing down to 75 mcg T3 gives me the heat, but not the incredible shakes and anxiety feeling, and the loss is still consistent.  Gear is doing it's job well, and i'm happy with getting down.  I'll put more photos up this coming weekend once i'm able to settle in a weight and I feel a bit better about myself.  

Happy Flex Friday y'all! 🙂
It's been a few weeks since last progress. 31 lbs down in 9 weeks. Sitting at 210. I'm not as lean or as big as I was in 2018 at my last show with the same weight, but the details like the back Xmas tree and hamstrings are coming through.  
Enjoying the eating and the process throughout, and have made no excuses with shutdowns to not be in better shape. We can all do a little better










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So i'm ramping down off the T3 after a long while on.  Can feel it's been too long and my health is suffering.  More restless, heart palpitations, and getting lethargic.  Was running 75 mcg for last coupel of weeks now on my 3rd day of 50 mcg, another day or two at this then down to 25 mcg until the end of the week and then off completely.  Gear is still going for another month.
Diet will also be changing where I lost too much mass with this running keto.  Will be doing a normal deficit diet using carbs now, but will still stay in the 2200-2300 cal range. Diet is below







Anabolic French Toast
3 slices
With 0.2 cup Ms. Buttersworth Sugar Free Syrup






Shake 1.5 scoops protein 15 g (2.5 TBSP PB&ME) 1 banana






6 oz chicken
200 g carbs
5g fat






Shake 1.5 scoops protein 15 g (2.5 TBSP PB&ME)






As per meal 3






Cottage Cheese 1 cup
1 scoops protein












Looking forward to seeing the final result, side by side before and after, and hearing about your HydroxyCut sponsorship lol. 

"I lost 35lbs in 10 weeks...thanks HydroxyCut"

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So far so good with diet changes.  It's freaking AMAZING to eat french toast every morning!  I couldnt' find mrs. buttersworth as it seems to be in short supply but luckily my boss supps store in barrie had a 1 gallon tub of Walden's pancake syrup for 40 bucks so I was extremely happy for that.

Weight only up from 209 to 212 but this is water and man I feel much stronger now.  I'll try to get some updated pics sometime this week (could even be tonight) after a workout and more carbs, but I think i'll see some substantial difference in filling out.  
So I had my french toast this morning, at lunch today I get 6 oz of chicken, veggies, AND a whole bag of popcorn! yummmm and filling.  My shake before I get home, do a workout, go teach Tae Kwon Do for two hours, eat supper and then my bedtime meal.  Should hit 2200 or so cals and I will be satisfied 🙂

One more month of gear cycle.  I'm completely off the stims and T3 now and I Feel better; HR is stabalizing around 70 bpm instead of 100, and i my heart palpitations have dropped but haven't gone away, i'll keep monitoring.  Not even taking ephedrine now as it's doing the same shit to me.