Syringes and needles


Active member
Feb 18, 2019
Hey guys,

Not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but I was wondering where you guys were getting syringes and needles? Do you just buy them directly from, lets say, Amazon? Or do you guys have a cheaper place for them?


I go to a medical supply store in town. It’d be a bit cheaper to by online probably but the convenience is worth it for me. 

Buyneedles dot ca , or Canadian Med Supplies. Can’t go wrong with either.

Just picked a box of 100 from Rexall for $22. Best price I have ever paid! 😃

Canadian medical supplies for most of it. Just be aware that 0.5ml Terumo syringes say clearly on the box not for use with lipids and can't push AAS for shit (not the fault of CMS).

So I use the terumo 0.5ml's for other things now and just stay clear of the brands 0.5ml's when buying.

I've had good dealings with buy needles as well, although haven't shopped with them for a while because their site was buggy last time I looked in 2018 so I just moved on. Might give them another try in the future.

Trying to use the buy needles site again and I can't get it to go past the specials page no matter what I try. Looks like I'll continue not ordering from them.

Canadian med supps for the win, plus they're a sponsor here.

I'm in the process of putting an order together from a company out of Newmarket, named Surgo. Prices look really good and I spoke to them on the phone to verify they do straight up retail from the website with no need to be an industry professional. The standard $10 shipping is CanPar courier ground so that's next day to most of Ontario and at $75 order before taxes/shipping it's free. The min changes but they still offer free ship countrywide it appears. Will update once I receive my order but so far it looks sweet.


I'm in the process of putting an order together from a company out of Newmarket, named Surgo. Prices look really good and I spoke to them on the phone to verify they do straight up retail from the website with no need to be an industry professional. The standard $10 shipping is CanPar courier ground so that's next day to most of Ontario and at $75 order before taxes/shipping it's free. The min changes but they still offer free ship countrywide it appears. Will update once I receive my order but so far it looks sweet.

So other than being a little slow to ship, apparently as they are doing inventory atm, these guys at Surgo Medical & Surgical Supplies came through as a good source. The prices are as good as I have been able to find and much better than the other 2 sources guys have mentioned on the board here. Regular ground shipping is via Canpar so next day in most of Ontario and at $75 pre shipping($10)/taxes you get free shipping.

Anyway, no affiliate links or anything like that just posting my experience. People might pass them by as they look like they might only deal with clinics/hospitals but they do retail off of the website without even making an account. I think this may be why people aren't already really aware or using them, dunno?

I bought 1cc syringes with 25G 5/8" removable needles - box of 100, 2 other needles sizes, 25G 1" & 21G 1 1/2"  boxes of 100 and a 200 count box of alcohol wipes. All BD brand and the pins were all BD PrecisionGlide. Man, if I had known how thin/smooth the BT Test E was I could have made a little different order and forgone the drawing pins, well next time. I didn't quite make the free ship amount just as I didn't really think hard enough when I was doing it and was kinda rushed but because they were a little delayed they credited back my freight. So for my order even with the freight still incl. it was $80 all in, & $78 and change once the credit was deducted.

Arrived this morning and it's all good.

So other than being a little slow to ship, apparently as they are doing inventory atm, these guys at Surgo Medical & Surgical Supplies came through as a good source. The prices are as good as I have been able to find and much better than the other 2 sources guys have mentioned on the board here. Regular ground shipping is via Canpar so next day in most of Ontario and at $75 pre shipping($10)/taxes you get free shipping.

Anyway, no affiliate links or anything like that just posting my experience. People might pass them by as they look like they might only deal with clinics/hospitals but they do retail off of the website without even making an account. I think this may be why people aren't already really aware or using them, dunno?

I bought 1cc syringes with 25G 5/8" removable needles - box of 100, 2 other needles sizes, 25G 1" & 21G 1 1/2"  boxes of 100 and a 200 count box of alcohol wipes. All BD brand and the pins were all BD PrecisionGlide. Man, if I had known how thin/smooth the BT Test E was I could have made a little different order and forgone the drawing pins, well next time. I didn't quite make the free ship amount just as I didn't really think hard enough when I was doing it and was kinda rushed but because they were a little delayed they credited back my freight. So for my order even with the freight still incl. it was $80 all in, & $78 and change once the credit was deducted.

Arrived this morning and it's all good.
There prices are great, I usually just buy them local from shoppers - but with these prices I may go that route. Thanks for the info!

There prices are great, I usually just buy them local from shoppers - but with these prices I may go that route. Thanks for the info!
Quite welcome. I had to buy some locally from Shoppers and they ended up costing me about 80cents per for a 1ml syringe and the needle size I needed so this is indeed much cheaper. I had to get after them a bit because f the delay shipping while they were doing inventory but even with, I ordered late last Friday (after close of business) and had them this AM.

Are drug stores allowed to ask what you are using your pins for , I needed a few and ran down to get some and got the stink eye , they said you don’t have any prescription on file that requires these.

Are drug stores allowed to ask what you are using your pins for , I needed a few and ran down to get some and got the stink eye , they said you don’t have any prescription on file that requires these.
I don't think they should.. At least not here in Quebec, I usually get mine from drug stores also and they give me a weird look when I ask them for syringes but they don't ask me what it's for that's for sure. Maybe you got unlucky, I would try another drug store if I were you or just buy them online and you'd also get a better price most of the time when you get them online

Are drug stores allowed to ask what you are using your pins for , I needed a few and ran down to get some and got the stink eye , they said you don’t have any prescription on file that requires these.
I'm not aware of any law that states specifically that they are not allowed to ask, HOWEVER, the fact that they did means that right off you're dealing with someone whose head is not in the right space. There is absolutely no liability to them at all no matter what they sell you, how many, or what you use them for. Quite literally if you want to shove them up your keester, it's nothing to them and they couldn't be held liable. Therefore you have to ask yourself why they would even bother asking?

When I needed to source some locally here b4 my supplies shipment arrived I was in a Shoppers Drug Mart and of all people, a girl maybe 20 or 21,  was working behind the pharmacy counter and she gave me attitude all kinds when I walked up and extremely politely inquired about what they had in stock for syringe size, needle size etc.  She didn't know but I had already called this location and had spoken to a gentleman in the pharmacy but as I didn't see a man there I started from scratch. Anyway a couple minutes into it a fellow that I was pretty sure was whom I spoke to due to recognizing his voice, walked out from the back and I addressed him asking if he was the one I spoke to. The girl couldn't dump me fast enough for him to take over.

I just found this so odd that someone her age, who you generally find to have leanings that would make them the type to be defending safe injection sites and decriminalization etc etc and here she was giving me the gears over trying to by some supplies!

In the end, all you can do is be polite, take names and file a complaint with their head office, if it's a chain, or with the owner if it's a mom/pop and you're not already dealing with them.

I'll link to an interesting document but here is an excerpt from it. Sticking Points: Barriers to Access to Needle and Syringe Programs in Canada

In Canada, pharmacy sales are legal, and professional regulatory bodies have encouraged pharmacists to sell
syringes openly.Nonetheless, pharmacists generally retain discretion regarding whether to sell syringes
and whether to display them openly or behind the counter. The policy of the Ontario College of Pharmacists
for example, is that “the placement of needles and syringes and their sale is left to the professional judgment
of the pharmacist. Although the college has encouraged pharmacists to sell syringes to anyone requesting
them, the matter is left to the professional judgment of the individual pharmacist.

So the college has left the pharmacist an out to be a dick if they want but the prevailing sentiment is "easy access" for all so they shouldn't ever be a dick about it. You really need to follow up with a complaint because this shit just shouldn't be happening!