The Assault on Jeff Nippard 10/21/2024


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2018
This is big stuff, and a huge black eye on our population. Over a hot headed bully who muscled his way through everyone in his life, and now it's going to bite him back in the ass.
His career is over as far as i'm concerned.

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Yes certainly odd why he Just seemingly did this.. I would ask was this because of Nick's youtube fame, Mike trying to capitalize?
He should offer up something of an apology in person.
However seems it's sorta instigated by both sides.
Word is he turned himself into the police, and charges were pressed against him now. His instagram is a full blast of people slamming him and fouad for supporting him.
I think it was a 2 way street in some sense and why?
Well Nick didn't have to be around him in that gym at that same time (yes free country) and having a camera man in a public gym I don't think is proper even though the said gym allows it.
Just seems to me there was sorta some instigation involved.

However throat punching is not at all cool and not at all how you deal with a situation.
Youtube has gone to Nick's head cause I can assure you get makes big money on his channel.
Personally, as a large man myself who once upon a time had a hot head, I can't abide by anyone who would act that way; that Mike fellow, even if he was verbally instigated, should have let cooler heads prevail. Obviously, its against his nature, but still; A man who is powerful does not need to show said power at every situation, being a warrior in a garden, is better than a gardener in a war.
Further, it would seem based on the word (hearsay at the moment), that the security footage shows that Mike started and finished the assault without real provocation, but that remains to be seen.
I do have a feeling based on his performance at the clips from the Olympia weekend that he would not have acted that way to someone like Dr Mike Israetel with a back ground in BJJ, or someone the same size as him.

regardless, its a stain on our community and I agree that his career is forfeited because of it.
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I see a lot of people trying to defend that Mike guy, and I can't understand why anyone would stand behind him, he keeps posting stories that are equivalent of the failed high school tough guy talking about "loyalty", "honor", "you don't know how crazy I am" superimposed over pictures of skulls, soldiers, or tv characters playing gang members. Its cringe, you would hope someone would tell him to try and salvage his career by apologizing and owning up, but it seems he is living in his own echo chamber in a state reminiscent of our current "prime minister".

Ultimately, I hope people push him aside and we find more positive things to focus on while he is relegated to the kids corner where his mental age belongs.
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I think it was a 2 way street in some sense and why?
Well Nick didn't have to be around him in that gym at that same time (yes free country) and having a camera man in a public gym I don't think is proper even though the said gym allows it.
Just seems to me there was sorta some instigation involved.

However throat punching is not at all cool and not at all how you deal with a situation.
Youtube has gone to Nick's head cause I can assure you get makes big money on his channel.
There was zero instigation. Nippard wasn't taking a video of him for the purity of it. He was recording his video series as he's always done. It was mike who inserted himself by brushing up against him (validated by the cctv footage), and then nippard asking him things were 'about to get funny' after mike taunted him.

Fact is, cameras are everywhere at everytime. This is our reality of life now. So Mike seems to be emboldened by this, but 100% he was in the wrong. This isn't two guys squaring off and going at it...all over a video of jeff just saying if big guys were always the most knowledgeable, then why would Cbum need a coach (countering his logic)...because mike initially said in his insecurity he's a small little mediocre man with his knowledge. Again, it shows he is just a meathead.
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I would like to see him try that to Mike Israetel, he fits the science based short lifter category, but is a trained BJJ grappler and someone who probably would pretzel the attacker and make jokes the whole time.
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I'm not saying what Mike did was the right thing. But I do like Mike. I train at Pure, and Mike is an amazing trainer. Never seen him do a bad thing. Some of the other Pros that train there (and train people there) are bad mouthing him, simply because it's an opportunity for them to make him look bad. He never directly called them out by name, but has mentioned in the past, how bad some of the trainers are there. I've seen it, it blows my mind. People hiring IFBB Pros to train them, only for the trainer to say do this exercise, and jump on their phone not even paying attention to the client. Mike actually trains people, corrects their form, tries to teach them.

Regarding the actual altercation. Yes Nippard is small, yes Mike shouldn't have done that. But people were acting like Mike almost killed him. There wasn't a throat punch being thrown. It was a shove. It's a huge deal due to social media warriors. 15 years ago, it would have happened. They would have made up afterwards, and life goes on.

Just got tired seeing it all over social media. Everyone having an opinion, everyone trying to profit from the incident. Even in real life, people constantly coming up to me "Hey, did you see what happened with Mike and Jeff?".... Yeah, I saw, and don't care lol.
I'm not saying what Mike did was the right thing. But I do like Mike. I train at Pure, and Mike is an amazing trainer. Never seen him do a bad thing. Some of the other Pros that train there (and train people there) are bad mouthing him, simply because it's an opportunity for them to make him look bad. He never directly called them out by name, but has mentioned in the past, how bad some of the trainers are there. I've seen it, it blows my mind. People hiring IFBB Pros to train them, only for the trainer to say do this exercise, and jump on their phone not even paying attention to the client. Mike actually trains people, corrects their form, tries to teach them.

Regarding the actual altercation. Yes Nippard is small, yes Mike shouldn't have done that. But people were acting like Mike almost killed him. There wasn't a throat punch being thrown. It was a shove. It's a huge deal due to social media warriors. 15 years ago, it would have happened. They would have made up afterwards, and life goes on.

Just got tired seeing it all over social media. Everyone having an opinion, everyone trying to profit from the incident. Even in real life, people constantly coming up to me "Hey, did you see what happened with Mike and Jeff?".... Yeah, I saw, and don't care lol.
With respect, bro
It's not 'a shove'
I do BJJ as well as TKD
The SMALLEST compression on your trachea from a choke could dislodge it. We always have to be aware in training to turn our heads when doing these chokes during training, and during rolls we slowly increase pressure during submissions to allow the opponent to tap out...cuz you know we don't want to injure someone.
A wide open throat push/smash with his size and strength against any throat, not just nippards, could crush it. There is absolutely no reason why we should be minimizing this bullshit. He's been shown to be a coward to bigger guys. Doesn't matter how nice he is to you (probably much bigger), or how you've seen him interact.

That showed the world who he is as a person deep down. And that's all there is to it. What he does on the side and how he projects himself is irrelevant. I do agree with you saying you don't care...I don't much anymore either...let the law as it is go forward, and move on.
Has anyone heard any updates?? Guess the 15 mins of fame is over between him and that wes guy.
With respect, bro
It's not 'a shove'
I do BJJ as well as TKD
The SMALLEST compression on your trachea from a choke could dislodge it. We always have to be aware in training to turn our heads when doing these chokes during training, and during rolls we slowly increase pressure during submissions to allow the opponent to tap out...cuz you know we don't want to injure someone.
A wide open throat push/smash with his size and strength against any throat, not just nippards, could crush it. There is absolutely no reason why we should be minimizing this bullshit. He's been shown to be a coward to bigger guys. Doesn't matter how nice he is to you (probably much bigger), or how you've seen him interact.

That showed the world who he is as a person deep down. And that's all there is to it. What he does on the side and how he projects himself is irrelevant. I do agree with you saying you don't care...I don't much anymore either...let the law as it is go forward, and move on.
I get what you're saying, and I agree it's not just a shove. However, I do think it was blown out of proportion. Especially with Nippard posting a selfie later in emergency getting a CT scan.

No matter what, Mike shouldn't have done that. At the same time, doesn't matter how Jeff plays it off, Jeff shouldn't have approached him with his camera man after. It was interesting when Jeff finally released the video from his camera man, he had sound when said lets go over there, but sound was cut off as he was approaching Mike. Curious what he actually said. But in the end, it's Mike's and the courts problem now.
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I get what you're saying, and I agree it's not just a shove. However, I do think it was blown out of proportion. Especially with Nippard posting a selfie later in emergency getting a CT scan.

No matter what, Mike shouldn't have done that. At the same time, doesn't matter how Jeff plays it off, Jeff shouldn't have approached him with his camera man after. It was interesting when Jeff finally released the video from his camera man, he had sound when said lets go over there, but sound was cut off as he was approaching Mike. Curious what he actually said. But in the end, it's Mike's and the courts problem now.
I gotta weigh in here on the CT scan, as someone who suffered a TBI, they are no joke. I understand it looks like a wimp move for something small, but when it comes to the brain, it is no joke, he could have been one of the unlucky guys who was one bump away from an aneurism, I don't blame him for that at all. A selfie is a bit much, but an influencer is always over the top, and not near as cringe as mikes stories and clothing after. That is just asking the court to throw the book at him and they should.

Also, whatever is said, Mike was 2x his size and there is never a reason to lay hands on someone who is standing with arms behind his back. That is a beta move from a so called alpha.
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