What inspired your Handle name?

I love snowboarding, and it’s commonly referenced to surfing and so I love riding the white waves of winter. It sounds kind of silly though. 

I’m just one of them Proud to be kind of Oilfield guys. People call us “rig pigs” as a derogatory term, I liked it lol. After 18 years in the industry, I’m definitely allot less Rig Pig than I used to be. 

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Figured it was self explanatory...…. as the only one I know who aged in reverse was Merlin The Magician from the old English stories and folk tales.  

 If an of you folks figure out how to age in reverse let me know LOL 

 Even over the counter HG GH don't completely eliminate the aging process but it helps  :classic_biggrin:

Been using mine since '99. It's a combination of clone & koan.

Clone being a person or thing regarded as identical to another.
Koan being a paradoxical anecdote or riddle, used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and to provoke enlightenment.

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I’m From England and I like mustard on my sandwiches. English mustard to be exact.

American mustard sucks. There’s no risk of eating too much at once.

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Baldeagle1 who was admin and owner of several boards among which millenium muscle made me his board girl and gave me my name  :classic_cool:

Feeling pretty bad with all these awesome stories, and I'm over here with my nickname as my handle.

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