Talon's First log in 2 years

The sauna at the gym was busted for 2 weeks and I honestly knew that I wasn’t recovering as fast.  Like measurably worse never really looked into the science as to why just know it works lol
I honestly think it has to do with getting the toxins out and forcing more blood around the body and to the tissues

wow I am putting on muscle now thank GOD,   I am loosing BF and gaining good muscle the last week.  Today I took a green monster pre workout and injected 25 mcg per lat and went to my back workout and during workout drank our apple juice mixed with water for carbs.  WOW what a workout the IGF des really kicked my ass in a good way.  

1 pull downs  1st to failure very low weight.   2-5 8 to 12 reps

2 upright rows same as 1

3 rows same

4 bent over rows 4  sets 8 to 12

5 good mornings 4 sets 8 to 12

finish off with chin ups and military pull ups with assistance to failure for 3 sets

I felt after the warm up that my lats were going to rip through the skin.  my back is pumped to the point where moving is painful but in a good way.   IGF where have you been all my life I added 10 Mg modal before and will take 10 mg of madol tonight with dinner keep blood levels consistent as of Monday night I will be adding Tren Ace to the mix

So I have had a great morning so far Woke up and decided I needed to start on the Tren Ace because well Im starting to plateau.   So I broke out the BT Tren Ace and back loaded .5 ml into a 8mm Slin pin and hit the tear drop of my quad.   I have to say it went through the slin pin without issue and no pain to tren cough,   I found the trick is to really push the strange in deep making a divit in the skin and fat layer.   I will report back when I get home from the gym I will be pinning the IGF also before workout into the legs as its leg day

of course pre work out  brother went to 30 and hoy shit I am going back to 20 I almost was ready to eat the weights.  

Today was a leg day and ran through the Seth feroce workout for legs yes I am ready to die.  I used the leg curls to first get blood into the quads but after the first 2 sets I was so pumped up I could barley walk it was insane the pumps I got again just an intense day in the gym.  I was dripping with sweat in a good way.  all I can say is what an amazing leg day.  the slut squats killed me and when it came time for the weighted lunges I was on fumes at that point 

today was an off day and thank GOD,  my legs feel like they were kicked by a Clydesdale horse.  It hurts to sit in the toilet and climbing stairs forget about it.  The IGF is doing its job the lats finally are not pumped as bad anymore but wow this stuff is no joke.  I started tren ace yesterday as well back loaded a 8 mm slin pin and dug it into the muscle and zero Pain and no tren cough no welts everything went perfect So SLIN pin from now on it is.  I will keep everyone posted but the next 4 weeks is tren ace is in eq is out

Good luck & have fun with your TrenA addition.   :classic_smile:


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This is an interesting log to follow. I am always weary of Canadian hgh, but this stuff is coming back from tests well. I just placed an order and went back and forth on the igf, i decided to not order it. I should have grabbed a couple bottles. 

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This is an interesting log to follow. I am always weary of Canadian hgh, but this stuff is coming back from tests well. I just placed an order and went back and forth on the igf, i decided to not order it. I should have grabbed a couple bottles. 
I have been Leary of IGF for years as my HGH was hit or miss over the years these guys are onto something so I pulled the trigger on some IGF after the tests came back and WOW I can say 2 days post legs and they are still screaming at me in a grid way.  I find I get a pump after the first set I added flexing and posing in between sets and WOW it really does help force the blood into the areas and holy hell the IGf does its thing,  

So today was an amazing day in the gym did the Seth Feroce arm day for volume and WOW fucking insane the pump from the IGF did me in after the 1st warm up set but I powered through and really kicked it into gear today.  The Tren is amazing an is working I could really feel it today.  Now I am in a calorie deficit but somehow gained 4 pounds last week.   I added dandelion root into the mix because I think I may have a bit if water retention from salt (I eat a lot of pumpkin seeds and I salt them).   I will figure that out,  I know im not gaining Fat as I am down to a 32 inch waist so thats bonus.   I KNOW WELCOME TO TREN where yo gain muscle even in a deficit.  I have upped the protein and am upping the water to 1.5 gallons a day and will eat more frequently the fasting is done now and in the morning I have a little barley and chicken with a shake pre work out about 1,5 hours before IGF shot and drink BCAA in gym all good I am loving the madol too in the gym that with the tren and im an animal..  I will be adding cebaser to the mix in a week or so

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Today was another great day in the GYM.   I woke up at 6am took my GH and had coffee took my madol at 930 and ate 1 cup barley 4 oz chicken and 2 egg whites in a stir fry = (chicken fried rice with barley instead of rice).   then at 1055 took my IGF-Des 25mcg in each trap and went to work on the shoulder and GOD DAMN another great PUMP.

I did just simple warm ups to get the blood into the shoulders and WOW that alone was almost painful from the PUMP.  I worked 45 min with shorter then 30 second breaks in between sets sometimes no breaks and wow I was in total agony in a good way by the 40 min mark I was running on fumes.   The TREN s in and WOW is it rolling along great between the madol and the IGF AND GH it's going to get good,  I am down a waist size but have put on 3 pounds im sure there is some water but I gain very well on tren and I have a feeling the IGF is really doing a number on my muscles in a good way.  I will add some pics next week and we shall see where im at.

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wow I am putting on muscle now thank GOD,   I am loosing BF and gaining good muscle the last week.  Today I took a green monster pre workout and injected 25 mcg per lat and went to my back workout and during workout drank our apple juice mixed with water for carbs.  WOW what a workout the IGF des really kicked my ass in a good way.  

1 pull downs  1st to failure very low weight.   2-5 8 to 12 reps

2 upright rows same as 1

3 rows same

4 bent over rows 4  sets 8 to 12

5 good mornings 4 sets 8 to 12

finish off with chin ups and military pull ups with assistance to failure for 3 sets

I felt after the warm up that my lats were going to rip through the skin.  my back is pumped to the point where moving is painful but in a good way.   IGF where have you been all my life I added 10 Mg modal before and will take 10 mg of madol tonight with dinner keep blood levels consistent as of Monday night I will be adding Tren Ace to the mix
A green monster??

well the bulk is going very very well I am sitting at 196 so YA lets say everything is working and in full swing even with the 1600 cal a day diet im putting on some serious weight I think the IGF and tren with the madol and GH is Well FUCKING PERFECT for a combo.   I am doing chest today and will inject .25 IGF des in each pec before hitting the gym this should be interesting.  I can see that I am starting to fill out and wow I have never felt better all the autoimmune issues I am dealing with are actually gone and body is running like a machine and I couldn't be happier.  I will post some pics up for sure this weekend and you guys can at least see I am filling out and keeping the and and waistline in check WOOOHOO I am going to keep running tren from now on as well FUCK DECA I love the clean bulk and the fact im gaining mass and not gaining a waist size like I do with the other AAS.   I may run this tren for 8 weeks I am really liking it by far,   I am not eating carbs late anymore and find zero tren sweats at night.  Iam however sweating like a whore in church after every meal and even now while im writing this 

Deca definitely has it's place, but nothing is a replacement for tren. I don't think anyone would argue that. 

I'm going to kickstart my spring cycle on deca and transition to tren. Some like tren for short bursts, but i prefer it in the 12 to 16 week range. Everyone is different. 

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Im back from. the Gym today I kicked things into high gear Up at 6 had a coffee got on the boards and got some work done at 8 I went onto the treadmill and put 60 min of fartlek training in basically 2 min run and 1 min walk for 60 min.   burned a good 400 cals.  came up stairs talked with OLY and slugged some water and took my madol.  I am addicted to the PC sparkling flavoured water so I drink about 12 cans a day.  I then at 1030 ate some barley and chicken breast then at 1050 hit myself with 500 mug in each pec of IGF 1 Des.   went to the gym and destroyed my chest using again the Seth Feroce chest workout and this time I was able to get all the pushups in but about 5 min into the routine my  test literally felt like it would rip open from the PUMP.   I love this combo and wow am I hooked.  I hated the cardio though it really did kill me but in a good way I will be doing 3 or 4 days a week of cardio now onto of my weights I feeling well enough now and the bicep is def feeling better now so arm day Monday I can ramp it up abit,  Tomorrow is Back and Friday legs then I am taking sat and Sunday off and will do cardio depending on how my legs feel last week I couldn't sit down lol

so weight today on empty stomach 197.2 Tren is a marvellous GEM.  I am still running at 1600 cal a day and still gaining size un fucking real.  I injected my 50mg into the quad using an 8mm slinkier pin as im blessed with lean legs so it went into the muscle no problem.  Slight very slight ache as expected I know I injected there but zero to complain about.  I slept pretty good last night still zero tren sweats and im OKAY with that.   I found myself not eating after 6pm avoiding alot of carbs with my last meal has kept the tren sweats at bay.   I do note that anytime I consume Carbs Im a sweat machine so I have to believe that carbs are the culprit for tren sweats,   I am drinking a ton of water daily and am running dandelion root as a mild diuretic just incase I retain slight water.  I am getting ready now to pump the madol into me and am gearing up now for the gym so my pre workout meal will be barley 1/2 cup and some chicken breast...  then I get to really smash the food PWO.