Forgot to mention, that the diet will be tweaked this week, but calories will only be dropped by around 150 or so. Keeping two post training cardio sessions and all Am sessions. No other changes.
Meal 0: 1Tbsp apple cider vinegar, half lemon (squeezed) mixed in 500ml water.
Meal 1: 50g oats w/ cinnamon & 2 servings whey, 50g frozen blue berries, 20g nut butter, sprinkle of pink hima salt.
Meal 2: 200g chicken breast, 250g zucchini, 20g NPB
Meal 3: Same as Meal 1.
Meal 4: (15-30min PW) 2 servings whey, 1 soft chew dark chocolate granola bar
Meal 5: (2-2.5 hours PW) 200g chicken breast, 150-200g white rice, 200g zucchini (or alternative vegetable/fiber source)
Also picked up a case of raspberry diet pepsi for when I "need" it. Stuff is amazing.
Will see what happens this week and adjust based on my body's feedback. I dont want to drop to much to fast and slam into a wall where I have no place left to go.
5 more weeks on this current training split and then I need to refresh so I will start working on that layout soon.
Have a couple John Meadows programs and well as the Sayin Power Building program on hand I am considering, assuming I can handle the volume. Still dreaming about growing my legs more.