Ryu's Lean Up Log

60kg press? Nice man! Not many men can.

I know the urge to cut cals or crank cardio is strong, but your doing great. Lower cals to much and you risk catabolism. Increase cardio and when you do stall you’ll be living on the treadmill. 1kg a week is great, your body is getting used to being lighter, less chance of weight gain after the cut.

If you do find yourself hungry all the time some veggies or if youre like me Diet Coke can help.. with minimal impact. 

Have you thought about adding an oral? Var or winny, maybe some tbol? 

I wont be touching them again after those singles. Never been much for singles or doubles now that I am old.  Chest/shoulders are a genetic strong point for me, which is odd as they look like shit.

I was thinking about the oral eventually. I do have winny, var and drol sitting in my stash, but not really sure how I would want to toss them in or when. 

Happy to hear your thoughts on it for sure. 50mg of drol P/W at the same time as running the low dose tren might be interesting. 

On the same page for the diet soda. I have a box of diet pepsi lime and a box of diet pepsi raspberry sitting under my desk lol.  

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Yeah bro. I’ve never done singles or doubles. 4 is the lowest rep range I’ll play in.

Ham focused leg workout was OK.  Was feeling really gassed pretty quick and sweating like a mofo on the leg press. Also some pretty solid night sweats last night as well. Its odd, I get almost zero sides right now from the Tren and then 1 random night here and there I will go through 3 pillows.  I have about 6 weeks left of this run and while its not a HydroxyCut level transformation, I think the end result will be decent considering my starting point. 

TGIF which means its arms and cardio tonight. I may or may not let myself have a treat this weekend in the form on an ice cream or maybe a couple slices of pizza to see if that brings my energy back around. 

Is it sad that I am all ready thinking about what my next little blast should be after I take some down time after this run?

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“Is it sad that I am all ready thinking about what my next little blast should be after I take some down time after this run?”

Hell no! LOL, I just started a cycle and I’m thinking about what I’ll do after too. 🤣

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Weigh ins over the week:


Avg: 110.04kg

Saturday must have been the reason its shit, as it seems 2 slices of pizza as my cheat meal and my body just soaked it up. At least thats what I hope it was. Its still an overall average drop over the previous week, just not in the 1kg range that I am trying to maintain. 

Took pics this am, for better or worse. Honestly, I have so far to go its not even funny.  I might call this cycle and drop to TRT+ after this week or next week. I feel like I might be on for too long at this point (that, and I dont want to pop open any new vials)

Ill run the TRT+ for a couple months to clean up and then hit a 12-15 weeks second round that I still need to plan out. 

Anyway, here is the damage; starting to wonder if being lean is just not in my cards. 



110.5 this AM, so the water from my "cheat" on the weekend is coming off it seems. Been a frustrating couple of days and mood has been a little down, which was probably seen in the last post. 

Quad focused leg day yesterday night was brutal, I almost did not make it down the stairs and the inflammation in my quads last night kept me awake again. Kinda digging it in that weird kind of way. 

Today was my last jab of this little cycle so from next week it will be down to a TRT dose cruise for the next 6-8 weeks and then I will look at another run pending bloods and how I feel. Goals over the next 6-8 will be to try and hold onto any muscle I may have gained during this last little bit as well as either maintain or improve my body comp ratios. 

It was recommended to me that as my calories have been so low for so long, that I use the next 6-8 weeks to creep back up to around 2800-3000 cals to reset my maintenance levels with the majority of the ramp over the next two weeks while there is still tren in my system...not sure if that is a good plan or not so I look forward to the feedback here. 

I will be keeping the AM cardio in the mix. 

The next blast might be a little more aggressive and I was thinking of either giving what @Mikk0090 is running a go;

250mg test, 400mg tren, 500mg mast...or something a little more test-y like;

600mg test, 500mg mast, maybe some drol sprinkled in (but I think I would rather run this as more of a lean bulk late winter.

Anyway, love to hear the feedback from all you jacked assholes on here lol. 

Proposed macros to build up too; (2850 ish cals on training days, and about 2500 on off days) 


I had time finally to type this in: (kidding as its a lot of copy and paste) 

Meal 1: 2 whole eggs, 100g chicken, 2 wraps or 1 large bagel, sautéed vegetables, slice of tomato 

Meal 2: 50g oats w/ cinnamon & 2 servings whey, 100g frozen blue berries, 20g nut butter. 

Meal 3: 150g chicken breast, 2 wraps, 250g raw mixed vegetables inter wrap

Meal 4: (2 hours pre-workout) 75g oats w/ cinnamon & 2 servings whey, tsp coconut oil 

Meal 5: (15-30min PW) 2 servings whey, 1 soft chew dark chocolate granola bar, 1 small banana 

Meal 6: (2-2.5 hours PW) 200g chicken breast, 150g white rice, sautéed vegetables 

Keeping it simple is pretty important and FYI. 

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Today was my last jab of this little cycle so from next week it will be down to a TRT dose cruise for the next 6-8 weeks and then I will look at another run pending bloods and how I feel. Goals over the next 6-8 will be to try and hold onto any muscle I may have gained during this last little bit as well as either maintain or improve my body comp ratios. 

It was recommended to me that as my calories have been so low for so long, that I use the next 6-8 weeks to creep back up to around 2800-3000 cals to reset my maintenance levels with the majority of the ramp over the next two weeks while there is still tren in my system...not sure if that is a good plan or not so I look forward to the feedback here. 

I will be keeping the AM cardio in the mix. 

The next blast might be a little more aggressive and I was thinking of either giving what @Mikk0090 is running a go;

250mg test, 400mg tren, 500mg mast...or something a little more test-y like;

600mg test, 500mg mast, maybe some drol sprinkled in (but I think I would rather run this as more of a lean bulk late winter.

Anyway, love to hear the feedback from all you jacked assholes on here lol. 

Proposed macros to build up too; (2850 ish cals on training days, and about 2500 on off days) 

View attachment 2875
Yea man, I’m loving this blast.  This tren hit me by surprise.  And I agree with the calories.  Refeed yourself and you’ll be amazed on what the metabolism will do for you.    Your body is like dude feed me.  Go on some bulking stacks and eat clean 3-3500 cals and you’ll still be doing some good recomping 

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Mikk has your back bro. Absolutely refeed. Do a “mini bulk” with mostly clean food. 

For your next cut we could  consider some more cutting strategies. Keto, even if just two weeks to prime your system, play with insulin sensitivity and/or just see how you respond. Or theirs carb cycling?
Bodybuilding is all about finding what works for you. IMO that’s what makes it so much fun!

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Will be trying to work my way up to 3K cal over the next 6 weeks or so and see what happens. 

I actually added the egg wraps on Tuesday and the extra 25g of oatmeal Thursday. So far my body has been loving the extra food, or it might just be my mouth that is loving it. 

Im also being a bit of a dick to my lipids and from Monday will be tossing in 50mg var a day for 2 weeks while the tren and mast clear (not that my lipids are terrible given I have not been running anything high dose and my health stack is pretty on point) 

It just feels odd to think that I am 245-is lbs at this bodyfat level which makes me think I almost need to be 200lbs if I wanted to be ripped lol. 

Couple of guys on this board have been great with advice, been a huge help. 

A few days into the diet protocol now and my weight has not actually moved which is a surprise. I thought for sure it would jump and I would instantly turn into a fat..well fatter slob. The only things I have noticed aside from feeling better is that I am waking up fakin hungry. 

First test only shot today, kinda nice dropping to a low volume of oil and hitting it with a slin pin in the delt vs. the 1.5" full of oil into the glute lol. 

It will be an interesting couple of weeks. Maybe my body will rebound in a good way vs. the not so good way. 

Side question: when I get into my next "cut" would clen be worth it?  I dont compete and my BF goal is only 12-15%, so Im wondering if the extra stress on my body is worth it.  I could also pick some up just to have on hand to break a plateau later vs. all the caffeine and yohimbine I normally pump. 

Not much to update on. Training is good. Diet is good. Everything seems OK at least for now. 

Typical days food:

Meal 1: 2 whole eggs, 150g chicken, 4 slices bread, sautéed mushrooms, slice of tomato, cucumber, onions, green pepper 

Meal 2: 50g oats w/ cinnamon & 2 servings whey, 100g frozen blue berries, 20g nut butter. 

Meal 3: 150g chicken breast, 2 wraps, raw mixed vegetables inter wrap with Tabasco sauce. 

Meal 4: (2 hours pre-workout) 75g oats w/ cinnamon & 2 servings whey, 20g nut butter 

Meal 5: (15-30min PW) 2 servings whey, 1 soft chew dark chocolate granola bar, 1 small banana 

Meal 6: (2-2.5 hours PW) 200g chicken breast, 200g white rice, something green and something colorful. 

Still running LPPLA split with weekends off, 45-60min walk every AM (putting me at about 15K steps total) 

Health stack has not changed. 

Have not stepped on the scale in a week as I don't want to get to anal about it at the moment. 

Feeling good with the extra food. 

That's about it. 

I seem to be holding at around 114kg putting back just shy of 3K CAL. 

Full blood panel and physical next week and pending that result will hopefully be setup to get back on. 

That's about it for an update. 

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An update just to update...because, why not. 

Holding at 114kg still. Using this week and a deload as I was starting too feel run down.

I had forgotten how easy it is to pin 175mg of a test a week vs 2+ml per shot. 

Notable effects of coming off:

Muscle cramps - as there has been no diet change I am wondering if the tren had upregulated my thyroid and helped out with my mild hypo as I did not cramp up at all on cycle.  Using the bathroom less as well even with more food so that might support the above. Who know, just one of those things to log. 

Still feeling strong overall, still vascular which is a surprise. 

It will be interesting to see how the next couple of weeks goes as far as what my body weight and comp does.

Mood has been a little shitty, but that is expected. Sky is falling, I'm going to revert to stupid fat again so I should cut all my calories, etc. You know how it is.  Looking forward to getting over the reset hump, snapping a few photos and then figuring out what the best course of action is.  

As a random update / side note, I will be adding grape seed extract, red yeast rice and P5P to my health stack next run. 

The grape seed will replace the celery seed for BP, red yeast for LDL (if I recall it does not do anything for HDL) and the P5P will be new addition for prolactin. 

All of the above for the sole reason that the next run will have a little more tren in it than last time. 

Small update;

I actually dropped a little weight (from holding at 114 to now holding at 111) so that has been interesting as I have not changed the diet up at all. In fact I have had an ice cream bar here and there. It may be a sign that I have finally adapted to the higher calorie load. 

Blood work came back good except for my HDL not being as high as I would like but my LDL was in range.  Creatinine was also double the range but that's my bad as I trained right up to the day of doing my bloods. 

RBC/Hemo all in range (top end, but in range) 

Looks like I am green lit to go for another round here soon and I am looking at some more big boy doses to see what happens. Still undecided and I still have time to plan it out. 

Other than that, not much going on. Strength has been solid and I need to shave my back lol. 

So its been a min since my last update for anyone that still follows this dusty log, but again, not much has been going on. Its been hot as fuk and it really pulls the energy out of you.

Managed to get my calories up to 3200 with any shift in weight and this coming Monday will be my first pin of the next 12-16 weeks run.  Yes, this is going to be a bit more of a big boy cycle to see how my body reacts. I have not run anything in higher doses in, well over a decade, so it should be interesting. 

Training, diet, cycle and supplements are outlined in previous posts. Ill be starting out at 3200 cal with my standard AM cardio 7 days a week.  This is my baseline. Ill run that for the next 3 weeks until everything is fully kicked in and see how my body reacts at those numbers with the added gear. Caloric load will then be looked at depending on progress. Either a few post weight cardio sessions, a small calorie cut or even Mountain dog style 24 hour fasting.

Ill try to trim the carpet I am wearing and get a new set of baseline photos this weekend. 

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