Looking good brethren. I think it all looks good and solid.
ive found for legs that people over complicate shit and try the nee bullshit fad exercises they see on YouTube that promises Olympia legs in 23 days lol. I’ve noticed training over the years that people will go much harder on chest or arms than they do legs. Stick to the basics, don’t be a pussy and make those leg days nasty.
For people who want to grow I’ll split the leg days up quads and hams. So without breaking it down too much, if I were training someone who could go hard, legs look like this.
leg day 1
standing leg curls 5x10
pump squats (no lock out) 3 warm up sets, 3 working sets 6-10 reps
hack squats with low and narrow stance, 1 warm up, 3 working sets of 8 reps (2 second descend, pause at bottom and explode up with no lock out or rest at top.
leg extensions
leg day 2
lying leg curls 2 warm up, 3 working explosive sets.
hack squats high and wide stance. 1 warm up, 4 working sets 8 reps deep
zercher squats. 1 warm up, 3 working sets of 8-10
barbell stiff leg deadlifts. 3 sets of 12 with pause at bottom.
that workout even as basic as it is tends to be way above and beyond what a normal person constitutes as a “leg day” and I tend to see some pretty good results with clients just using that template and tweaking here and there.
P.s. if you’ve never done zercher squats, it’s a great addition for hams and glutes. Helps work on proper squat form and is overall something different to throw in that a lot of people don’t do anymore. It’s definitely something easily done with a home gym and Olympic bar as technically you don’t really have to use a rack