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Posts posted by RRR

  1. Really no offense to anyone but A non judgmental laugh from  me about those who are against gene mods but choose to modify their muscle/strength/endurance genetic potential with steroids/IGF/GH etc--lol

  2. 4 hours ago, Physlifter said:

    I am not misreading. 

    Read my first post. Read my table chart. Three A workouts, three B workouts

    A1 b1 A2

    B2 a3 b3

    Rotate back the next week. If you fail to raise the bar for the following rotation workout a1 to a1 you swap out the exercise for a new one. Always progress, always beating the log. 

    LOL-your body/your Life/your choice-i wish you well-I just thought clarifying would help you not burn out-I apologize for interfering.

  3. In the DC training only 2 exercises per muscle per work out and change that second day wkout -go back to 1st wkout on 3rd workout day is recommended.Mon=Chest-Incline DB + BP--Fri=Hammersmith +Pec Dek--Wed the next week=Mondays wkout.Much more tolerable than 3 exercises.in my humble opinion Most steroid enhanced workouts do not need to be any more intense than without-perhaps an extra rep or set only.The drug takes care of the "extra growth" from Test levels not degrading after a wkout as normal/androgen receptors are enhanced//IGF enhanced /protein synthesis is triggered longer than the 36 hrs of normal/cortisol is reduced so less muscle catabolism--etc-so I say go gently[relatively speaking] into the process and let the roi9ds do their work.?️‍♀️No offence meant at all-just a thought.


  4. Muscle Cramps are prolonged, painful contractions of a Muscle - often in Leg Muscles.

    These Substances Alleviate Muscle Cramps


    Quinine is excellent for the treatment of Muscle Cramps (particularly Leg Cramps): research

    - In some cases Muscle Cramps (Leg Cramps) disappear for long periods of time after patients have used Quinine Sulfate for one to two weeks.

    Amino Acids

    Taurine (1,000 - 2,000 mg per day) effectively reduces Muscle Cramps in many persons (it is especially useful for the treatment of Muscle Cramps where Muscle Cramps occur as a side effect of Cirrhosis of the Liver). research


    Calcium deficiency can cause Muscle Cramps: research

    - Calcium (1,000 mg per day) alleviates the Muscle Cramps (Leg Cramps) that often occur during Pregnancy. - Night Muscle Cramps are a symptom of Calcium deficiency.

    Chlorine deficiency can cause Muscle Cramps. Magnesium deficiency can cause Muscle Cramps. research Potassium helps to prevent and reduce the severity of Muscle Cramps. Muscle Cramps can occur as a result of Sodium deficiency.

    Night Muscle Cramps can occur as a result of Zinc deficiency.

    Sulfuric Compounds

    Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) (especially when combined with supplemental Vitamin C) alleviates Muscle Cramps. research


    The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 alleviates Muscle Cramps that are caused by poor Blood Circulation. research Vitamin C alleviates Muscle Cramps. All forms of Muscle Cramps usually respond to Vitamin E treatment: research

    - 450 IU of supplemental Vitamin E each day has resulted in total success in the alleviation of Muscle Cramps in many people. - Vitamin E effectively eliminates the Muscle Cramps that can occur in many people after intense Exercise.

    These Herbs Alleviate Muscle Cramps

    Butcher’s Broom reputedly alleviates Muscle Cramps (presumably by improving Blood Circulation to the Muscles). Chamomile alleviates Muscle Cramps. Chaparral alleviates Muscle Cramps (Leg Cramps). Cinchona (bark) alleviates Muscle Cramps (especially Leg Cramps) - due to the Quinine content of Cinchona bark.

    Ginger alleviates Muscle Cramps. Hibiscus (tea) alleviates Muscle Cramps (according to anecdotal reports). Hops alleviate Muscle Cramps. Lavender (tincture and baths) alleviates Muscle Cramps (according to anecdotal reports).

    Passion Flower alleviates Muscle Cramps (by relaxing the Central Nervous System). Valerian alleviates Muscle Cramps.

    Topical Substances that Treat Muscle Cramps

    Oils - Non-Dietary

    Emu Oil (applied topically) is claimed to provide temporary relief from the Pain associated with Muscle Cramps (especially those that occur in the legs) - (according to anecdotal reports).

    These Substances can Cause Muscle Cramps

    Minerals -Toxic

    Arsenic causes Muscle Cramps. research

    Organic Acids

    The accumulation of excessive amounts of Lactic Acid within the Muscles can cause Muscle Cramps.

    Pharmaceutical Drugs

    Clenbuterol causes Muscle Cramps in some persons. Long-term use of Pharmaceutical Glucocorticosteroids can cause Muscle Cramps.

    Smart Drugs

    Muscle Cramps can occur as a temporary initial side-effect of Xanthinol Nicotinate usage - this side-effect usually disappears after continued usage of Xanthinol Nicotinate.


    The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 sometimes (rarely) causes Muscle Cramps in some persons when it is consumed in dosages above 100 mg per day.

    These Conditions/Ailments Increase the Risk of Muscle Cramps


    Cirrhosis can cause Muscle Cramps. Hypothyroidism can cause Muscle Cramps.

    Sexual System - Females

    Females often experience Leg Cramps during Pregnancy.

    Muscle Cramps are associated with these Ailments

    Musculoskeletal System

    Muscle Cramps (when they occur in Neck Muscles) can cause Stiff Neck.

    Related Topics

    Muscles Muscle Ailments

    Copyright (from Hyperhealth Natural Health & Nutrition CD-ROM: 2000 Version)

  5. I want to address tren cough experience-when I 1st started I would draw up the tren with the same needle head I then injected with..Cough 3/4 of the time even though I went to great lengths to avoid hitting artery/vein complexes.I studied the pathways of major circulation extensively--am an RN and Dr.Ac...Then I realized that there was tren on the outside of needle head as it pierced through the smaller capillaries and perhaps that was how I was getting it introduced directly to  veinous return to lungs..Changed needle heads between drawing up and injection--voila-no more coughing..Try it and see if it helps you.

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  6. A question please.I see there is BodyTech on Canadian Brawn which is the new site Taureau started..Are this one and that one  the same entity as it seems strange with the falling out of owner's..Interested cause I bought BT or 2 yrs under the old NM with some great results and then some troublesome results.Wanting to assess options as I need a refill


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