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  1. Bodytech! Never disapointed ! ! Shipping times are fast and they’re “enhancements” are top notch !
    4 points
  2. Hgh is my staple daily. I also incorporate igf des or 1lr3
    3 points
  3. Apologies if this has been asked & answered countless times, I'm a noob here. My go to guy is almost impossible to get in touch with these days & I'm cautiously optimistic about buying online, but I'm already burnt out trying to discern which sites are scams & which are legit. It seems like a 50/50 crapshoot - every site that's highly recommended has an equal number of people claiming they were scammed by them. Either the e-transfer is accepted & their order never comes or the products arrive but are fake. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    2 points
  4. Are you someone who hits the gym and heads straight for the weights or do you have a particular warm up and cool down routine? Do you find having warm up and cool down routines essential to post workout recovery?
    2 points
  5. I'm glad there's message boards like this still around. We need a place for a community to grow and not be explosive like reddit and tiktok. Glad to have you here.
    2 points
  6. ozempic+ some var if the concern is muscle loss,sarm could work aswell i am about to begin retatrutide which seems to be the most promising of the 3
    2 points
  7. Sorry you felt like you had to apologize. this board used to be a place where feedback was encouraged now it seems like it’s being over run with a gang full of butter chicken and humidity.
    2 points
  8. Just wondering, so much emphasis these days on physical well being but who do u/ how do you articulate your struggles, hardships or hang ups? do you go to therapy? do you have a person to confide in? do you deal with it on your own? underrated topic nobody seems to talk about it, which is crazy, on a board about regulating hormones especially considering the emerging science between mental and physical well being and their correlations to feeling well.
    1 point
  9. age is a number, brother, but I feel you.
    1 point
  10. Found it kept my results better, less feeling of lethargy, and overall kept me going inbetween cycles at my worst points
    1 point
  11. Hello guys I just started hgh primarily for my injuries since it has big potential ! ive been injecting hgh since money prebed ( empty stomach 50%) using 2iu ) i mixed my 10iu vial with .5cc so i get 2ui on every mark on insuline syringe whats your expérience about the side effets ? anxiety , disturbed sleep , a bit more appétit should i hope my dosage ( i reconstitued it very gently , i stirred it up gently cuz of the powder left
    1 point
  12. BPC and TB500 will improve the healing factor of scar tissue formation and reduce inflammatory factors that can negatively impact recovery. It will not structurally put the disc back into a good position. Proper physio for back extensions/cobra/sloppy pushup exercises, reducing front heavy loading and long lever loading to the front, doing your core exercises, and keeping posture/lifting mechanisms in general nice and tight to the body are the best and proven methods to healing a disc injury. ALL disc injuries heal. The compounds can accelerate healing aspects but when structural issues are exacerbated by mechanical forces it won't help that.
    1 point
  13. Listen to the new Knocked Loose album. It hits REALLY REALLY hard.
    1 point
  14. Agreed, a solid lab and the best interactions I have ever had with any rep or group.
    1 point
  15. I get high and then warm up. Helps me zone in and establish a deep mind to muscle connection Stretching is essential for me post every workout
    1 point
  16. I always chickened out of taking DNP, curious about these glp 1s
    1 point
  17. Have u tried bodytech? They have fast replies, fast shipping and after years never failed once .. keyword here is “trust the system” they have in place .. it works !
    1 point
  18. You're right, & tracking macros is how she lost the weight last time. I think it's a matter of eating very little in quantity but the quality when she does eat is poor - used to have time for salads with lean protein & now it's often frozen pre-made crap once a day & lots of coffee throughout the day with 18% cream. That will have to change. Fat loss aside, we both need a boost in strength & var absolutely gave me that in the past. That's how this whole discussion got started between her & I. Some members suggested asking staff which UGLs they trust, but not sure if that's skirting the rules. I don't want to end up wasting money on bunk.
    1 point
  19. I just straight up do a few warm up sets before I train. Once the muscle is warm I then do my next exercises straight sets, no more warm ups required.
    1 point
  20. I used to do a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill. Now I just lift a few easier warm up sets for my first couple of exercises and it seems to do and feel the same. Really though, as long as you're not benching 315 right out of the gate and to just get the body moving that seems to be the trick. In my opinion anyway.
    1 point
  21. Tren doesn't bother me much anymore. But more doesn't equal better. I've been doing, no kidding, 12.5 EOD micro administrations using an insulin pin. Basicaly 50 mg per week and it's transformative. Zero sides, feels great, and huge benefit. We need far less than what we perceive to be, and if you're not: sleeping, keeping stress down, eating, and doing your cardio you won't see the full potential of your gains. Add in GH and you can reduce your gear use even more because of the huge synergies and therefore have improved health. I'm not sure what your goals are so hard to direct you for gear gains, just remember it's about total anabolic load. Multiple injections per week using smaller amounts will also decrease side effects.
    1 point
  22. I thought you might be interested in this because almost no nutritionists or people involved in bodybuilding know this. But in the world of aging and longevity research there is the knowledge that the lipid make up of the cellular membrane influences cellular metabolism. High DHA content in phospholipids of the cellular membrane is associated with high metabolic activity and this leads into the "membrane pacemaker" theory of metabolism.This theory proposes that highly polyunsaturated acyl chains impart physical properties to cellular membrane bilayers that enhance and speed up the molecular activity of membrane proteins and consequently the metabolic activity of cells, tissues and the whole animal.There is a positive correlation in the animal kingdom between body size and cellular metabolism with smaller animals possessing cellular membranes with higher DHA content and thus higher cellular metabolisms. Larger animals, humans for instance have cellular membranes with a lot less DHA and thus slower cellular metabolism.All of this is correlated to lifespan. Highly polyunsaturated acyl chains (primarily DHA) are very susceptible to peroxidative damage. This kind of damage shortens lifespan.The brain however is not correlated to any of this and in humans posses high DHA content in the cellular membrane & thus higher metabolism. It is thought that evolution probably weeded out those sluggish thought creatures that had slower brain cell metabolism.How does it work? Well the physical properties of polyunsaturates primarily DHA are such that these lipid chains are flexible and active compared to unsaturated lipids. Because of the active or rapid movement of DHA lipids they exert lateral pressure on neighboring molecules in the cellular membrane. This creates greater activity in membrane enzymes, Na+/K+-ATPase molecules and thus ion channels become approximtely 25% more active. A large part of cellular energy goes into operating those channels.Similar sorts of activity occur in the mitochondrial membrane proteins.A good & recent review of all of this is The links between membrane composition, metabolic rate and lifespan, A.J. Hulbert, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 150 (2008) 196–203Now we know from source material such as Evolutionary Aspects of Diet, the Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio, and Gene Expression by Artemis P. Simopoulos found in the book Phytochemicals: Nutrient-Gene Interactions, Mark S. Meskin (Editor), CRC; 1 edition (February 22, Phytochemicals: Nutrient-Gene Interactions, Mark S. Meskin (Editor), CRC; 1 edition (February 22, 2006) that: "... the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) composition of cell membranes is to a great extent dependent on the dietary intake." So if you ingest a large quantity of Omega 3 fatty acids which contain high DHA content you will alter the makeup of the cellular membrane such that it is composed of more DHA which will increase cellular metabolism. This is great for dieting but increases the potential oxidative damage. Enough to effective lifespan? Probably not. But it should increase energy expenditure and thus be beneficial on a diet.
    1 point
  23. I'm going to bump this topic as it's relevant now I used 5 iu of GH during contest prep, 4 iu post contest prep for 2 months, and now on 2iu It has absolutely helped melt and keep the fat off my body during this offseason training as I rebounded. On training days, I take my 2 iu post workout, but on cardio only days I take it 2 hours before I do fasted cardio; end up taking the shot between 3-4 am when i get up to goto the bathroom. Maximal lipolytic effect is achieved and I'm burning all those free fatty acids. Even eating in a good calorie amount, like 3500 calories a day, I'm still 12% bf and hovering. So I can absolutely vouch for how it's worked. Even for my wife, it's been mindblowing running 2iu at keeping your stomach lean.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for the info. Albuterol seemed less likely to interfere with sleep due to its shorter half life? Seems clen has a crazy long one. Clen/albuterol isn't something I need atm but the wife wants to give it a go. After her first pregnancy she got the weight off easy. This one was different, maybe because she's older & it was multiples. She's barely eating & her weight has plateaued for about 4 months now, also holding onto fat in areas she never did before. I worry because it's uncharted territory other than my limited experience with var & there's a plethora of conflicting info out there. Not asking for hookups but is there a way to ask staff for their opinion on trusted labs? Nordic, Syn, Ace & Dracorex seem legit.
    1 point
  25. So i've tried your method @Physlifter Definitely less pain and clicking. So i'll keep doing this!! Thanks!!
    1 point
  26. Wow man you've been around for awhile! Thanks for coming to see us! Hope to see you stick around and grow this board again to it's glory!
    1 point
  27. I personally always dealt with reps but I think the site is good too.
    1 point
  28. Is the website the proffered order method or can I get a list from a rep?
    1 point
  29. Welcome!
    1 point
  30. Welcome!
    1 point
  31. what physio said and maybe come bpc and tb500 for recovery?
    1 point
  32. some are scams ,some are not you can always msg staff to verify 5mg on var is perfect for women have many clients using 5mg var and winny,stack it with albuterol,clenbuteorl is old school. albuterol is new gen my friend
    1 point
  33. I am seeing some things I will need to add for sure, I've noticed lately my digestion was off so I added some glutamine for gut health with some digestive enzymes, and probiotics and fibre. Mostly just excess gas and a lingering smell.
    1 point
  34. I have a few patients who use ozempic due to obesity, some with diabetes type 2. The most common thing they say is they just aren't hungry. One person had lots of gut rot but I don't think they were eating clean foods and still consuming nasty fats which would settle. I'm interested in trying it myself in the fall, particular tirzepetide which is the med name for mounjaro as it's much more tolerated as a 2nd generation ozempic style drug and gives equal if not better results. I don't know too much about retutritide but i'll look up more ^_^ I just don't want to feel starving during prep and hard diet stages!!!! Get away the hunger and I can deal with the lack of energy!!
    1 point
  35. Hey man, clicking can mean some inflammation of the shoulder from overuse. Posture is very important when doing a press, ensuring your scapula are pulled back and you aren't bringing the bar down too low. Use a smith, go very light (like 25 lbs per side), find the right bench position, use a safety bar at the chin level, and then do the exercise with 3 second negatives, pausing at the bottom, and then do the press. You'll be light enough to adjust your position as needed, but heavy enough to get some load through the tissue to make it respond. If it's still painful, drop the exercise, focus on sub 90 deg front raises, laterals with cables and burn it out with sets of 12-15 2-3x/wk. Only when it's not painful or significant clicking can you go back to doing the press again, but following the advice I gave above to ensure you are doing it correctly.
    1 point
  36. Thanks for your response. I took a chance on Nordic, we'll see how that goes. Long story short, we were both in the best shape of our lives when she got pregnant last year, lifting heavy 3x/week til her 3rd trimester. Since she's been trying to get back in shape & shed baby weight, she's discouraged by how slow her progress is. Also body comp feels different to her - she never held onto fat the way she does now. Neither of us have any hardcore goals of getting back to where we were in in our 20s, but strength, definition & fat loss is important. I'd like to put back on some mass as well. We both agreed var with maybe some clen would be ok for her to try now that we're done having kids. I just have reservations about UGLs & not knowing for sure what we're getting - like you said. Also the potential for virilization, but low dose var seems the safest by far in that department.
    1 point
  37. Speaking of mental health, had a great friend stop by in need of a cold glass of water and a place to fall apart, the home is ours brother cuz u would do the same for me, and I know that. Always left me more than what ya came with so the beds make themselves. think we might start our own stained glass studio. I’ll let ya know how it goes.
    1 point
  38. Quick review here, long time supporter - execution is 100% Lots of lingering questions, speculations about the origins of it all. The proof is in the pendulum. I just want to be able to stand on my feet, roll my shoulders back and feel like a man. day 3 and the residual tendinitis has subsided. Strength is still way more up than my “peers.” just happy at 37 that I can touch my own toes without being out of breath. will report back.
    1 point
  39. Sorry if I came off hostile the other night physi, I get bent out of shape sometimes and it means a lot that the level head prevails. That’s what this board stands for. I’ve never been a r eddit person, frequented the forums to conduct research. it’s not about speaking up or speaking out to someone, having friends that are both health care and correctional health care professionals, There’s no way to speculate. We’ve worked hard on establishing a space for the brothers to have a chat and feel free to express how they’re feeling without judgment. In the olden days fathers and grandfathers had lodges, halls, and a sense of meaning- beyond being a father, spouse, or burden. and with the emerging science behind the way hormones play a vital role in well being, on a forum full of “vigilante,” health gurus, how does the factor of unmitigated management of hormone function affect mental health? yes speak to someone of course that’s the first step. Get prescribed some pharmaceuticals that make sure you are comfortable and feel safe. there’s kids that could absolutely dust me in a game of ping pong, could paint pictures around the sun before they could talk to someone. And lately I’ve found peace in playing ping pong, painting and growing flowers, and watching Poatan this evening realign his opponent with gravity, really has me inspired.
    1 point
  40. Just checking back in, i politicized my out burst and I’m here now to appologise or how how you ever spell it, I’m sorry for muddling this thread and any bad energy I cast to the members. the fine folks at BT came through again, even tossed in a complimentary item. website is still G2G and I will report back on the findings of my research. Expect update soon. Thanks .
    1 point
  41. Welcome to Northern Lifters. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
    1 point
  42. Really looking forward to the big board announcements, the days when handles carried weight, really looking forward to you contributing more…. That’s literally what’s happening he is trying to do. participate, have a voice and opinion and ask questions. That’s where this whole thing started. People being able to share their experiences without being discredited. Sounds like rick needs to check out, why check in to say ur to old… drama blah blah blah veterinarian? Save it. Keep the thread for people who want to document and get feedback about their experiences. Post more about what? Experience? Sorry ur experience doesn’t matter until you bottle feed ricks chickens. Windows down elbows out.
    1 point
  43. In the day of social media, there a few figures who command a legion of fans that have built this base on their vast knowledge of AAS, not just from a bro science/experience level, but on a pharmacological level. Real talk, grounded science, real experience 'clinically' with true sides/symptoms, results are what had these guys catapult to the top. Let's provide some links to these guys, because it really helps faciliate learning: 1) By far my favourite is Vigorous Steve; this guy is/was a monster but knows just as much (if not more) than Derek on everything AAS, peptides, GH, insulin, and I appreciate his input more than Palumbo. http://www.youtube.com/@VigorousSteve 2) Derek from More plates more dates http://www.youtube.com/@MorePlatesMoreDates He's not as active as before during the covid era where he made his money and following then, and he's pushing towards more true clinical treatment of men with his test clinic, but he's starting to become more active again and his knowledge is superior to most. How about your other choices?
    1 point
  44. Are you dumb? It's a underground lab, they can write any date they want. What part of that do you not get kid? You learned your gear knowledge online, I learned it from years of use and experience. Yes I had a decavial sitting for ten years and I used it, shocking. I've used pharma and ug gear from turkey, Iran, Yugoslavia, Egypt, France, UK, US, you name it. You asked I answered. If you think you know better then live with your superior knowledge and throw good gear out just cuz you're clueless.
    1 point
  45. You can get legit/legal TRT from Jack Health. They're out of Ontario, but I suspect that's not what you're looking for.
    1 point
  46. Check out Canabolics.ca , i just bought a bunch of stuff from them 1 month ago. Everything I purchased has been working very well and they shipped everything in 3 days , also the guy who runs there shipping will stay in contact with you until you get the product. Let me know if you have anymore question regarding anything Good luck
    1 point
  47. Fish oil, specifically the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, has been studied for its potential effects on metabolism and fat loss. While there is some evidence suggesting that omega-3 fatty acids may have a positive impact on metabolism and body composition, the effects are relatively modest and may vary among individuals. Here are a few potential ways in which fish oil, specifically the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), may contribute to fat loss and metabolic health: Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can interfere with normal metabolic processes and contribute to insulin resistance, a condition associated with obesity and metabolic disorders. Appetite Regulation: Some studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may help regulate appetite and reduce feelings of hunger, which can indirectly support weight management efforts. Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Omega-3 fatty acids may enhance insulin sensitivity, allowing for better utilization of carbohydrates and improved blood sugar control. This can potentially support weight management and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders. Fat Oxidation: There is some evidence to suggest that omega-3 fatty acids can enhance fat oxidation (the body's ability to use stored fat as an energy source) during exercise. This may contribute to improved fat loss and body composition. It's important to note that while fish oil may have potential benefits for metabolism and fat loss, it is not a magic solution on its own. It should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and other lifestyle factors that support overall metabolic health. As always, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen, as they can provide personalized advice based on your individual health needs and considerations.
    1 point
  48. 1/2 cup large flake oatmeal, 30g unflavored protein powder, 5g creatine, tbspn of each hemp seed and chia seeds, two tbspn of natural peanut butter and high protein Greek yogurt, a tspn of honey, a banana, 1/4 cup of strawberries, one cup of fairlife skim milk, and 4 ice cubes....... It’s killer!! Hahahahah. A hell of a chore though. I look forward to them every weekend.
    1 point
  49. 1 to 2 iu daily would be optimal for a female, ideally in the AM right after waking up on an empty stomach. I would only suggest this if it’s for long term, and If so, I’d personally suggest either 5 days on 2 days off, or 6 days on 1 day off.
    1 point
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