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a_ahmed last won the day on July 15

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  1. a_ahmed


    Welcome aboard!
  2. Actually also, old school guys kind of did the same, they'd run like deca, primo, dbol, basically a dht, a 19nor and something that aromatizes, and the dht kept things in check for sense of well being while they had some estrogen in circulation but not too much.
  3. ya european guys started that first well over a decade ago then north americans followed suit, low/hrt test and higher other compounds (eg: tren or npp)
  4. Yes, should be a staple supplement at all times
  5. I personally always dealt with reps but I think the site is good too.
  6. Well, it depends, in the beginning on any gear I had a first time experience then my body got used to it or I got used to it. For example with tren, I generally always sweat, when i sleep too, so getting on and off tren for me personally has been like oh I sweat a little more. Now DNP that's another story that's pouring out niagara falls. Insomnia same thing, I generally have insomnia, so having it or not having it, well off tren I slept 'better', but I am still an insomniac. And if I run tren long enough some of the sides subside and I get used to them too. Also gains/results are not 'linear', meaning, the first time you do a certain cycle it's explosive, unless you take epic time off like years, as most just blast all year, you're not going to get those 'newbie' gains. As someone who's done this for over a decade, I know... you never get those rapid gains, unless you do something stupid like a gram of something and orals, but then you're punishing yourself. Slow and steady results is best with minimal sides or at least manageable sides.
  7. I am curious how everyone else eats. I'm one of those guys that can eat the same thing over and over again and never get tired. So yes, believe it or not for years I eat chicken breast and rice lol... I used to do whole eggs, I've done pita bread and eggs and turkey bacon, I've done oats + bananas + pb + whey, but in the end, nothing feels better than straight up chicken breast (hot spicy bbq'd or air fried) and plain ol rice. I've experimented with different rice and in the end white rice just works best for me.
  8. I used to laugh at therapy, psychologists, etc.. but when I went and talked to one, helped me unravel issues with my ex and how she was manipulating and draining me. Opened my eyes. One line hit me, "what is it you get out of this relationship" I had nothing to say. It opened my eyes. If you also have past traumas, worth talking it out with a professional, especially if relationship related or upbringing or childhood, etc...
  9. a_ahmed


    lol i stopped watching a long time ago, but i check it out once in a while. Yeah there's many weird off shoots, now there's even all out multiple fighters at once, male vs female, there's slapping competitions LOL. Not UFC but, I want to see Jake get smashed by Mike with their upcoming fight.
  10. Yeah apparently it's a thing, it's on the rise. I don't think it's beef allergies lol thank God, cause I've eaten beef since and I've been fine. Just a one off I guess, it must have been contaminated meat or something. It seems lately in Canada everything is contaminated, just the other day they mentioned almond milk outbreak of something. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20428608 Alpha-Gal Syndrome, insane. You can get it from ticks and the WEF 'ted style' talks and articles once mentioned "how about we induce meat allergies in people", yeah f off LOL. I'm being serious. Anyways not to get off topic, but I've continued my routine of EVOO, fish oil with meals and sugar free gummies with fiber at night, I've been doing well since thank God.
  11. Just as an update, haven't had issues, no need for magnesia milk. I use sugar free metamucil gummies now throughout the day. I do drink green tea, peppermint tea, chicory tea ('smooth move'). EVOO and Omega 3 lemon flavor oil with each meal. I also take inulin gummies throughout the day, has some benefits on insulin sensitivity too. Been doing good.
  12. well it went away after 8 days. It must have been bad meat or something... I have a friend who's sister experienced the same thing at the same time I did. So it coulda been shitty meat in the market. I'm not shocked, Canada has constant recalls on meat and vegetables, so fucked up our food supply. The combination of shit I listed above really helped, and some of it I am going to continue using regularly. Plus the EVOO does help with skin quality I noticed on me lol, makes poop smooth in the morning too haha.
  13. Go through the reps instead of the site, I've never used their site I always like dealing with ppl I can talk to. Also so many times they stuck to their guns n even supplied me extra pills or vials for free, I've used them for like ten years now personally and of course over the years their reps changed but for the most part regardless of the rep they made up for any issue I ever had. Never had issues with their gear except dhb was painful but lol I've never used anyone's dhb that was not painful that's just dhb not their fault. My favorite was their tren suspension that shit is wild
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