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  3. I am sorry for your loss, he was a handsome boy
  4. definitely go with what @Physlifter said and bpc and tb would definitely be a big benefit
  5. This was my big boy Legend who recently and unexpectedly passed away. He was my closest friend and sidekick.
  6. Who is your best friend? by that, I mean your furry best friend. dog? cat? Ferret? squirrel? what non human creature keeps you balanced. This is ReeRee, a rescue rottweiler.
  7. I would use either dumbbells or machines with neutral grip for shoulder presses if you really want to do them. With a regular grip (barbell style) the shoulder is rotated too much imo. Neutral grip won't put any rotation on the shoulder and is much safer.
  8. I've had slight tears in the shoulder before. Best thing I did was actually take time away from from lifting (anything that put strain on the shoulder) and actually let it heal. Bodytech hooking me up with BPC157 was a godsend.
  9. I agree with staying busy! It helps a lot to be occupied with something! My tip, is to think about one meal at a time. Don't think that you are starving all day. Think about the fact that you get to eat in a couple hours. That is the only goal you have to worry about. As far as appetite suppression goes, I used to rely on nicotine a lot, but maybe not the bast habit to have.
  10. This is great! I'm not a reddit expert, but will take a look for sure.
  11. I love pull push legs. But now that I'm old, I schedule it Day 1 Pull Day 2 Push Day 3 Off Day 4 Legs Day 5 Off Day 6 Off Day 7 Repeat Gives me a solid break between training back and legs. A chance to fully recover between workouts.
  12. I do the standard bro split. Find I get the best pumps that way, and I never rush through a bodypart like I tend to with Push Pull Legs.
  13. I've been solely dealing with BT for the last 5 or 6 years. Always delivered quickly, everything on point and can't beat the prices. I felt no need to even look elsewhere. 5 stars from me!
  14. I think my biggest hack, is keeping busy. Doesn't sound like much of a hack, the busier I keep myself, the less I think about food or hunger. For me weekends would be the toughest, because I wasn't as busy as a regular workday. I would make myself do projects around the house to keep my mind occupied, and that helped a lot.
  15. I think the best form of therapy is a good, open conversation. Whether that is with a partner, friend, or a professional, I don't think makes too much of a difference (except a professional is actually trained to provide feedback). What matters is that you are able to talk, let things out rather than keep it all inside. Half the time just hearing myself speaking about something that is bothering me or concerning me, is the actual therapy itself.
  16. I think for many, it's the classic contest prep cycle. Test/Tren/Mast. Always great results. However as I get older, I'm more inclined to try Test/Primo. Seems everyone raves about it, and while not exactly Tren like results, much easier on the body and a great look. I think I will give it a shot this fall.
  17. Well im Defenitely glad to read that ! ! Bit of a cost but for comfortability there is no price ! And with bt’s gear ! Its next to nothing ! Cause the wuality is bang on and prices cant be beat !
  18. I have been lucky, outside out of night sweats and some odd nightmares near the end, I never really had much for side effects
  19. I found that chewing gum, however counter-intuitive due to the first stage of carbohydrate digestion and potential to spike ghrelin, was very beneficial for some aspect of flavor. sugar free gum mind you.
  20. whenever I have added tren in to any cycle, I just want to hump every good looking woman in sight, and when I do get one down, I have to really work at it to finish, which they don't complain about usually, but sometimes you just want to finish
  21. age is a number, brother, but I feel you.
  22. Maybe try running some gh to keep the gains coming and drop the tren.
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