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Posts posted by cfmstr1

  1. My goal is not to negatively impact their business, on the contrary I wish them success.
    However I'm posting my honest review in the hope they can fix this.
    I mentionned I had PIP and I did ask the rep what is their % of BA and BB that they use in order to potentially identify the source of the PIP but all he could provide me was the type of carrier oil unfortunately.

  2. Wow, crazy how I'm automatically accused of having an agenda and being treatened to get banned!
    I couldn't care less about your little board drama. I'm telling it how it is and just hoping the lab will take serious measures to find what is wrong with their manufacturing process. BT give me massive PIP. After trying multiple of their products, different inj sites, etc. That's what it is.
    For your proof, there look at this picture. Big discolorated painful bump on my lat (1cc Test E 250 only). Note that this is 4 days after the injection. Was much worse the first few days. Months earlier when I injected at multiple sites more CCs of their test and EQ, all areas were always swollen and painful. I switched lab and no more issue. I decided to try just one CC one last time this week and that was the result.
    Hope this helps.


  3. I'm sorry but something is wrong with your oils. Solvents used, formula, idk. But something is wrong. I'm trying out other labs currently, inject 2-3ml at the same site without any PIP at all. I pin 1ml of BT Test E 250mg and I have a fucking painful knot for a full week at the inj site. The orals are gtg and the oils surely are being done with legit raws, but the way they make it is wrong and final product cause crazy PIP.

  4. Gents,

    Trying to remember the name of a crazy obscure product I tried about 10 years ago. I remember it involved prostaglandins hormones. It was an injectable product you had to buy thru a veterinary supplier. Supposedly worked for fat loss. Had terrible side effects like couldn't temporarly feel your mouth, had crazy bowel movements, felt like death. Tried it 2-3 times then threw the bottle in the garbage lol. Anyone remember that stuff?

  5. On 10/9/2018 at 8:13 AM, Talon said:

    god I remember doing cattle pellet conversions in my living room with Tren lol.   Great stuff but so much easer to flip the top off my BT vial lol

    Classic good old days lol. I had that "nectar of the gods" recipe using pellets going behind a furniture in my place 10+ years ago lmao. Sadly can't tolerate tren anymore nowadays.

  6. Thank you I'll try that. Also I realise that maybe the PIP I got from lats and traps this week is because its been a lonnng while I didn't  hit those spots so they're kinda virgin again lol. Quads and tris last week PIP is because both sides have been in rotation every week for months now. Also upped the test dose recently so more volume and I hate pinning so I try to inject everything once a week only at multiple sites with maybe a CC or two another day. Maybe I should try to spread it over more days so the body is more efficient at clearing the gear, if that makes any sense.

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  7. Sorry I know my posts count is low but I'm not here to trash BT, far from it I posted very positive review before and still have excellent results from the gear. A1 quality and service. Everything from test, eq, dbol, m1t, var, clen, sibutramine, AIs, T3, have been top notch. Just for the recent Test 250 I figured this was the best way to know if it was happening to other people too or if it's just me getting old or something. 

    I was using the same spots for a while (quads and tris), so after I got PIP last week, this week I changed to traps and lats but I have even more PIP. Always only inject 1cc per spot with a slin pin.

  8. Sweet spot is 600mg. Went as high as 1.2g but didn't notice much more gains compared to 600mg, only more hairloss due to DHB conversion and crashed E. One thing I can also confirm is that EQ anxiety/shitty feels is real and most likely due to crashing Estrogen as mentionned above. The solution for me is to always have a minimum ratio 1:1 with test. Even better, 1:2 which I'm currently doing now and feel great.

  9. Am I the only one getting hard PIP with recent BT order of Test E 250 ? Used to be almost painless but nowadays I get intense PIP, swollen and hot area for 3-4+ days after injecting... Recently got some test 400 also but scared to death considering the PIP Test 250 is giving me right now... Equipoise PIP is very minor still as always.

  10. On 7/6/2020 at 7:28 PM, Synyster said:

    Results are always great but id argue 3 weeks in that ur gains are placebo.  I dont notice anything from EQ until week 5 or 6.

    Personally if ur having bp issues (been there also) id get on a BP med and keep your dosage the same 1200mg/week.  Then add 125mg of test every 3 days.  Within a month i think you'll notice big improvements.

    I find anavar to be HIGHLY overrated in men. I told myselr that after last time and im currently trying again and still feel the same way. Mediocre results.  All I notice is my quads are harder to the touch.  Same as last time.  Currently I'm at 25mg/day and I take another 25mg Pre workout.  So id skip anavar.

    Clen I'm a huge fan of. But if youre concerned about BP issues then clen will skew those numbers a ton.


    I vote for bp meds + low dose test (could even use prop @ 40mg/day via slin pin) + low-medium dose clen. Ive done well with 3 weeks on 1 week off but lots of guys now just run it the whole 8-10-12 weeks straight thru.

    Probably a mix of placebo+new diet 🙂 I do have much rounder delts and some new veins since starting tho!

    For BP I already got a prescription for Lozartan but I'd rather not use it and try to bring it down without it. I only have high BP when I didn't diet for a while and have significant water retention, on top of high mg doses. I used to be a big test+tren guy before but nowadays after a few years I tend to have (or maybe simply notice) more sides. So far without test I still feel very great, maybe a bit less sex drive but thats about it and honestly its a good thing to not think about sex all the time lol.

    I also lowered the EQ even more at 600mg since I'm adding Anavar. I want to evaluate and compare the suppression level from this. Some guys claim they are not totally shutdown with these compounds. Wanna see if its possible to maintain a suppression of only about 50% compared to total shutdown when using test.  If I'm totally shutdown anyway, I'll def be adding a very low dose of test since there would be no reason to not add it.

    Never tried Anavar, we'll see. I'm not expecting results such as dbol, m1t, sdrol... Only looking for increased performance and a few more lean pounds. Winny is awesome in that regard but it starts to completely wrecks the hairline after a few days only.

    Clen, I've used a long time ago but dosed too high in the 100mcg area without taurine. Was stupid, too much sides, shaking and cramps. Now I plan to only use it at 50mcg for at least a month, with plenty of taurine. I've heard some guys claim that even when clen sides disappears, the fat burning effect doesn't, so you should continue to run it until you've reached your goal. We'll see.

    Cheers and thanks man 👍

  11. On 6/26/2020 at 9:51 AM, Synyster said:

    Good man! Run that EQ nice and high.


    I ran it at 1.2g/week in January completely by itself (to orals/hcg/test) as an experiment and liked it a lot.  But it couldve used a little test backbone to improve my fullness and general sense of well being.  250-350 or so.  Right where you have urs dosed.

    Right now I'm running 900mg/week EQ with 750mg/week test e and 600mg/week mast e. And its great but I feel like I could get more from less if i upped the EQ....and cut test in half. And possibly eliminate mast altogether.


    Good luck.

    Funny you mention this, I'm also currently running BT 1.2G EQ/week only. Goal is recomp. Currently 240 at 11%, want to keep same weight but lower bf to 8%. Barely 3 weeks in so far and seeing great results without typical sides from test, 19nor, etc. Planning to lower EQ to 900mg because BP is a little too high, and try out/add BT anavar and clen.

  12. Been a while since I have went over 250mg of Test E. 

    First time taking Bodytech goodies. Now on 1g Test E only for a week. I see some nice fullness and appetite increase. Libido is also thru the roof, alpha feeling overall. Gonna stay on 1g for a while or maybe even increase lol.

    Oil is almost like water, very clear and liquid. Which is great as I use slin pins, so it goes in faster than other stuff I've tried. The gear is also basically pip free so far.

    EMT payment is a big plus for me. Processing+shipping was some of the fastest I've seen.

  13. Great service. It happened that there was some things missing but that was quickly resolved.

    All the products I've tried from them have been good and legit (judging from results only, not lab tests), including:

    Test E, Test A, Tren A, Dbol, Winny, Letro, Aromasin, Nolva, Cialis, Viagra.

    The test A gave me bad pip.

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