12 weeks out NPC prep


May 28, 2020
It’s been a while since I’ve updated my last log (keto) due to life getting pretty busy.   I can’t promise I’ll update every day but at least a couples times a week.

show is august 8th, and Saturday marked 12 weeks out.

current stack and supps.

250mg test e.  400mg tren a, 500mg masteron each week.

40mcg clenbuterol, 10mg mk677

fish oil, multi, liver aid, joint support, baby aspirin.   Benadryl and CBD to help sleep.

first week or 2 of prep I always eat at maintenance calories.  Basically just getting rid of junk or empty calories let my body drop a bunch of water and get used to new training program.

sunday 5/23

i finished at 3600 calories 300g protein, I didn’t really track carbs or fat, I tend not to when I eat just about the same thing every day.   When I start deficit training I will put more details about meals and macros.  247 right now but holding a ton of water.

chest and arms.

incline machine.  1 warm up, 1 working, last set to failure

decline machine.  1 working, 1 failure

seated press machine.  1 working.  1 failure, 3 past failure negatives 

incline flys.  1 working 1 failure, drop set

hammer curls.  1 warm up, 1 working, 1 failure

barbell curls.  1 working, 1 failure, 3 past failure negatives

concentration curls. 1 working, 1 failure, 3 failure negatives

training style is much different than my normal if you’ve followed me at all.   All sets above are at least 7-12 with 1-2 mins rest between sets and exercises. Arms I keep on the higher range of reps.   I’ll run this program for 4 weeks and assess.   Doesn’t seem like much but if you’ve never trained this way it will kick your ass.  

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How are things rolling along man?

I wanted to ask, your cycle looks pretty straight forward and I know a lot of guys like lower test then tren, so how do you find you feel on those numbers?

Given that I have had pretty much zero sides (external) on my little experiment of test/tren/mast, I would be curious to know what it would be like to double the mast and tren dose but keep the test at 250. 

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Sorry about that guys.  Last crazy week for a while.  Daughters gymnastics schedule changed for summer so she will be going in the morning instead of the evening starting this week.  Which means my gym schedule will change, and no more late dinners for the fam!

this morning I was 242lbs, definitely lost a bunch of water, but also noticing some water with the MK, which is ok this far out.   I’m recalling enjoying the MK.  The hunger is starting to die down, sleep is awesome, and gym pumps are good.

so far, nothing has changed for supps and gear.

im feeling GREAT!  Diet is good, planning on dropping 300 cals on Wednesday.  Right now, cardio is taking the baby for walks in her wagon around the neighborhood (very hilly).

trying to hang around 300g carbs and 300g protein.   I’m not huge on counting calories. I know my body and have been doing this long enough I always have a ballpark number in my head during the day on calorie intake.  I mainly change a macro, and concentrate on that, and doing so ultimately makes the calories fall off lol.

protein sources at this moment are chicken breast, mahi mahi fish, and 98% lean ground bison.

carb sources are potatoes, sweet potatoes, white rice, cream of rice, oats, and grits.

fat sources are animal fats, omegas, MCT oil, but fats and Avacado oils.

still with the Dorian Yates style HIT program.  (Warm up, working to failure, then failure set with forced reps.  Typically 2-3 sets an exercise with 1 minute rest between sets and exercises.   I know it’s not crazy intensity volume super pump type stuff I’m used to, but holy crap it kicks my ass.   I welcome anyone to try it, it’s definitely a different feel pump and soreness.  And the best thing about it is you can be in and out in 30min and be whooped lol.  So far I’m enjoying it.

right now, this is how the training split looks.

monday. Legs

tuesday  off

wednesday  upper back, delts and biceps

thursday  chest and triceps

friday dead lift, high and wide hack squats or sled, and abs

saturday  off

sunday  mid back, arms.

my leg day was last night (Sunday) given today being a holiday here in the states.

Standing leg curls.   Warm up, working then failure and forced reps.

back squat with safety bar.  Warm up, working, then form failure (form breaking down)

low and narrow feet placement on hack squat.  Working set, then failure set

leg extensions, working set, failure set with forced reps and negatives.  (Ankles relaxed, really trying to hit upper front and tear drop of the leg

walking lunges with 80lb barbell on shoulders, the length of the gym and back.

to give you an idea, I got to the gym at 8pm.  With stretching, using the toilet, and workout I was back in the vehicle by 8:45pm and as I write this I feel crippled lol.  Super sore legs today!

ohhhh. And another update.  The wife let me get a toy.  I’m gonna post a pic, and I want you to guess what it is!


I’m curious too... this is a cycle from palumbo? 
No, all though I do follow Dave a lot, I don’t fully agree with everything he preaches.   I put my cycle together myself, and am doing the diet myself as well.   My best friend is also competing with me, so we are kind of coaching each other.

I tend to follow a lot of John Meadows advice though, especially with gear choices and protocol.   I subscribe to mountain dog diet, so much info on that app.  

No, all though I do follow Dave a lot, I don’t fully agree with everything he preaches.   I put my cycle together myself, and am doing the diet myself as well.   My best friend is also competing with me, so we are kind of coaching each other.

I tend to follow a lot of John Meadows advice though, especially with gear choices and protocol.   I subscribe to mountain dog diet, so much info on that app.  
I didn’t think so. That’s definitely not a palumbo cycle. His would be 1000 test and two anabolics at 500.I do like Dave’s nutrition tho. Except keto... I’ll only go keto to prime for growth. For some reason I thought Dave was your coach, must be thinking of someone else.

John Meadows IMO is one of the best coach out there. Up there with Rambod.

Any progress pics bro? And keep killing it man!! Hope your show is lots of fun.

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No, all though I do follow Dave a lot, I don’t fully agree with everything he preaches.   I put my cycle together myself, and am doing the diet myself as well.   My best friend is also competing with me, so we are kind of coaching each other.

I tend to follow a lot of John Meadows advice though, especially with gear choices and protocol.   I subscribe to mountain dog diet, so much info on that app.  
Well.. apparently I can’t post fresh without this quote... this sites doing that lots to me. Sometimes I get the option to clear but not today..

Love the hellcat bro

Nice ride.  My wife would side eye me for just looking at new shoes. 

Curious how you are going to run the clen given the 40mcg cap dose? 

Side question; any plans for thyroid use?

Hellcat yes.  But it’s a REDEYE!!  797 horses of super charged class lol..

as far as pics, yes I’ll be posting one later this week when more water falls off.  Gives a better jumping off point progress assement wise in my opinion.  

Clen will be 40 for 2 weeks, 80 for 2 weeks, then 120 til it runs its course.  It seems to fizzle out for my at the 7 week mark.

im not a huge fan of thyroid stuff, I rebound too bad when I come off so I just leave it alone.

more than likely I’ll be adding in some winny at the half way point right around when the clen runs it’s course. 

I am a big fan of keto, I have an older log about my keto gains.  I will be doing a modified keto diet if I run some insulin in this prep.  Just eat carbs during the window and be done with it.  Insulin makes me hold water so I think that may be a good idea to try out.

mainly this is a come back show.  With quarantine and having a baby and other things I was out of the gym and off gear for over a year.  So this show is just a testament of getting myself in condition again.  Then go big or go home for another show next year.  Or maybe 6 months after.  

update.  Week one of the tren and I’m already eyeing up women I normally wouldn’t even glance at lol.   Damn tren. 

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LOL, I don’t miss that tren one bit ha ha ha. Gets a guy in trouble.

So stoked to see your prep bro.. fuck.. making me think about another show.

Love the car man. I’m thinking about the dodge TRX. 

Yea the TRX was out of the price range.  The kitty is 2019 model, couldn’t pass it up.

dude chicks can smell tren.  I don’t know if it’s the added confidence and being a dickhead or what, but it’s almost like fishing with explosives lol.

I’ll have some posing pics up by the end of the week.  After show, I’ll reverse diet and chill for a couple weeks.  Then back at it.  Need to be bigger.  

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Ha ha ha, truth. Even my secretary gets all silly when I’m juiced up... or is it in my head?😂

I get free fuel through work or the trx wouldn’t be worth it. Love dodge muscle tho.

Cool brutha! Looking forward to watching you transform. Shit motivates the fuck outa me

All I need is a mustache, a mullet and a denim vest to go with it.  Wooooohooooo. Gotta out run boss hog!

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Update. 5/4/2021

sitting at 242 lbs but still pretty wet.  

today was a little refeed day, I added an ice cream sammich to my pre workout meal today 🤪

meals change this coming week.

Am meal will be 1/2 cup oats with 3 whole eggs and Greek yogurt


8 oz apple juice and 42g why protein

meal 3.  6oz chicken breast, 1 cup rice and 1 medium apple

meat 4. 6 oz bison burger crumbled on greens with raspberry vinaigrette 

meal 5. 1 cup banana cream Greek yogurt, 1/2c oats

meal 6. 6 oz chicken breast, greens, raspberry vinaigrette 

meal 7. 48g whey, 2 tbsp almond butter, 2 tbsp sugar free chocolate milk mix, 2 scoops super greens and 16 oz non sweetened vanilla almond milk.  (Sounds gross but I like it and it’s the only way I can get my greens in lol.

I allow myself 3 dark chocolate rice cakes a day for energy/hunger purposes.

this plan is quite low on calories to start off but am adding a carb up/ refeed day (clean) 

I’m feeling good but am afraid I’m going to come in a bit smaller than I was wanting.



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Shit ya bro! Looking like the arms delts and pecs are ready for war. That’s a great stage package right there. You carry 240 very well.