200mg dnp for five days with no training idea?


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Oct 26, 2018
I've been debating... I'm going on a business trip and going gym may not be a great possibility, ill get meals in restaurents... and i figured why not use some left over dnp i have havent used it in years and have some benadryl and caffeine on me...

ive never run 200mg so i honestly dnot know all ive done is 400-800mg a day (yeah almost killed myself with 800mg a day fuck that never again but fuck i lost so much fat in like 3 days -- dont do it)

People seem to report a good 4lbs of fat loss in a week on 200mg... true or not?... how about 5 days lol... shouldnt affect me much no?

Share some input and experiences with low dosing dnp...

Ive done 250 and 400 a couple times each. Honestly didn't find it that different. However depending on what you do for business, and how you handle dnp, could be rough. I can sweat through a dress shirt in 5 mins on dnp. 

Sounds like a bad idea for a business trip. Also if you aren't dieting and doing your cardio, why are you taking drugs?

Sounds like a bad idea for a business trip. Also if you aren't dieting and doing your cardio, why are you taking drugs?
lol why do any of us taking PEDs? lol

The way dnp works.. u lose fat regardless... so i was wondering if i am not able to eat and train proper for a few days might as well make a short run... just wanted to hear other's experience with only 200mg ED

lol why do any of us taking PEDs? lol

The way dnp works.. u lose fat regardless... so i was wondering if i am not able to eat and train proper for a few days might as well make a short run... just wanted to hear other's experience with only 200mg ED
I take peds to enhance what I do. I think most people on this board follow the same approach. DNP works better when you burn more calories and eat less calories.

Your thought process is the same as saying I'm not able to train or eat well so should I take tren to gain muscle while I'm not really doing anything. Tren makes you gain muscle regardless.

I personally think 200 for 5 days only is a waste of dnp. Especially since you wont be in the gym

I like the low dose approach, but my runs are at least 2 weeks long with regular weight training and cardio 5-6 days a week

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I take peds to enhance what I do. I think most people on this board follow the same approach. DNP works better when you burn more calories and eat less calories.

Your thought process is the same as saying I'm not able to train or eat well so should I take tren to gain muscle while I'm not really doing anything. Tren makes you gain muscle regardless.
well yea no shit, but simply i may not be able to find the time or place to train and eat other than restaurents for 5 days straight then im back home and back to my routine eating and training. DNP works regardless thats why i was like huh anyone done 5 days of dnp at such a low dose and how did it go.

I agree though, regular training and a low dose dnp will probably net better results than no training for five days but its dnp.

dnp also causes an increase in insulin sensitivity so once im back and i rebound should go in for some good training...

Still unsure if i should try this for the duration...

If I have a fridge id love to get some oats and greek yogurt on the hotel. Can't cook or get chicken, rice and veggies... im really limited and im not used to travelling so often but lately i have to

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5 days blitz is only good if your dosage is higher,200 is low for some major drop

u know what got me worried LOL and changed my mind... DNP was used in dynamite ignition or something like that right? Sooo... wouldn't that trigger some kind of alarm at the airport.. like holy shit... then as I'm explaining myself "I'm just trying to burn fat" they throw me in a cell 🤔

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lmao no i haven't and never thought of using it in that way, rather burn fat hahaha