2019 World Pull-Up Championships


Head Servant at NL
Aug 15, 2018
The very first World Pull-Up Championships will be hosted in Espoo, Finland on June 15-16, 2019.

The games will feature two individual disciplines

Weighted Pull-Up

Pull-Up Repetitions

In both disciplines, there will be seven weight classes for men and four for women

Men: 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, +110 kg

Women: 50 kg, 60 kg, 70 kg, +70 kg

For more info, visit: http://www.worldpullup.org/

When I saw the title I was thinking, I didn't know that was a thing. Good to see it's new and not something that I somehow missed. I recall seeing that douche from 6 pack abs on Youtube do some terrible pull-ups and then call it a world record. I'm not sure if that guy is even still around.

In this cross fit era I have a feeling there will be some horrible form here. I'm sure we have all seen these "warriors" in the gym.