Advice on my first cycle of AAS, Sarms, and peptides in a few years.

Feb 9, 2019
Hey everyone, hopefully I'm finally finding my way around the forums and posting in the correct topics. I Really appreciate the welcome and courtesy helping me on this forum from other members!  New to the forum, beginner with AAS/PEDs, but this is not my first cycle.  Hoping to get some input/advice on my cycle.  I'm currently training 5-6 days/week, only about 30 - 60 min of HIIT cardio, split between 3 days, with one or two days on the bike for 15min (endurance training is harder on my injuries than resistance, HIIT cardio is usually working the ropes, again due to leg injuries, although at this point it's becoming a bit of an excuse and I could probably add 50% to those numbers).  Diet it's on point, but overall intake of calories could go up.  I just don't have a great appitete.  I do 16-8 intermittent fasting, usual putting down around 2500 - 3000 good (not great) quality calories, about 150g protein.  5'10, 185, 10-12% body fat (an educated guess).  This cycle is meant to help me recovery from my injuries and get back to where I was a year ago.  It's not intended to be a bulking cycle by any means, however I would like to put on as much quality muscle with as little fat as I can through this cycle.  My current plan is:

Cycle (16 weeks):

RAD140 20mg/day (split doses), MK677 20mg/day (at night)

150mcg each daily CJC 1295 (no DAC)/Ipamorelin (2x daily: post workout, before bed)

400mg Testosterone Enanthate, 200mg Masteron Enanthate (weekly, split dose)

12.5mg Aromasin weekly (split dose, injection days)

Two weeks following last injection (BEFORE PCT):

RAD140 20mg/day (split doses), MK677 20mg/day (at night), 10mg Cardarine (pre-workout on training days, morning on rest days)

150mcg each CJC 1295 (no DAC)/Ipamorelin (post workout, before bed)

500 iu EOD HCG


10mg MK677 daily (at night), 10mg Cardarine daily (pre-workout on training days, in the morning on rest)

150mcg each CJC 1295 (no DAC)/Ipamorelin (2x daily: post workout, before bed)

Nolva 40/20/20/20, Clomid 50/25/25/25, Aromasin 12.5/6.25/0/0

8-12 weeks off, followed by a cycle of Ostarine solo, then six months off AAS/PEDs completely (may consider getting back on peptides, but I have to do more investigating on long term side effects of GHRPs and GHRHs)

I thought of running Ostarine for the 4 weeks of PCT, but I'm not convinced it won't cause suppression.  Any thoughts?

Also, how are my SERM/AI doses?  Overkill? Not enough? 

Thanks again everyone and sorry for the long post!

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I dont know if I would bother with the masteron. You may have to adjust your ai dose as you go. Everything looks good to me. Looks like you have done alot of research. If anything its overkill.  I wouldn't even bother with the peptides myself. You may not even really need the hcg first run.

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I dont know if I would bother with the masteron. You may have to adjust your ai dose as you go.

You may not even really need the hcg first run.
Ya my thought process was that I could use the Masteron as estrogen control while still running an actually AAS instead of AI.  But I'm aware I may just be blowing money that could be better spent on AIs.  Based on anecdotal evidence, I kind of speculated that running a low dose of Masteron would offer more benefits and less side effects than running an AI at a higher dose through the cycle.  I'm somewhat prone to estrogen (though I've never had gyno issues).

Years ago I ran a cycle of Test+Deca+HGH for 10 weeks (HGH for 16 weeks) followed fairly soon (6 weeks after PCT) after with a Test-Tren-Var cycle for 8 weeks (which, as a beginner, was a mistake.  Tren is serious shit.). I realize that I probably made too many mistakes, between those two decisions, to accurately address in one post.  Point is, I chose to use HCG for this cycle because of running heavily suppressive cycles before, and not recovering quickly enough and losing my progress.   Is the best way to decide whether or not to use HCG to base it off of how much your testicles shrink?  Or are there other ways? (aside from blood work)

How do you (or anyone else who reads this) feel about the use of Ostarine during 4 weeks of PCT?

Also does anyone have an opinion on using generic HGH for recovery (not growth/bulking)?  Any value in that, or am I pissing away money?

I would just use the sarms between cycles, they are great products with fantastic uses but you could use that extra money for a kick start oral.

I dont think they work as good as aas for size or lean muscle gain. Cardarine is great for cardio and burning fat, osterine is good for joints and a nice boost during pct. 

Aas will lead to better size and strength gains in the gym also more intensity

Thats just my personal opinion  

Ya that's kinda how I feel about them as well.  They don't replace AAS by any means.  I just like to run SARMs over orals due to them having a lower hepatotoxicity (I've heard no toxicity at all, which I don't buy for a second.  YK11 is actually a methylated compound and can be as hard on the liver as some orals like Anavar and Winstrol, and is actually an oral steroids IMO).  My liver and I haven't always gotten along, so I try to treat him right these days.  I never thought of running a short term oral at the beginning of my cycle.  For next time, would running Anavar for at the beginning for 4-6 weeks be long enough to benefit, and short enough that it will go easy on the liver?

Anavar would be alright but its pricey, for what you want superdrol might be a nice starter but its apparently hard on the liver

Being a newfoundlander i have a battle tested liver