Back From Hiatus!


May 14, 2020
Hello again to my bros and sis’ in iron! Happy new year to you all. Hope everyone had a good Christmas and is doing well during these interesting restrictive times.

Ive been on a long break from lifting and cycling. I had a semi major surgery and decided to pack up the family and tour around Canada for a while.

Im almost embarrassed to say I haven’t touched an actual weight in almost a year now. Only body weight exercises and lots of cardio. I have mostly kept my diet on point.

I’ve just picked up my scrip trt Pfizer from Costcos and just had my first shot! I’ll be at 100mg twice a week to start. I’ just started a push pull legs routine this morning and am very excited to build back some muscle.  When I’m ready I’ll be hitting up the good folks at bodytech and doing a nice much needed cycle.  

Pre surgery I was 265 lbs. Now? .. I’m weighing 224 lbs and feeling and looking quite natural. Coming off I did no pct and my sex drive definitely suffered. 

This is where I’m at right now. It’s go time!

Here’s a bit of an update if anyone cares to take a peakD115E83E-E917-47BF-A485-DD156B09BFDF.jpegE2CB4EBA-D2A5-4714-AC6D-83DC57A7DB3A.jpeg

im training full time again, 4 day split with one rest day. Test is up to 400mg and I’ll take an anadrol once a week as a pre workout. Diet is on point as usual. I’m eating roughly 3500 calories a day. Pretty quick I’ll up my test a bit more and add an anabolic. Weights going up fast! Both my body weight and my lifts. Currently 236lbs and feeling great. 

Well god damn, i missed this shit! Cycle is kicking in (600 test prop, 450 mast p, 500npp) as I progress I’ll keep upping the dosage. Might swap Npp with tren but at my age prolly not the healthiest choice. Maybe just add an oral. Anadrol or dbol? Calories are up over 5000 per day, to keep fat off im doing 2 1/2h cardio sessions a day. Last week I incline benched 405 for 3, squatted 550 for 6 and deadlifted 645 for 8. Far from PRr’s, but those days are long gone.

here’s a quick physique updateD8541D61-3D33-4CD5-8B10-8ACB2512F144.jpegA6436BD3-AAE9-4774-BF36-F658AD0EABCD.jpeg


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