Back in the gym, sort of

Aug 16, 2018
Been a very dedicated lifter for about six years now. 5-6 days a week, no exceptions. I am more a power building style lifter who just wants to get as big and strong as possible and still look decent.

Well, everything went to shit almost five weeks ago when i rolled my wife's Polaris ace and smashed my collar bone in a few places. Had a plate installed a few days later.

Hasn't been easy. I am not use to being incapable of doing things physically. I am the type of guy that will do anything by myself, never wait for help. I always find a way. First week or more was really hard. couldn't even dress myself. Wife had to help me shower(not so terrible), but worst of all is no gym. Fuck.

Within four days of surgery i lost 10 lbs. I didn't eat or drink any water. Went from 6-7 meals per day to 2, maybe 3. 

The hardest part of the whole ordeal is the mental aspect. I look in the mirror and look like shit. Small. I don't like it.

Monday i started back at the gym. Legs only for about 4-5 more weeks as per my follow up appointment last week with the surgeon. 

Even though only legs, felt good to be back in there other than hearing "you look like you lost a lot of weight". I trained legs Monday, Tuesday. Did some core , more calves and leg raises for lower back today, on Thursday and Friday will be quads, hams and leg presses, again.

But you know what, fuck it. I want to keep hearing how small i look, cause when i get cleared to go back at it i am going to be bigger and stronger and better than i have ever been.

I am thinking of creating a log and posting it. More just to keep me pushing. I have never been a public person. I don't use Facebook, and even when i did in the past, didn't post pictures, details of what i am doing, etc. 

Will most likely be hiring an online coach. I have one in mind, and i think i saw his name on here....

Never know, maybe push myself to compete either power lifting or maybe even bodybuilding.

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Hey bro, research 2 peptides. Tb500 and BPC 

Insane healing peptides. I used that for my shoulder, sped up recovery by 50%

Hey good to see you made it over from MN.

Just take it easy in guy, and then hit the upper body super light for a few weeks.

Then tighten up the diet, as soon as possible so you don't add to much bodyfat.

Low dose deca about 250-300mg wk 

It'll help strengthen and causes an increase of sinovian fluid in your joints

It also has increased healing properties 

Research it man nandrolone decanoate one compound I wish I could run 365 24/7

I mentioned nandrolone to the surgeon last follow up. He did not look impressed. Lol. But didnt say wont help, said risk not worth it. Besides that, i am on precribed TRT and dont want to screw with my blood test. I ordered BCP 157 and TB-500. Been trying to find the time to do lots reading on it but hard with work. I will get it figured out before it arrives. 

Hey good to see you made it over from MN.

Just take it easy in guy, and then hit the upper body super light for a few weeks.

Then tighten up the diet, as soon as possible so you don't add to much bodyfat.
Thanks man. 

Wife will be in gym with me so will have no choice but keep it light. Lol. I am usually pretty good with diet and eating clean, but always seem to easily add fat around mid section. 

Low dose deca about 250-300mg wk 

It'll help strengthen and causes an increase of sinovian fluid in your joints

It also has increased healing properties 

Research it man nandrolone decanoate one compound I wish I could run 365 24/7
spot on,

i say take the jump and push to compete in the future, its a hell of alot of work but I've never met anyone who regrets doing a competition. Always a blast (once its over that is) lol