bad dog owners continued...


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2018
If you were a member of NM you may have read a couple of my threads about my neighbors who are very bad dog owners...   The last post I made was stating their 2nd dog was killed by a vehicle about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  

Newest update:

There 13 year old daughter told me the other day that her Mom is getting rid of their goats because she is going to start training service dogs instead... LOL!!!!!

This woman now has decided to charge people money to train their dog as a service dog..  Same woman who literally takes too many dogs, never trains them, does not get them medical attention (they openly tell me they can't afford the vet bills), and lack of responsisblity causes them to get killed by veheicles and hated by neighbors because the roam all over and tear apart garbage...  

On a side note, they bought this farm about 5 years ago..  Since buying it she has bought about 20 goats for the purpose of breeding them and selling the offspirng for profit.  3 times now she has sold off nearly her entire heard because she gets frustrated with them.  Then a couple months later she goes to auction and buys more and starts the cycle all over again lol..

3 years ago they decided to get into raising chickens or eggs and meat.  They do not take care of their animals at all, so last summer she got frustrated with the amount of work involved and sold them all off...  This past spring she bought new ones... 

This lady is married with 2 kids.  She has been diagnosed with bi-polar, but to my understanding she does not take her meds and instead opts for a holistic approach.  She is a firm believer in "crystal therapy" etc..  google crystal therapy for your own enjoyment.   I get she is mental ill, but I dont feel bad for her when she refuses to take her meds and her husband who seems to have a good head on his shoulders seems to encourage many of her activities.  He confirmed with me that she is indeed going to train dogs to be service dogs for profit.  

oh and they have gotten a new dog to replace the 2 that were killed by vehicles.  Their new dog seems to be 1000x better than their previous dogs.  It has't chased vehciles or come on to my property yet.  

Haha shit I remember you posted about the dogs.

Well let her do more stupid stuff.....a matter of time the city bylaw does something.

You might get lucky and she is put in a mental hospital.;)

We are rural..  Only way the closest town would do something is if I complained, which I am not in a position to do.

It was a fish and wild life officer who ran over her last dog 3 weeks ago..  They could have fined her because it ran out of her yard and infront of their truck.  That dog would run right in front of your vehcile and you had to stop or you'd smoke it.  It wouldn't move out of the way. 

We are rural..  Only way the closest town would do something is if I complained, which I am not in a position to do.

It was a fish and wild life officer who ran over her last dog 3 weeks ago..  They could have fined her because it ran out of her yard and infront of their truck.  That dog would run right in front of your vehcile and you had to stop or you'd smoke it.  It wouldn't move out of the way. 
That is crazy. As a pet owner, some of this shit ticks me off