Bad IM

Oct 7, 2018
Ok guys .  This is my first post from a beginner.

Try not to beat me up 2 bad

Just wana know if any has any horror stories or info they wana share on bad injections. I recently had a very bad idea of using my calf for a new spot. Well it was a big mistake. I put 1ml of test cyp in my left calf.   It blew up like a balloon and became severely infection. To the point I was on iv antibiotics.

Please feel free to share any info regarding this and possible what spots work best for you . 


When I started out, I seemed to get 'infections' regularly despite getting very OCD about cleanliness. One VET suggested that they might just be bad reactions to the solvents used to keep the AAS crystals dissolved in the higher concentrations common in UG gear. He was correct. Once I started cutting my gear with sterile oil the problem went away and so did the PIP. More oil takes longer for the body to absorb, leaving the compound in suspension longer - rather than drying up into (sharp) crystals stuck in muscle tissue.

So if you are being disciplined with cleanliness, this might be something to consider. 

At one point I decided I was going to add the rectus femoris to my rotation of injection sites. It is commonly....(kinda) used in the medical community so i thought i'd be fine. I didn't realize the margin for error was a lot smaller compared to the more common vastus lateralis injection site. Probably my 4th injection of the site it felt like someone was pouring fire down my quad into my knee. I knew something was wrong so i re-positioned the needle. The site was excruciatingly sore for at least a week. My best guess is I injected close to or on a nerve. 

I only pin my delts and my glutes. 3 or 4 day injection schedules with longer estered gear, ensures i have enough time to rotate sites.

Oh, and my advice, don't pin your quads!

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10 hours ago, Rosconow said:

I only pin my delts and my glutes. 3 or 4 day injection schedules with longer estered gear, ensures i have enough time to rotate sites.

Oh, and my advice, don't pin your quads!

I agree with a lot of this. And I respect a lot of Dave's opinions. What I don't understand, is the idea of a "magic" infection just because you shoot your quads. Either your gear and your injection protocol is sterile or it's not. How does injecting into your quads magically birth a bacterial infection that would not have occurred if injecting elsewhere?

Am I missing something?

I agree with a lot of this. And I respect a lot of Dave's opinions. What I don't understand, is the idea of a "magic" infection just because you shoot your quads. Either your gear and your injection protocol is sterile or it's not. How does injecting into your quads magically birth a bacterial infection that would not have occurred if injecting elsewhere?

Am I missing something?
I love the quads, favourite spot actually. Stay high and towards the outside and you’ll have no problems. 

Honestly i tried my quads for quite some time, but more then not, i would hit a nerve and get a  big painful twitch or upon the twitch instinctively pull the pin back out.... never an infection though.

 With my delts and glutes, i don't ever seem to hit nerves. And BTW, i threw the vid in for shits and giggles.  Could you imagine injecting armour all thinking it was winny?  Yuk.

i love quad shots,very easy. angle in at 10 o clock on left right and 2 o clock on right quad. 1 inch and boom

I only do quads, only ever have, and i am so... fucking... sick to DEATH... of injecting quads. Fuck. Time to quit fucking around and start with the glutes i guess. At least i'm more flexible than i used to be......

I used to do quads when they were bigger,now I have a tough time penetrating.Go slow,if you feel a twitch,back out.Armour All was sadly used by some very unscrupulous people in the late 80s,early 90s.Glute shot by I guy I knew resulted in him being minus about a pound of flesh.

Wow, just watched that video. Gotta say, 2x I used my quads, 2 x it was a horrible experience.  I'm pretty sure I hit nerves both times. It got infected and became very sore. Limping around for at least a week.

Just recently,  I had a dumb idea to use my calf for 1ml.  Horrible idea

  I was off work for 9 days. Infection was so bad i was on iv antibiotics. 

Everyone's different,  some guys like it

I simple cant , not good 4 kwmikey 

Thanks guys 

I only do quads, only ever have, and i am so... fucking... sick to DEATH... of injecting quads. Fuck. Time to quit fucking around and start with the glutes i guess. At least i'm more flexible than i used to be......
Yeah... helps to be a little flexible. Sometimes i get mrs to give me my glute shot if i know i may cramp up like after back day. Love my girl.

P.s. dont be afraid to pin your shoulder, not bad at all....

I use my shoulders often, no more than 1 or 1 and half ml, glutes are best... mine can take 4ml at a time.  Pec work ok. I get alot of lumps and they take 10days or so to go away 

I'm thinking of trying traps and lats , any suggestions