Brain fog and nootropics.


Trusted Member
Jan 16, 2019
I train five days a week and am up at 4:30AM to get to the gym. I love the morning crowd, you know they're all serious about what they are doing or they wouldn't be up that early. LOL. I usually get about 7 hours of solid sleep although I am a new dad and sometimes I get less sleep. I always try to aim for 8 hours but life and diapers happen... My issue is around 5PM I hit a mental wall and have what I would call a brain fog. Just curious if there are any over the counter nootropics or something similar that anyone has had experience with and would recommend. Thanks guys!


I hear what your saying.  I have 6 yr old twins that keep me busy.    I find that good old caffeine pills help when needed.  100mg will keep me going for another couple of hours.  I dont take them often as not to build up too much tolerance. Also, I try to fit in a 20 min pwr nap when possible.

I hear what your saying.  I have 6 yr old twins that keep me busy.    I find that good old caffeine pills help when needed.  100mg will keep me going for another couple of hours.  I dont take them often as not to build up too much tolerance. Also, I try to fit in a 20 min pwr nap when possible.
Yeah, no time for power naps for me... meal prep, packing lunches, giving my wife a break when I get home from work are all I really have time for. I do take a 100 mg of caffeine before I work out in the AM but like you said I build up a tolerance. I can't take any caffeine after about 4PM or I just lie there in bed for hours not sleeping.

I've been looking into noopept, haven't tried it yet.  It's to be stacked with choline.