Canada Post


Trusted Member
Aug 23, 2018
What the hell is going on with Canada Post ?

I just been told the mite go on strike , what's the story ?


Apparently it’s mostly over pay equity, around 8000 rural postal workers(who are mostly female) are said to be earning 30% less than 42000 employees(majority male) assigned to urban areas. Deliberations are still ongoing but who knows for sure if they’ll strike or not 

Probably there was massive rollbacks in their collective agreement last time back in 2013.  The supreme court just recently ruled that the back to work legislation and how they arbitrated the collective agreement was illegal.   Management has not been negotiating and are just setting the stage for a strike lock out in order to get favourable terms in binding  arbitration.   So yes it is very likely that a strike or lockout will happen.  However I expect it to be short.  The mail volume increases dramatically this time of year until xmas,  any labour interruption there would damage the economy.  Management tries to make the place look bad declining mail volumes but online shopping has increased parcel volumes incredibly. 

So September 26 would be the date in which there could be a strike our lockout.  If you take expresspost with two day delivery you should have no problems getting your packages shipped right up until the 72 hour notice of a strike or lockout.

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heres my take on Canada post. 

Firstly, many people think this is a government company.  It is not. It's a privately only corporation.  I believe it used to be owned by the federal government, but was privatized awhile ago.

Canada post was in very very bad shape around 2010ish.  With email, paper letters/bills etc just disappeared over night. Because of this, they hiked up rates for postage and cut back on their workers benefits and pay. 

Fast forward to a year ago... Canada post is doing amazing now because of on line shopping.  Go to any CP location and look at the boxes. 75% are amazon lol..  And the rest are other on line retailers.   

Rural areas are doing exceptionally well with on line shopping now since rural areas have limited retail within their local area. 

Think about it...  IF your employer cut your hours, cut your benifits and cut your wage because the company was on the verge of going under 5 years ago and now its doing 100x better......  wouldn't you think you deserve your hours, benefits and wages back?

Many ppl hack on CP workers because they believe they are lazy government employees..  This is a source of many peoples bitching.  It's simply not true.

I acknowledge there is some shit CP staff lol...  But in every buisiness you will find shit employees.  I'm not referring to the shit staff, I'm reffereing to the staff as a whole in my statements above.

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I just read managements global offer released yesterday. It wants to continue to paying Rural and Suburban Mail Carrier  on a piece work basis, while urban mail carriers are paid salary with benefits.  During the last contract the union decided to table the pay equity issue and leave it with an arbitrator.  It took years to come to a decision but the arbitrator  ruled about two months ago that it is law of the land equal pay for equal work.   So unlikely that the union will agree to this offer as the arbitrator has already ruled in the unions favor over the treatment of Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers.

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I'd be lost without CP. I buy & sell stuff all the time with the few hobbies I've got on the go. I hope they figure it out... 

Lately they've really been on the ball, with packages arriving earlier than expected. 

Thanks for the heads up on this situation. 

I'd be lost without CP. I buy & sell stuff all the time with the few hobbies I've got on the go. I hope they figure it out... 

Lately they've really been on the ball, with packages arriving earlier than expected. 

Thanks for the heads up on this situation. 
I'm in no way connected to CP.  I've used CP and other couriers as well..  They all fuck up from time to time. LAst time was DHL leaving my 900$ romba vacum on the steps of my place of work on saturday.  My work was actually closed and they jsut left it there.  I was tracking it and called DHL and they lady told me it was delivered to my place of work, I told her it couldn't have been because its closed.. Her response was "you'd better get there quick because my info says its been delivered so its probably sitting outside"...  sure enough it was.

anyways, I'm probably living in a area more rural then what most ppl couldn't understand as rural.  We depend on online shopping.  Without it we'd be fucked.  We'd be doing 6 hour round trips to the closest city and if it happens to available in town here its a 100% mark up.

There's about 3 or 4 couriers that come here, CP is the most reliable and everyone I know here agrees.  

I have talked to the CP workers here and there and they told me a few weeks ago they are absoluelty slammed with business from online shopping.  They have hired a ton of ppl in the last couple years to keep up.  So CP really needs to realize how important rural CP staff are and treat them equally to urban staff.  I'd hazard a guess that rural places will eventually make up more and more of CP's % of buisness.  

It's just bullshit for a company to cut back EVERYTHING on their staff when they are almost bankrupt and then bounce back 10 fold within 5 years and not give anything back to the staff.  That's typical corporate business I know...  Doens't make it right though 

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