Cannabis; THC and CBD for the modern bodybuiler


Trusted Member
Aug 23, 2018
Cannabis; THC and CBD Use for the Modern Bodybuilder

- msclmama

"When we get rid of the stereotype that marijuana is bad for athletes because it makes them lazy, unmotivated and perpetually munching, what truth is there that marijuana really affects bodybuilding? This article goes into how weed affects the growth hormone, testosterone and estrogen to show the truth about training with Mary Jane. "

I have grabbed a few pieces of info from various sites as well as my own insertions of what I have found myself from using Cannabis; THC and CBD personally for numerous preps. Here is a bit of information on my experiences as well as some scientific research backing it. In this article I am going to also discuss the differences of THC and CBD used as supplementation.

You may be asking the following questions: Will it slow down my gains? Will it make me fatter? Will it help me lose weight? Are there any serious health effects I should be worried about?

From the science, it seems to depend on your body and on how much you smoke (or what you smoke/ingest).

But here’s what we know so far.

The kinds of factors that affect bodybuilding are things such as growth hormone, testosterone levels and estrogen. To find out how much marijuana actually affects bodybuilding, we need to know how it interferes with these hormones in the body. In this article you’ll find out the ways that training with Mary Jane affects muscle growth and bodybuilding.

Arny Did it!
Yes, Arnold. The 7 time Mr. Olympia and one of the most popular men on the planet smoked weed during his prime (probably not very often though).

Everyone remembers the video of Arnold Schwarzenegger holding a joint, and is still probably wondering if it really was a blunt. What is the real truth behind marijuana and bodybuilding? While some say that it slows down the muscle building process, others swear by it as an enhancement both before and after a workout. It is generally well known in the muscle building community that too much alcohol definitely stands in the way of the sport, but can the same be said about marijuana?

It gives you the munchies, so it’s perfect for Bulking Season!

** personal note; I noticed it actually stopped my cravings depending if I smoked while in prep or off season, depending on the strain whether it be indica or sativa and how you may personally react on either, most people do experience munchies which is great for bulking**

Science tells us that the cannabinoids in weed stimulate the neurons (POMCs) in the hypothalamus section of our brains that make us hungry.

In a study by The American Journal of Science, weed can actually have the opposite effect by contributing to weight loss, and providing temporary cravings at best.


There are subjective examples of bodybuilders who have smoked (or are smoking) regularly and making gains

We aren’t going to waste your time with non-conclusive scientific stuff.  Instead, we have real accounts from bodybuilders who have smoked while working out.

For example, in the following video, Artemus Dolgin, a pretty well known bodybuilder, explains his regular use of marijuana during his training sessions.


Does marijuana affect muscle growth?

When we are talking about muscle growth, the main things we are concerned with are the growth hormone, estrogen and testosterone. Although cannabis has effects in other parts of the body, for the sake of bodybuilding, these are the most important factors. There is also the way that marijuana affects the user’s ability to burn fat. So how exactly does marijuana affect these growth hormones?

Marijuana’s effect on testosterone is small and short lived, meaning it only decreases the level of testosterone for a short while, after which they return to normal. There are some studies that show frequent or heavy users can experience a more long-term drop, but the levels still stay within the normal range. A study has shown that marijuana use can boost estrogen levels, but only at extremely high doses.

** very very small clinical doses, for most of us are AAS users and use exogenous hormones, really do not need to worry about this**

There are no real studies to suggest how marijuana affects the growth hormone, except when extremely high and extremely pure doses of THC are administered. In this circumstance, the levels of growth hormone are lowered. However, one study even suggests that smoking two joints can actually causes the levels of GH to increase (This made me laugh, but sure? See, not all studies are overly accurate either).

None of this evidence says much about the way marijuana affects the levels of these hormones because the results are generally inconclusive. In order for there to be serious repercussions in the body, the levels of these hormones need to change significantly, and stay that way for extended periods of time. This is not really the case with marijuana, as it doesn’t seem to affect the hormone in that way.


Different ways to ingest cannabis

Having said all of this, there are obvious effects to the body when cannabis is ingested through smoking. Not only are the lungs affected, but the movement of oxygen to the cells is also affected, making workouts particularly hard. The effect of smoking weed on the lungs can cause an athlete to tire quickly and the muscles can get sore quickly if there is a lack of oxygen to the cells.

If you are an athlete and are choosing to use marijuana, then it should be ingested in a way that is softer on the body, such as vaporizing, edibles or oils. These are more health conscious options for those who are working closely with the body.

** I know members here can gladly discuss how they personally use different methods; Vapour through Volcano, Shatter through a pen.. **


Not all stoners are created equal

The lazy answer to the question of training with Mary Jane is that smoking weed will affect your training by making you lazy and unmotivated. And always eating because you have the munchies. Of course, some are affected this way, but that’s not the truth about all those who use weed.

For some, marijuana will be a great way to relax post work-out, especially because it can ease muscle soreness. It is a great way to relax the body and the mind after a hard session at the gym. Some also say that using marijuana before a workout allows them to focus better on their task and go “deeper” in their training. On the other hand, some say that using marijuana before a workout makes them tired quickly, and as a result their focus and attention decrease.

The way that marijuana affects mood is different for different people, and from this perspective, we will never know whether marijuana is good for bodybuilders or not. That is a matter of personal preference.  But there is no real evidence out there to suggest that cannabis affects any of the hormones that are most important to bodybuilders, such as the growth hormones, estrogen and testosterone, making it completely safe to use without affecting muscle growth.

I hope this has enlightened some!




Before you can make an educated decision about whether to add CBD oil into your fitness and/or bodybuilding workout regimen you need to know what it is. CBD oil is made from marijuana plants. Now before you stop reading because you have no interest in using an illegal drug, which is very smart and responsible, be aware that CBD oil is not an illegal substance.

Most people have heard of marijuana plants that give a person a “buzzed” feeling which is caused by the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is a psychoactive chemical. CBD is a different chemical, also known as Cannabidiol. This active compound does not have any psychoactive chemical and comes with many health benefits, according to limited studies.


Our bodies do not naturally grow muscle. It is one of the most challenging tasks of a bodybuilder and a fitness conscious person. We have catabolic hormones in our bodies that break muscle mass down. In order to reverse that issue a person needs to take anti-catabolic supplements.

CBD supplements could help a person accomplish that goal, by lowering the number of catabolic hormones in a person’s body. With lower catabolic hormones a person’s body will not be able to break down muscle mass as quickly allowing a person to increase his or her muscle mass.


  • For the best results a person should avoid caffeine. Caffeine can increase cortisol levels.
  • It is recommended that a person does not use supplements with caffeine.
  • CBD supplements should be used if you’re stressed out, smoke or have the flu or cold.


Absolutely, CBD is the opposite of your typical THC marijuana that makes you want to eat more. CBD has shown the ability to help regulate a person’s blood sugar levels. With regulated blood sugar levels there is less fat-storing hormones produced by the pancreas in a person’s body resulting in less fat being stored. Since more fat can be burned off as energy there will be less fat cells in a person’s body.

Along the same lines a person who is anxious on a regular basis can throw their cortisol levels out of whack. A person with cortisol levels too high or too low end up with unpleasant symptoms. One of those symptoms can be increase in weight, which most of us try to avoid. CBD oils or supplements can help regulate a person’s cortisol levels so that they peak when they are supposed to and lower at appropriate times.

Both of these pieces combined, regulated blood sugar levels and cortisol levels can help a person lose weight safely and appropriately.


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I have a prescription and find it helps in many ways.  I plan to continue with the prescription even when it's legal for recreation next month.  There are many good ways to get a prescription now so you don't have to rely on your family Doctor.  Mine took approx. 15 minutes total, didn't cost anything and now I can order through a licensed producer.

For me, I find it's good to have an assortment CBD and THC flowers along with different blends in Indica, Sativa and Hybrids.  I love the oil drops but vaporizing is really good and smooth also and much quicker to take effect of course.  CBD seems to be more accepted overall now but THC is really valuable medically as well and I hope the stereotypes will disappear once people get to know and become more used to it.  There's a good Canadian show on YouTube called The Cannabis Show which has a lot of great information.

Planning to have some CBD drops and maybe vaporize some Shiatsu Kush tonight to help ease some of my sore muscles and sleep good.  It really helps with Trensomnia also.   :classic_smile:

CBD oil made my anxiety worse!!!
Not all CBD is equal - there are different qualities and strengths.  If you get legit stuff from a licensed producer it has to say exactly what is in it.  

Also, like THC, there are Indicas and Sativas which provide different results.  For me, I find Indicas to be much more relaxing and Sativas are better when you want to think or work on various tasks, etc..  Also, CBD mixed with THC has a combined effect. 

Good luck,


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Thankfully out in beautiful BC it had become the “popular go to” with little research. I always choose locally made and produced, and know about the company producing it. Miss Envy is the brand I personally use! It has been a fairly amazing product for inflammation/arthritis and world extrenly well in animals too!!

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Just started to take cbd oil. So far I’ve found some mild relief on my fucked up arm, and it certainly has helped with anxiety and sleep quality, both of which are important in our worlds.

Very happy that I tried it

gave me a panic attack,im thinking my cbd oil was something else because everyone says cbd does the opposite. maybe @mbmuscle and I are both messed up ?