Can't squat? Try this


Feb 18, 2019
Hey guys,

Seen this video yesterday from John Meadows, IMO one of the best on youtube right now for bodybuilding.

I tried this training last night and let me tell you, I was hardly able to walk up the stairs to get out of the gym. I'm going to switch to this training for now and come back to squatting when my joints are going to like me more lol.

Let me know what you guys think of this if you try it in the future.

I actually gave this a go last night lol. It was brutal. 

I don't have a pendulum squat so I did that work on the smith with a more narrow and forward placed foot position so I could almost touch my ass to the floor. 

You don't need a lot of weight at all. 

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Hell yea, I love me some John meadows.  He’s a treasure trove of material.    Over the years I’ve built most of my quad thickness on the leg press machine.   I still do normal squats, because it does hit a lot of the smaller muscle groups in the legs, but I do them mainly to keep strength up.  Meadows has been around forever, and he’s just a super nice a like able guy, and one of my top favorite pros.  He shoots it to you straight, in the nicest possible way.   I might give that workout a shot this weekend.  I don’t have a pendulum, but I could make something work.  Looks to be a hella burn/pump type workout.  

back in the 70s all they really had were squats, different variations of squats, and more squats. But as the late 80s more machines started coming out and you can just see the evolution of leg mass and definition change on the top pros as the decades go by.   Like I said, when I learned the different foot positions on the sled, my legs started exploding.  My legs aren’t huge by any means, but well poportioned to my body