Carbon tax scam


Trusted Member
Aug 20, 2018
We are free from carbon tax today... filled the truck and saved just over $10

With the amount I drive that almost a free Mexico trip per year

Fuck carbon tax

We are free from carbon tax today... filled the truck and saved just over $10

With the amount I drive that almost a free Mexico trip per year

Fuck carbon tax
A country with only 36 Millions will never pollute it is extremely clear the carbon taxes is to pay for the Refugee and this is to replace you my brother šŸ˜žĀ 

The next set of taxes is the retarded masses vote him in again is,

plastic tax

pop tax

meat tax


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Kenny abolished the ndp placed carbon tax here in Alberta on Thursday night, but Ottawa is already in place to force a federal carbon tax on us shortly.

Well challenge it in court, and weā€™ll likely lose just as Saskatchewan did.

Fuck carbon tax and fuck Trudeau

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A country with only 36 Millions will never pollute it is extremely clear the carbon taxes is to pay for the Refugee and this is to replace you my brother šŸ˜žĀ 
Thatā€™s exactly it my man...they need money to replace the conservative white man

The next set of taxes is the retarded masses vote him in again is,

plastic tax

pop tax

meat tax

Lol fuck thatā€™s probably just the start, probably tax conservative views if he gets in again the cunt

honestly if he does get in again...I got some dough put away. Ā I may liquidate assets here and just ride out 4 years in Mexico fuck it

Kenny abolished the ndp placed carbon tax here in Alberta on Thursday night, but Ottawa is already in place to force a federal carbon tax on us shortly.

Well challenge it in court, and weā€™ll likely lose just as Saskatchewan did.

Fuck carbon tax and fuck Trudeau
Iā€™m hoping it canā€™t be enforce until itā€™s finished in court, and hopefully that rides out until election time. Ā We can live the summer free of this crushing bullshit tax

Iā€™m hoping it canā€™t be enforce until itā€™s finished in court, and hopefully that rides out until election time. Ā We can live the summer free of this crushing bullshit tax
IIRC, they imposed it in Ontario.Ā Ā 

Is it just me or does Trudeau have the most punchable face on the planet??

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Anyone that believes this tax scam is a fool themselves. The earth is going through her motions as it has been for billions of years. Low and behold InĀ come the liberals thinking a population of 35+ million will change that. Lmao, some people are just stupidly blind. Itā€™s actually getting colder, look at our summers, theyā€™ve been shit for the last 10 years and getting worse. We have like what, a good 1.5 months of hot weatherĀ now? If you look deep enough there are some good sites that actually support an incoming ice age with credible nasa images and proof of these trends. Donā€™t let the liberals andĀ media fool you people.Ā Ā 

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Even if - just for the sake of argument - even if someone believes in the worst case scenario of the climate 'emergency' fanatics, it still doesn't make sense.

Basically the government can't get anything right.Ā  They can't even figure out how to get the trains to run on time, not to mention healthcare, education, spiraling debt, and on and on and on...

But they want us to believe that they're going to change the weather by raising taxes???!!!

What a sad joke...

I have dreams about punching him in face. Oddly enough, those are the days I wake up with morning wood....
Haha...Whew! I'm glad I'mĀ not the only oneĀ šŸ˜‰

I really liked it a little while back where the guy gave him a really hard time for taking the photo op instead of helping sandbagging.Ā  Only thing that would have made it better is if he kneed him in the 'nads.

This won't be the popular opinion here but it doesn't matter if you believe in climate change or not. If we believe we need some form of government, we need some form of taxation to fund the government and whatever services it provides. Whether that is just courts, police and military or more, it needs to be funded. I believe in the non aggression principle. It is theĀ ethical stance that aggression is inherently wrong. In this context, aggression is any interference with an individual or their property. It is central to right wing natural rights philosophy. Related to taxation, anything that interferes with my individual rights and freedoms should be taxed. Your income does not interfere with my individuality and thus should not be taxed. However, when you take away from the collective commons it should be. So property taxes are inherently ethical because you owning land limits me from using that land. Taxes on any form of pollution are ethical. If you pollute my water supply or air I either cannot make use of these resources, have to clean the resources or pay to have it cleaned before I make use of it or I have to suffer the health consequences of using contaminated water and air. My right to health was impacted by something someone else did and thus they should pay into the public good. With that in mind, if you buy fossil fuels you will burn them and emit pollutants into the air, you should be taxed on that. The tax should not be transferred to the provinces to do what they wish, it should be used to address the reason for the tax.

Income tax, capital gains tax or any other taxes on my labor is unethical. Taxes on property, pollution (carbon), use of the commons that violates the NAP, etc. are ethical.

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This won't be the popular opinion here but it doesn't matter if you believe in climate change or not. If we believe we need some form of government, we need some form of taxation to fund the government and whatever services it provides. Whether that is just courts, police and military or more, it needs to be funded. I believe in the non aggression principle. It is theĀ ethical stance that aggression is inherently wrong. In this context, aggression is any interference with an individual or their property. Iļ»æt is central to right wing natural rights philosophy. Related to taxation, anything that interferes with my individual rights and freedoms should be taxed. Your income does not interfere with my individuality and thus should not be taxed. However, when you take away from the collective commons it should be. So property taxes are inherently ethical because you owning land limits me from using that land. Taxes on any form of pollution are ethical. If you pollute my water supply or air I either cannot make use of these resources, have to clean the resources or pay to have it cleaned before I make use of it or I have to suffer the health consequences of using contaminated water and air. My right to health was impacted by something someone else did and thus they should pay into the public good. With that in mind, if you buy fossil fuels you will burn them and emit pollutants into the air, you should be taxed on that. The tax should not be transferred to the provinces to do what they wish, it should be used to address the reason for the tax.ļ»æ

Income tax, capital gains tax or any other taxes on my labor is unethical. Taxes on property, pollution (carbon), use of the commons that violates the NAP, etc. are ethical.
I have no prob with a healthy disagreement.Ā Ā 

Basically, I'm on board withĀ mostĀ of your argument actually.Ā  Avoiding the 'Tragedy Of The Commons' issue is generally sound economic policy, I'll agree with that. This is basic ECON, but while taxation is a blunt instrument, I'll agree it's a valid tool in this case.

However, first of all CO2 is not pollution.

Secondly, we already have a HUGE carbon tax on gasoline now.Ā  Slapping more tax on gas and calling it a valid 'Carbon Tax' is straight-up deception.Ā  It is definitely a 'scam'.

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I have no prob with a healthy disagreement.Ā Ā 

Basically, I'm on board withĀ mostĀ of your argument actually.Ā  Avoiding the 'Tragedy Of The Commons' issue is generally sound economic policy, I'll agree with that. This is basic ECON, but while taxation is a blunt instrument, I'll agree it's a valid tool in this case.

However, first of all CO2 is not pollution.

Secondly, we already have a HUGE carbon tax on gasoline now.Ā  Slapping more tax on gas and calling it a valid 'Carbon Tax' is straight-up deception.
You can't say CO2 is not pollution. Anything that causes an imbalance from the natural state is pollution. If you dumped salt into fresh water, that is pollution. Using manure as a natural fertilizer can cause nitrogen run off into the water, killing fish and burning vegetation. Burning gas emits carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These are all natural gases but releasing excessive amounts leads to an unnatural imbalance.

Farmers should be taxed for their use of fertilizer and raising livestock. We would then compensate that when we buy the end product. However, they should not be taxed on their labor to run a farm, only inputs and outputs that cause pollution.