This is for my own personal research I am curious how many members got covid vs how many did not and

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Feb 11, 2023
 I general dont get sick in the first place maybe a sinus infection once a year and a real flu every couple years if that.

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Had it. Fucked me up. Coughing blood and shit. Lung issues lasted about 9 weeks post recovery. Good times. 

Wife had it, felt like shit for 2 days then all good....blah. 

Had it and was only mildly sick for 4-5 days was  no big deal for me other than my employer made me take a week off work 

I finally got covid after a stay in the hospital. The guy beside me tested positive and 2 weeks later I was sicker than I had ever been in my entire life. It was painful all over and I couldn't take any advil products because of blood thinners I am on. Absolutely brutal.