Cream of rice in a shake?


Aug 21, 2018
Wondering if anyone has tried this. I've been grinding quick oats in a blender and then added them to milk and protein powder as a carb source. This has been going well and I know oatmeal absorbs a lot of liquid when cold anyways as lots of people do overnight oats. Figured grinding it takes it a step further.

Rice sits easier with me than oatmeal. Obviously gains of white rice won't digest well uncooked but does anyone have experience with cream of rice added to cold shakes? Does the rice absorb at all or stay sand like?

For sure will work. Texture is a bit weird. Tastes fine. But I mean this is bodybuilding not exactly in the game for taste or texture. More function and ease. Haha. 
But Honestly I prefer the ground up quick oats like your already doing, but have tried cream of rice to see how my body reacts. I was told it was an easier digestive combo. For me it was no different (that I could notice anyway). So I just stuck with the quick oats (and some frozen strawberries). But that could just be cause it’s so routine for me with meal prep. 

For sure will work. Texture is a bit weird. Tastes fine. But I mean this is bodybuilding not exactly in the game for taste or texture. More function and ease. Haha. 
But Honestly I prefer the ground up quick oats like your already doing, but have tried cream of rice to see how my body reacts. I was told it was an easier digestive combo. For me it was no different (that I could notice anyway). So I just stuck with the quick oats (and some frozen strawberries). But that could just be cause it’s so routine for me with meal prep. 
Thanks for the reply, I think I'll stick with the oats as well. I'm currently using Fairlife high protein whole milk + 1 scoop of universal egg pro + 10g of collagen powder and 60g of ground quick oats. It's doing me really well, I've been using it twice a day. Today I tried two fat sources to see if I could bulk it up a bit. One I added 15ml of olive oil and the other I've added a tablespoon or two of flax and chia seeds. Just finished the seed one which was fine but made it thicker, almost too thick to get down. Tonight I'll try the olive oil one, I'm just hoping the raw oil doesn't just pass through me.

Try adding a small bit of extra water to loosen up the thickness. I’d avoid the added oils though, unnecessary when oats have plenty of fats alone. I leave my oats full size and let my shake sit for an hour in the fridge then enjoy it as is and usually get the rest out with what’s left in my BCAAs jug. Don’t overthink it, keep it simple. Guys we’re getting shredded and huge back in the day when none of this add this add that mumbo jumbo existed in bodybuilding. My 2c 👍

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