Creatine minus bloat


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Oct 26, 2018
I stopped taking creatine since last year, btu I know if I got on it my strength and endurance would jump However I am prone to easily bloating. I use micronized creatine, but there's still issues with it.

What's out there that's next level creatine that is minus the bloat

I stopped taking creatine years ago because of stomach pain and also because I didn’t notice anything spectacular at the dosage I was running.

I'm using Fusion Purple-K atm, no bloat whatsoever. Creatine monohydrate makes me bloat a little, but since I switched to Kre-Alkalyn type creatine, no bloating at all. I believe it does not cause the conversion from creatine to creatinine, so no bloating/stomach pain. 

^How much and where? is there generics like canadianprotein?

I go with personal experience, KA does not make me bloat. Some of my friends switched to it and same thing they do not bloat on KA. I say find the cheapest KA creatine you can, go with the recommended dose and see from there. I was the same at first, I didnt want to try cause X study said it was no different than monohydrate.. But hell it worked for me so..

All creatine does is saturate the muscles. The goal is intramuscular, actually intracellular, bloat.

If you are bloating fat, it's not creatine. It's either your diet or simply in your head.

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Well people say that, I thought so too, but the moment I stopped creatine, I didn't bloat as badly... I try to minimize my salt intake and to control it... can't be that all the anectodal evidence of ppl using creatine that there is no bloat...

I know that creatine in theory should help with muscle growth and genetic expression as per studies... and I know that i always recovered better, it wasnt even just the extra endurance or strength and size that was nice.. but the bloat in mid section especially sucked...

Well people say that, I thought so too, but the moment I stopped creatine, I didn't bloat as badly... I try to minimize my salt intake and to control it... can't be that all the anectodal evidence of ppl using creatine that there is no bloat...

I know that creatine in theory should help with muscle growth and genetic expression as per studies... and I know that i always recovered better, it wasnt even just the extra endurance or strength and size that was nice.. but the bloat in mid section especially sucked...
Why are you limiting salt? You should be increasing water to control bloat. Limiting salt to prevent bloat has been known to be relatively ineffective for a very long time. If you up your water intake do you still bloat? If you're actually bloated and not fat and it doesn't drop with proper hydration that is not normal and would be a medical concern to me. How much water do you drink consistently? Like what is the minimum you'll drink in a day over a two week period?

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Is there a reason you're concerned about the bloat? Id say the benefits greatly outweigh the minor bloat associated with it. 

Agree with blitz, I wouldn't limit sodium intake - water intake can help control excessive water retention. BUT keep in mind, if you increase water I would also increase sodium as to maintain a balance between the two. 

I’ve been off creating for the better part of a year and just started taking the purple k creating by fusion. I am loving the pump and the fullness I get from it! Also put on around a solid 5lbs in the first week. so obviously I am looking bigger and fulller.

over the years I’ve experimented with all kinds of creatives, mono, krealkalyn, blends and the one I found to be the most beneficial to me was creative magnesium chelate. It’s contained in the blend kreagong which works well too and is relatively cheap. But if anyone knows of a brand that carries straight creative magnesium chelate, let me know! 

I also find that if I take my creative about an hour before training with a fair amount of carbs I always get a great pump.  

my physician had me on 7grams of creatine mono for the last year and i begged to stop it because the gut bloat was too much to handle. Was gonna try HCL but don't wanna feel like garbage again. I miss the pump but it's not worth it right now. maybe next fall.