Cutting diet



What is everyone’s go to cutting diet , supplements , Gear . Be nice to see the difference as well as the similarities.

I'm carb sensitive so if I want a cut to work I need to drop the carbs to <100g/day. Anything more than that and I'll stall. Been experimenting with Tren + suicide cut at 1200-1500 cal/day. It sucks but I'm shedding fat slowly so it's working. Hoping to land around 7-8% BF after this 16-week cut. 

20 mins LISS cardio 5-6x a week mostly for cardio and BP health rather than cutting. I let the sex be my HIIT haha. 

Supplements don't change year-round. But doubled my milk thistle/nac/inositol/choline/vit c dosage for liver health

I suppose it matters what your weight/size is but damn that seems low!

Needing to drop that low might indicate something else might be going on. Do you get bloodwork?

When cutting I usually get my RMR tested ($80) then set my caloric level around there (it's been about 2200 the last few times). This makes sure that with some activity and training I'm in a solid deficit daily but not risking slowing my metabolism down. Then I go 2.0g/kg protein, 1.0g/kg healthy fats, and make the rest of the cals up with carbs - sometimes I'll drop lower on the carbs and higher on the protein though if I have a lighter training day and don't "need" the full glycogen stores. Fuel for the work required!