

Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018
So I had a bad year shoulder injury and health problems. I recently got everything in check including my shoulder. It is now a 100% once again just not yet where I used to be strength wise with pressing movements. 

Decided January 1st I was going to get in shape again. I was natural for a year at 205ibs at about 20%bf. Pre injury I was on average at about 210-220 at about 15% bf at 6ft tall and fairly ectomorphic.  

Fast forward to today I am on a cycle 500mgs test e and 200mgs masterone e a week for the last 7 weeks. I went from training weights 4x a week to 6. Also went from zero cardio to an hour a day 6 times a week. I upped my training volume from 10 sets a body part to 15-20 sets as well. 

I am eating 2000-2200 cals a day all clean Ezekiel bread, brown rice, fish, chicken breast and almonds. I have counted every calorie including some of the miscellaneous ones that get in here and there. 

My issue is after 7 weeks I am still floating between 195-197 ibs. I am not sure if my metabolism has stalled? I am recovering great from workouts. My endurance is skyrocketing, I am also making sure to stay in a reasonable heart rate. 

Other theory is maybe because I am coming off of injury I could possibly be fairly undertrained on top of having such a long break from gear that I am responding well and somehow gaining in a deficit? 

Could just be impatient I feel like I look to have leaned out, but I am still a little off from where I want to be.

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You should be dropping 1-2 pounds per week at that amount of calories, what are your macros? If you are visibly looking leaner I wouldn’t rely only on the scale though. You could be building muscle as well even on such low calories 

The thing is it gets harder to lose the fat the more you loose. People think that they should cut more calories when this is not the case. It’s counter intuitive. I’ve been there. There is info out there about this.