Dad bod be gone !!!!!



I’ve never done a log before but I’m currently sitting at 270lbs not pure fat you can tell I trained a lot very thick chest back and shoulders pretty decent shape considering my weight , so my end goal is to sit around a nice solid 235 to 245 lb range I’m going to take is slow because I’m looking for quality going to use more diet and nutrition and low amounts of gear I feel where I am getting older this will be the best way for me . As I start I will put minor updates here so bear with me I have never done this before.

I think I’m going to attempt the vertical diet see how it plays out.

I’ve never done a log before but I’m currently sitting at 270lbs not pure fat you can tell I trained a lot very thick chest back and shoulders pretty decent shape considering my weight , so my end goal is to sit around a nice solid 235 to 245 lb range I’m going to take is slow because I’m looking for quality going to use more diet and nutrition and low amounts of gear I feel where I am getting older this will be the best way for me . As I start I will put minor updates here so bear with me I have never done this before.
Just thought I comment b/c it seems we're very similar.  A couple months ago I was about 265.  Started TRT about 6 wks ago, down to about 238 now, with a few more to go, but getting there!

Added a little (and I do mean a little, low dose) RAD 140 for the last couple weeks and now I'm hitting PR's - all time PR's and I'm >50.  Couldn't be happier - good luck to you. A little test goes a long way!  Good luck!

Edit: FWIW,  I'm doing 16/8 time restricted eating with fairly low calories.  Supplemental protein only post workout.  Waist shrinking and muscles growing!

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thanks I’ll take any information I can, we should keep in touch maybe we can share things in our progress , right now I’m treading lightly with gear as I don’t have a solid source , I hope the admin doesn’t thanks that sentence as fishing because it’s not I’ve read the rules , I’m basically using the internet to nail something down until then I’m going slow.

do a log man,put all details of workout nutrition and lets get you going. forums are all about motivation,we support each other and motivate

Ok sorry guys I’ve been kind of neglecting this I’ve had some things in my personal life I’ve had to handle , and dad life but here goes , dropped about 15 pounds shape is coming along but I need to tighten up the diet and training has to be redirected as the number of days I train changes due to life and family, ok so gear is just 400mg test and 100mg Proviron, I feel good now no sides to speak of sex drive is great , after speaking with @GameChanger I will be adding some tren ace to the mix .

Ok guys just a little update had an amazing workout today chest heavy flat , incline , decline as well as flys felt strong had lots of endurance, the BT test e is definitely starting to shine, I did 30 min cardio session , eating was clean and on point all in all great day.

CBDB, just wondering how things turned out?  Thread jut kind of stopped lol.

Looking for some "it can be done" motivation.

No man I just slipped away with things , had some family stuff that took up some time , I’m still plugging away , but went in a total different direction , I’ve actually been gaining in a good way , shoulders are getting more round and wide , triceps are looking good for an old fart, I had a moment when I got out of the shower last week and said hmmm...... I’d fuck me haha.

My wife would divorce me hahaha , she’s 10 years younger I have to keep her happy 😋

I have been really busy with kids and family life , and getting promoted here , doesn’t leave me much time for this , and now helping members with things here , I can touch on it the best I can , so I’ve been eating super clean daily only one cheat day per week , I’m very impressed with my back development and the width , shoulders are almost where I want them , it’s my biceps I’m having an issue with for growth it’s always been a problem for me , so I over develop my triceps to give the illusion of a nice thick arm . Sorry I don’t detail things like some here , I just ramble along , guess it comes with old age.

triceps are what gibe size tho 🙂 Biceps are like 1/3 of arm size. But I know what you mean, I have the same issue. Some guys just grow biceps easy, I am one of those that don't, triceps grow better and easier.

@CapeBretonDadBod triceps are the bulk of the arm, but don't neglect to hit the biceps on it's different ranges and lengths. As well as stimulating the deeper brachialis muscle. 

Arms are an interesting animal to train. Many different approaches and thoughts.

@Vortex biceps are my nemesis doesn’t matter what I do , there is such a delicate balance with them to train them just right , most guys either under train them or over train them for such a small muscle group , that’s where I’m having it difficultly is finding that balance.