Deadlift question

Dec 6, 2018
Why is this the one exercise where i feel like i can always go heavier n heavier but my reps are always low even at lower weights.

Its like it drains the energy bar each rep no matter what the weight(so i always do low rep heavier weights). Unlike other big movements like squats or bench etc

Its a taxing movement that works a shit ton of different muscles, so you got to train yourself for higher reps. Saying that i always prefer to stay in the 5-8 rep range with deads. I gave up on the singles and doubles a long time ago

I never go over Triples unless the weight is under 60% The stronger you are the more draining deadlifts become. It is an incredibly neurologically taxing exercise. It should be programmed carefully as it can effect your entire training block.

The above is true, but you can also train yourself to own those motherfuckers. When i was still competing regularly in powerlifting, i was doing heavy deads every second day. To maxes, and hitting PR's of some sort almost every single time. I could do this for months. One day comp deads, 2 days later, Romanians, 2 days later, lighter rack pulls, two days later, snatch deads, two days later, Romanians again. If my back felt really beat up one day, i'd do lighter good mornings (Olympic style). On decent days, 5 or 6 reps. On good days, 2 or 3 reps. On shit days, 8, 10, or even 12 reps, or easier variants. On awesome days? New 1RM PR. Keep in mind we squat heavy on the same day... before or after. I've had all my serious clients do this too, all but me drug-free. No one died. Gains were incredible. Now... there is a way to do this... and you have to understand why and how, but its possible. I learned this (sort of) from a World Champion IPF lifter with many deadlift world records. 

It is incredible what the human body can withstand. So many people dont even come within the last 25% of what they are capable of.