Dealing with life, how is everyone?

Sep 25, 2018
I'm sure some of you know who I am, yet I see a ton of new faces so I'm sure some have no idea who I am lol.

Anyway, I been around for awhile so some old forum guys know me. I'm not really an old guy tho, just been on forums awhile since I just turned 31. 31 Isn't considered old yet right? 

Finally finished going back to school and now a registered nurse. Just looking for work now.

Life got stressful school, and some deaths in the family and I went down that road of neglecting myself. I ballooned up to 265 pounds at 6'1 and took a few months off from the gym. Getting my health back to my priorities now and going to work that number back now. I think I need to be around 200 lbs to be a health bodyfat around 15%. So I got a ton of work ahead of me but I just got back from a trip to ireland and feel rejuvenated.

I can't help but think long term, I feel as if mentally I'm now more stable with what I want. I don't want to be 'huge' or I don't care anymore about deadlifting 500+. I just want to fit, healthy, and functionally strong. If numbers keep going up on the lifts, no complaints tho hah. My max deadlift so far was 505 yet I think with memory muscle and if I'm injury free that is doable again even within my new focus.

I've been on TRT since I was 23, so still on that. No known cause for those wondering. I still feel like the gym/TRT/everyone on the forums helped turn me life around from that scared individual who literally was still living in my parents basement playing world of warcraft and didn't want to interact with anyone. Life is good now. I just need to realize that its my own responsibility now to make the choices of healthy foods and exercise to feel good....since I deserve it.

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Hey man, sound like you’ve got things on track just keep consistent, have goals, achieve them and surround yourself with good people.  Life has a way of kicking us in the nuts, but it’s those that stand up dust off and get back to the grind that see success.  I wish you continued success brother.

Your writing has a positive tone to it, that's great. Just keep doing what you're doing. I've been up to 255 lbs, fat. Don't look for a quick fix, just eat clean and train consistently and you'll get leaner. You're still very young.

Healthy balance is number one.  You don’t need to lift 500 lbs to be a bodybuilder.  Being lean and fit I bet would be a lot better for you as that is what you struggle with.