Diet needs work



I’m on my diet to drop more body fat it seemed like it was between good and spot on but something is  amiss somewhere progress just came to a halt and I’m not sure where or why , it there anyone here that can revamp or do a diet for me ? Maybe it will shock my body back in to progress. Only gear I’m on right not is basically a trt dose of 200mg test-e per/wk . Trying to clean out a bit more before my next blast.

Progress on any diet will eventually come to a halt because the body adapts.  Cardio should be utilized (walking) starting with a moderate amount daily ie 20min and then each week either maintaining or increasing duration slightly to avoid slowing fat loss.  The diet may be fine but the process is not static.  This means the diet, cardio , etc will all need to be tweaked in order to prevent adaptation.


@tedtrushbodyathletica I’m doing 30mins of cardio per day but maybe my training program might need to be changed ? Right now I’m training a failure rep range from 8-10 before I hit failure , so that might need to change ? And thanks for your reply.

I agree that a change should be made, the body adapts quickly to try and avoid change. You could lower calories or increase cardio. Maybe a bit of both? If more cardio than you currently are on doesn’t fit your life you could try another type. Say if your walking you could try stepmill, or my personal favourite HITT style cardio.

And of course (tho I avoid this and have limited personal experience) there are fat burners to aid in weight loss. Clen, ephedrine etc. Tho I’ve only experimented with ephedrine/caffeine.

do you have a rough idea of your caloric intake and do you generally adhere to a set value? 

@tedtrushbodyathletica I’m doing 30mins of cardio per day but maybe my training program might need to be changed ? Right now I’m training a failure rep range from 8-10 before I hit failure , so that might need to change ? And thanks for your reply.
If you are doing 30 min daily when was the last time that changed.

Typically cardio should be increased in duration over time, so if you started the diet at 30min daily by week 6 or so you would probably be doing 45 min daily.  If you havent changed the diet or cardio since starting then its a no brainer that your fat loss has stalled.

@tedtrushbodyathletica shit brother you hit that spot on , I haven’t changed at all with the cardio it’s always been 30 mins at the same speed and incline, I thought 30 mins was the magic number every day . I assumed that I just had to be consistent. So no need to add any other gear or a helio then just increase the length of cardio ?

Hey bro, don't know what your training schedule is like, but 10-15 mins cardio warm up before resistance training, then 20-40 mins cardio after. Weight training imo, is by far better at burning calories throughout the day. You muscle mass is your metabolic furnace. 

 As far as loosing weight it's easier than you think. All boils down to calories in vs calories out. If you want to get serious, get a food scale and start measuring and counting grams/ calories. Once you do it for awhile you'll get used to it and figure out what amounts to what. 

 Try to swing to a higher protein diet, 1 gram protein per pound body weight. Low glycemic carbs, lots of green leafies. Cut out all processed shit. Like Arnold said "Stay lean and mean". And it's true, first part of a real diet you'll be grumpy and hungry as hell. Your body will be fighting you at every step. Btw, don't know your family situation, but if they're not on board with your lifestyle decision, you will fail, or results will lag. Dad might have to have boiled chicken instead of hamburgers....  oh, and forget about wing night, 1 lbs of wings are aprox 1000 calories....

Good luck, stay focused, keep your goals in sight.

@Rosconow thanks for the support man, my family supports every aspect of what I do , it’s the only thing I do for myself, they eat what they want , and I eat my own diet , I’m going super clean right now , but my lifestyle with family is what’s hurting me , I have limited training time so it has to be intense but shorter than I’d like it to be , so diet has to be spot on , wife works 2 jobs , I do all the kids sports at night , I’m still prepping my food for the next day at 1am, I’m walking that slippery slope of trying to lose body fast and weight while trying to spare or gain muscle mass. Even my choices of gear and amounts have to be well thought out and spot on, this is why I appreciate guys like yourself and the rest of the members here for the information and support you all give.

Glad you mentioned food prep. A successful diet depends on it. Something me and my wife do on sunday is the weekly food prep. 

 We cook a whack of chicken brsts/ thighs for lunches dinner, dozen+ boiled eggs, protein oat bars (courtesy muscle beauty in recipies section) cut up veggies, lettuce in the spinner. All that food prep takes us to thursday for sure, a little bit into friday.  

 Another tip i was given by my old  training partner that i still do, eat your biggest meals breakfast and lunch, (snacks a given) but have a light supper ie, taco salad, chief salad, chicken caesar salad/ wrap.... basically salad with a protein, very little carbs.

 When dieting you should be going to bed hungry and waking up hungry. If you're not, you aren't burning your fatty acids for fuel. And if you take 10 grams glutamine before bed, it should help with muscle catabolism and recovery.

 Taking it to next level shit... fasted cardio in the morning while you're hungry as f_ ck and want to eat your arm off. You'll get results then for sure, i promise,  i know i do.  

@Rosconow that’s where I want to take it with the cardio just my schedule just won’t allow it at this time , I have to ram my workout into the shortest timeframe so the intensity has to be high all the time or it won’t work for me, my wife doesn’t get a day off she’s working 70-75 hours a week day and night she’s home long enough to sleep. I take care of everything else where I’m on disability right now. I refuse to let my lifestyle stop me where other people would quit I say fuck that if I quit I’m like every other candy ass that thinks this is easy if it’s not hard it’s not worth doing !