Digestive problems


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Oct 26, 2018
The topic is digestive problems, abdominal inflammation, constipation.

Reason for topic? Been having it for over 5 days now and I am struggling to resolve. I first had acid reflux build up, took baking soda, had some beef, buns, veggies, peppers, then the problem built up and hasn't gone down since.

Not sure if this is the best section to discuss this, but how often do you guys get it whether on or off gear? What did you discover were your root causes? How did you resolve them?

  • For starters, drinking enough water is important.
  • Adequate fiber from veggies/food or supplementation from gummies or metamucil/etc...
  • What foods cause indigestion for you? What about supplements or gear?


  • Extra virgin olive oil in the morning, throughout the day
  • Fish oil (not as valuable
  • Avoiding specific food once identified
  • More water
  • Teas (peppermint, chamomile, licorice, ginger)
  • Raw ginger/sushi ginger
  • Increased Magnesium supplementation throughout the day and before bed.
  • Magnesia Milk (nasty taste but meant for antacid and digestive issues, a type of laxative)
  • Herbal Diuretics ? To reduce bloat and water movement
  • AI (took half a pill aromasin daily to try and reduce the water)

The final thing, get an allergen test from the docs, I may have to, to figure out what's up.

I got a scare thinking is it liver inflammation? But I take TUDCA, NAC and Milk thistle year round, urine is clear, stool is healthy color/form.

My other scare was, did I develop beef allergy? Was eating fried beef strips in a bun, I've done it before however. Maybe this beef was bad? I threw it out, have avoided it since.

I'm open to ideas. Only recent gear addition is tren, but I've done tren in the past. Did I have this sort of issue before? Yes, but I usually resolved it within a day or two via ginger tea and raw ginger consumption, but not this time around.

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We often forget that our bodies are constantly changing, where sometimes thinks we could eat everyday now cause an intolerance, what's your bloods like? Did this just start since adding tren back cause I know for me anything after week 8 is a disaster and run into every side possible, could be the start of ibs, leaky gut syndrome, slow gastric intestinal tract lots of thinks to factor.. have you been bulking for a whole could be your body telling you to do a cut, I'm in a similar boat right now and that's what I ended up doing I'm 3 weeks into my cut and appetite is slowly coming back thankfully

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well it went away after 8 days.

It must have been bad meat or something... I have a friend who's sister experienced the same thing at the same time I did. So it coulda been shitty meat in the market. I'm not shocked, Canada has constant recalls on meat and vegetables, so fucked up our food supply.

The combination of shit I listed above really helped, and some of it I am going to continue using regularly. Plus the EVOO does help with skin quality I noticed on me lol, makes poop smooth in the morning too haha.

That's great news to hear.  Glad it got sorted, guess you should be more aware of what goes into you more often now that your guts are sensitive to this.

Glad you're feeling better. Might not be completely related to your case, but I was never a big fiber guy until a few weeks ago.  

I tried taking extra fiber here and there, but was never consistent and thought it would make bloated and gassy. 

Well a couple weeks ago, I looked in my cupboard and saw an old tub of sugar free metamucil. Thought to myself, why don't I try it before I sleep "as a snack" lol

Mixed 2 heaping tablespoons, drank it and off to bed I went. Next morning, drank my protein shake and coffee and got the urge to go to the washroom (this is why I put instant coffee in my shake, to encourage this). 

Not to get to graphic, but man did I go. Pretty solid but a lot lol... But what blew my mind when wiping the toilet paper was clean.

I thought, wow, I'll try it again tonight. And so I did. And worked great again.

After a couple days, in the mornings my stomach felt very flat. It's like I'm empty. And I swear to god, I must have been carrying a lot of shit in me, cause I swear my stomach is down a couple inches. 

Stomach was never blown out, but just doesn't have that little pouch pushing out (as much). 

So I'm definitely a believer in psyllium husk. Works wonders, and I have no idea why I haven't been consistent with it. 

Would recommend to everyone, especially those over 40 👍

Just as an update, haven't had issues, no need for magnesia milk.

I use sugar free metamucil gummies now throughout the day. I do drink green tea, peppermint tea, chicory tea ('smooth move'). EVOO and Omega 3 lemon flavor oil with each meal. I also take inulin gummies throughout the day, has some benefits on insulin sensitivity too.

Been doing good.

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Just as an update, haven't had issues, no need for magnesia milk.

I use sugar free metamucil gummies now throughout the day. I do drink green tea, peppermint tea, chicory tea ('smooth move'). EVOO and Omega 3 lemon flavor oil with each meal. I also take inulin gummies throughout the day, has some benefits on insulin sensitivity too.

Been doing good.
If ya feel like ur super backed up, castor oil will clean the pipes out. 
a beef allergy? How does one become allergic to beef? 
The bowls become inflamed because the contents of the food we consume cannot be fully broken down and absorbed by the stomach. Half digested food travels and becomes lodged and bacteria grows. 
limit the foods that promote the growth of bad gut bacteria. Medical medium on Instagram has a lot of “pseudoscience” on the this topic. 
the main culprits from my personal studies are dairy products. Really inflammatory.

if ya ate a bunch of things and become bloated cuz the pipes are clogged. A couple caps of castor oil will grease them up. I’ve been diagnosed with Crohns disease and so have both of my siblings. 
this is purely broscience 

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I’ve noticed recently too that the allergy rate and self diagnosis of allergies is on the rise, I’m sure I could limit the activities that make me more susceptible to allergies but thought it was really interesting to read a study about how the detergent packs we use in the dishwasher could potentially promote the erosion of our intestinal linings and stomach, the protective layer. Because they are not being fully rinsed off our dishes or more importantly they cannot be rinsed from our dishes especially when they are reformulated at such high temperatures through steam etc. 

wash your dishes in the dishwasher with one of those detergent pellets and put a few reusable straws in with the silverware, yes this is a calculated misnomer. But still, when the dishes are done, place that straw in a bottle of soda. And see what happens. 

that’s ur guts, no way to predict the way vinegar, or other acidic compounds may react inside ur stomach. 

I’ve noticed recently too that the allergy rate and self diagnosis of allergies is on the rise, I’m sure I could limit the activities that make me more susceptible to allergies but thought it was really interesting to read a study about how the detergent packs we use in the dishwasher could potentially promote the erosion of our intestinal linings and stomach, the protective layer. Because they are not being fully rinsed off our dishes or more importantly they cannot be rinsed from our dishes especially when they are reformulated at such high temperatures through steam etc. 

wash your dishes in the dishwasher with one of those detergent pellets and put a few reusable straws in with the silverware, yes this is a calculated misnomer. But still, when the dishes are done, place that straw in a bottle of soda. And see what happens. 

that’s ur guts, no way to predict the way vinegar, or other acidic compounds may react inside ur stomach. 
So what would happen then when the straw gets put in the bottle?? this is interesting
it definitely can be one factor that contributes to lack of bacterial growth in the guts and could lead to future immuno dysfunction.

Yeah apparently it's a thing, it's on the rise. I don't think it's beef allergies lol thank God, cause I've eaten beef since and I've been fine. Just a one off I guess, it must have been contaminated meat or something.

It seems lately in Canada everything is contaminated, just the other day they mentioned almond milk outbreak of something.


Alpha-Gal Syndrome, insane.

You can get it from ticks and the WEF 'ted style' talks and articles once mentioned "how about we induce meat allergies in people", yeah f off LOL. I'm being serious.

Anyways not to get off topic, but I've continued my routine of EVOO, fish oil with meals and sugar free gummies with fiber at night, I've been doing well since thank God.