

Trusted Member
Aug 20, 2018
I feel like a niche forum like this is the last safe place for open discussions, I still have the ironlifters tank and neck warmer,  from days long ago. I relied heavily on the info from this forum before any other mainstream jalopies were available. 

And in this day and age I think it’s atrocious to assume that someone would still post here with ulterior motives. Who are they trying to influence? Sure maybe 10 years ago when there were 10 different sponsors fighting for buisness and their reputation. Maybe a shit post phisher should get called out or even worse hit with the ban hammer.

I dono this lineage of boards has never steered me wrong and I absorbed a lot more than I ever contributed, kinda crazy though to discourage new posters with a fact check response, especially when engagement is at an all time low.

I’ll keep posting here, I’ve always checked in. Maybe someone will find camaraderie in my posts or they will have a differing opinion, that’s perfect. Let’s discuss. 

It's been a bit since I've posted on boards but I was just thinking about the good ol' days of Canadian Juice Monsters and Ripped Canadians and how we were all this big family.  

We still need these tight knit communities, and we need new members instead of us old guys to help bring in the blood and guts!  Too many fake natties, kids looking at chugging 4 litres of chocolate milk thinking they are going to get gains instead of getting real talk.  

I hate tiktok though...jesus christ it sucks, but i'm not a kid...so what do I know?! I don't even think a kid could even understand how to come to these boards and post, or even want to wait for honest advice instead of a click of their finger for instant information.

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i loved the boards back in the days but can we say it was a tight knit family?whether it was CJM or CM,it was always one sided. you either sided with the board admins and their labs or get banned. What happened to Olympic was a prime example of my statement. 

the new members will be in the tik tok gang my friend lol

I'm glad there's message boards like this still around.  We need a place for a community to grow and not be explosive like reddit and tiktok.  Glad to have you here.

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Have been away for a long time. Just got to thinking about boards from the past so back to take a look. Happy to see this thread. 👍