Dogtown log for prep


Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018

First all I want to say that this is an awesome forum!! Anyways I will be logging my prep for my two shows that I will be doing this year.  In 2018 I was able to win the provincial men’s physique overall.  So for this year I would like to do just as well! I will be starting my prep at the end of March.  

Current stats are 

5’4” 167lbs 14% bf

macros right now are 

600 carbs, 180 protein and 90 fat

I asked for advice here on the forums and the responses I got were the best so thank you for that. 

I will be running test enth, tren, masteron, winstrol, and maybe halo closer to the show, also switching esters closer to the show. 

Here are a couple of current pics and I will be keeping up on the log as soon as I start prep.



Looking jacked bud. And you are just starting your cycle now? Or have you been cruising? If just starting this an amazing start point. 

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Looking jacked bud. And you are just starting your cycle now? Or have you been cruising? If just starting this an amazing start point. 
Hey thanks for the compliment.  Haven’t started my cycle yet, I start at the end of March.  I haven’t been on anything for the past 2 months so I’m excited to start!

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Just a update for my prep. I’ve started on 400mg of test per week on March 4. I will introduce 200mg of tren e on april 8 and run it for 5-6 weeks. My macros are currently 200 protein 400 carbs and 50 fat.  Last week I’ve started cardio 3x per week at 20mins. This prep will be the shortest prep I’ve done.  I’ll keep everyone posted. Here is my current physique.


You look fantastic brother. You and I are the same height. You've got about 10 lbs on me at the moment. Your arms are where I'd like mine to be. 

In for the follow! Excited to see how you do this year. 

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You look fantastic brother. You and I are the same height. You've got about 10 lbs on me at the moment. Your arms are where I'd like mine to be. 

In for the follow! Excited to see how you do this year. 
Thank you so much! Hoping to do well this year👍🏽

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