Don Cherry



So I’ll be the one to ask , What does everyone think about Don Cherry being fired ? He was a big part of Canadian hockey , I watched hockey for coaches corner just as much as the game, I believe he should have been able to retire as that wasn’t far off , I personally believe it wasn’t quite as bad as the media is making it out and in some ways I see his point but his delivery could have been a little better but that’s Don Cherry.

I always appreciated Don's soft spot for active soldiers and veterans.  A real patriotic guy.  Criticizing someone for not wearing a poppy is fine.  Connecting it to race isn't, although he didn't exactly say that.  Up to Sportsnet to fire him if they want, and up to viewers not to watch Sportsnet if they don't agree.

But did he connect it to race? I thought he said “immigrants”. 

I should prolly keep my opinions to myself, but I’ve noticed a complete lack of respect from many of our “New Canadians”...

So much for free speech 

But did he connect it to race? I thought he said “immigrants”. 

I should prolly keep my opinions to myself, but I’ve noticed a complete lack of respect from many of our “New Canadians”...

So much for free speech 
Yeah, he didn't really explicitly connect it to race, but most immigrants now are non-white, so that's close enough I guess.  He may actually be correct, in that too many newcomers don't respect the poppy.  Fair enough, but it's not because they're non-white, but again, it's a bit of a stretch to infer this is what he meant.

But this is not a free speech issue though.  Freedom of speech is freedom from prosecution, not freedom from consequences.  If my boss fires me because I spoke something they don't like, well that sucks for me, but it's their right, not a freedom of speech issue.   There's another argument if it's on free time, but he was speaking on the boss's dime, and if they don't like it, firing him is within their rights.

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He also used those people , which could have ment anybody, it could have been delivered differently yes, but I think a suspension and a meeting as to why the suspension would have been enough to keep his tongue a little tighter.

I'm unsure if you guys actually heard the clip vs the text that is shown 

He said "you people, they come here" 

So who comes here? Immigrants do

I am originally from Toronto before I moved down south, diversity is big there. But even myself growing up, I barely seen kids and others throughout school wearing a poppy flower. I am referring to non immigrants here. 

I believe he made a big mistake by singling out a group of people, he has no right to do so. 

Free speech has limits, especially when you are a public figure 

My 0.02$

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I did not hear the “you people” phrase mentioned in our water cooler conversation. That does add a racist twist to the scenario...

Do you think there will be a backlash from his firing because lots of people do love the guy.

I did not hear the “you people” phrase mentioned in our water cooler conversation. That does add a racist twist to the scenario...
Not just you people but also specifically saying "they come here" etc 

Singling out immigrants. Bad approach on his part 

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Not just you people but also specifically saying "they come here" etc 

Singling out immigrants. Bad approach on his part 
Yes, my employees definitely had a bias when they explained the situation to me. I’ve seen clips of it now.. and as much as I like Don Cherry I’m inclined to agree with his employers decision... Very poor approach indeed.

Everyone has an opinion, so what if people get offended by it.... take it in, discount it or move on.

Oh wait, we have turned into a pussified snowflake state. Where personal opinions, and free speech are censored by the "woke" police of social media. I for one am so sick of social justice warriors inflicting what they think is "right" for the "all".

Off my soapbox now.